Tag Archives: Wedding

Four Pigeons

Four Pigeons……

This is the story about Four Pigeons.

This is a factual story.

This is what really happened a few days ago.

This is what started in Bishop Cotton School a few days ago…

We made it up to the gates of School; 25th March 2010; 0815 is when chapel started. An Old Cottonian had come back home yet again; this time it was a special journey. To bring his daughter and future son-in-law to his alma mater. That they be blessed within the sanctity of his beautiful chapel. The cool air, the crystal blue skies and the start of spring…

‘’ My children live in Sweden; they were born, brought up and educated there. A blue and green country. Where the air is so pure you can float as you walk, the forests so green and the paths so soft, one can feel how rich the environment is; well preserved, well protected. I know this is the least I can do for them; to make a small connection to my Bishop Cotton School; I hope and pray that the spirit of our founder and the spirit and brother hood of my brother Cottonians will always protect them where ever they will be ‘’

Headmaster Roy Christopher Robinson and Reverend Halder conducted the service and my words above were whispered to the congregation; we were called to the alter and beautiful words delivered; I was deeply touched. All heads bowed, deep in prayer.

03rd April 2010: Four Pigeons were delivered to me. White as snow; red eyes; fluttering…

04th April 2010: Three pigeons made the journey to Neemrana Fort & Palace, Rajasthan. They arrived in a large pink cage and were carefully taken along the high walled entrance and placed in the cool reception. That evening my daughter became a wife; her fiancé became my son-in-law. It was a perfect setting. My daughter looked stunning; my son-in-law felt even taller that his six feet, six inches. My brother, his son, my son and I were in pink raw silk, heavy silver paisleys and purple turbans…..the music rose from the base of the fort and wafted along the walls and floated up the stars. The pigeons slept.

05th April 2010: A small gathering in the morning at Neemrana. A small prayer; a hymn; I tried to say a few words but choked with emotion…..We placed the Pink Cage on the green patch of grass. The first pigeon was handed over to my daughter. She released the beautiful bird…it rose and landed close to her feet…refusing to fly. One by one the other two were released….finally all three white birds soared into the sky. We saw them flying in circles with the other grey pigeons and then no more.

The marriage contingent parted…..some went home and some like us went to search for The Tiger in Ranthambore. We were lucky…the beautiful feline emerged at 0645 hrs and we were silenced in awe! What a magnificent sight!! …The Pigeons still played on my mind.

9th April 2010/1830 hrs : The Swedish contingent were all packed….I gave a call to Roy Christoper Robinson. We exchanged pleasantries …….

’ Vivek’  he said……… ‘ The Three pigeons have come back home to BCS’

…..that was all.

Vivek Bhasin
Lefroy 1961-1970

Dedicated to the Four Pigeons; the Four Spirits of Cottonians. Three Cottonians flew back home.

The fourth: His soul flies over Simla and soars to great heights……he will never descend but continues to protect my children, your children and the future children of Bishop Cotton School.

Thanks to Roy Christoper Robinson: A world authority on Pigeons.