Tag Archives: Vinod Stokes

Vinod Stokes – Tribute by Deepak Stokes

Best Loser Award.
In our school there was no MVP award because in a team everyone is a MVP. But we did have the highest award “The Best Loser” award. Boxing was compulsory for everyone. When you had someone who fought back like a tiger and lost you got this award “ The Best Loser Award” In 1963, Vinod Bhai was the one who got this award. He had a battered face but was a tiger. The day before
he died I reminded [him] of this award and he gave me that funny smile. I told him that I was now awarding him the best loser award .. his opponent being stage 3 pancreatic cancer.
He never complained despite Whipple surgery; chemotherapy and 1 1/2 year of TPN.. IV fluids. He could not eat a spoon of food. Never complained even once.
This picture was taken 5 minutes before his Whipple surgery. He was well aware of the risks and high mortality rate. Looks like he is going for a wedding . He had no fear.
Love you Bhai

On March 3, 1957 my mother was ill. At the last moment I went shopping for a candy whistle and so we missed the last bus to my boarding school..B.C.S. So at age 7 my “older brother” Vinod age 9 took me to school in a rickshaw around 4 pm. As we entered the school gates he told me in his confident voice “everything will be O.K.”
He has always been there for me.
On August 4, 2022 around 4 pm it was my turn to take him on his last journey from this world. In September of 2019 he was diagnosed to have stage 3 pancreatic cancer. After going through a Whipple procedure and chemotherapy he finally lost the battle to the cancer. The last few days we spent together we talked a lot and in the end I did say “Bhai (brother) everything will be O.K.”. He gave me that smile that only close family and friends understand.
I will miss him. Bhai R.I.P.


Deepak Stokes

Vinod Stokes – farewell

Vinod Stokes [BCS Batch 1964] passed on August 5th 2022, as seen on a Facebook post this morning. Details unknown.

Our condolences to DK Stokes, and all of the Stokes Family, Vinod’s friends and loved ones.

From a post also seen on Facebook:

A dear friend from Harmony Hall, Thanedhar/Kotgarh passes away…  Vinod Stokes was the grandson of Satyanand Stokes (Samuel Evans Stokes) a pioneer American who settled in Kotgarh in Himachal Pradesh, married a local girl, created apple revolution and joined Mahatma Gandhi in India’s Freedom Struggle… Vinod Stokes studied at BCS  Shimla, & IIT Kanpur. He did PhD in Economics and Computer Science from Michigan and Stanford Universities…And was on the visiting faculty at IIT Gandhi Nagar.