Tag Archives: UK

David Browning / farewell dear OC

22nd Dec-2022

Message from David’s wife, Carol to Vivek [Bonnie] Bhasin:

Hello Bonnie.
This is to advise you that sadly David passed away on the 6 th.December.
Kind regards.

Dear Carol

I am extremely saddened to hear the passing of David Browning Esquire an illustrious Old Cottonian. May his Soul Rest in Peace.

I would appreciate as much information/background on David so most appropriately I will have our OCA Webmaster post on the BCS / OCA website please. ( House -years in school -your residence in Europe – your India visits and more..).

It is extremely difficult to find yourself alone; we all must take comfort on the long life you shared together and we must also celebrate the wonderful things you did together.

I am presently in India with my entire Swedish family to meet my Mum aged 90; we return to Sweden 6th Dec 2022

My Warmest Wishes and Kindest Regards; I know this would be a very solemn Christmas for you.

Please give me your mobile number so I can speak to you soon.

Please take good care of yourself.

With affection
( Capt Vivek Bhasin)
Lefroy House

BCS 2022 Cricket : UK tour

Message from Mr. Simon Weale / BCS Director:
Dear Old Cottonians, Plans are now well advanced for a BCS U15 cricket tour to the UK this summer from 8th-21st June 2022. We are just waiting for our visas. We are hoping to bring 33 boys on tour and to play a series of matches against a number of the top independent schools in the South of England. Our current itinerary includes the following fixtures
  • 9th June v Westminster School
  • 10th June v Culford School
  • 13th June v Merchant Taylors’ School
  • 14th June v Eton College
  • 16th June v Aldenham School
  • 17th June v Forest School
  • 20th June v Marlborough College
OCs will be welcome to come and watch matches (a full programme will be published closer to the time). On the evening of the 16th June we are hoping that an OC XI will play the Aldenham School Headmaster’s XI at Aldenham. If you are interested in playing in the match or in contributing towards tour funds please contact the school by email on director@bishopcotton.com

BTW, BCS just won the Cricket match against Lawrence School Sanawar. Congrats! Watch a video clip: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1053308961951434

Annual ‘at-home’ event / Barford Warwickshire

Saturday 29 April 9 OCs with some wives gathered at Barford Warwickshire – this is an annual ‘at-home’ event hosted by Sheila, wife of late Bobby Reed (R 41-46) – continues to his memory.
We believe this simple way to refresh our fraternal acquaintance and rekindle fond memories – this practice helps restore the Spirit of BCS.

The photo taken at the entrance of Watchbury Cottage of 9 OCs.
R to L School Captain 1954 Daljit Singh Jaijee (R 47-54) John Phillips (C 39-45) Gay Niblett (R 40-47) Joginder Chahal (c 44-50) our oldest member 93 Lance Jones (L 35-39)
Stringer ii (Lefroy 43-47) Peter Johans (I 44-48) Raj Lamba (L 49-59) Bambi SK Majumdar (53 – 59).

We enjoyed a dining-room full lunch after drinks & starters (samosas) in the vine covered conservatory where the girls dined – and thank you Sheila & daughter Jancis for your kind warm hospitality.

The afternoon is consigned to another nostalgic memory of innocent schoolboy camaraderie as count down the days for the 24 June OCA (UK) Reunion.

Fond regards
Peter Stringer ii (Lefroy)

Newsletter 2017 and lunch invite

As we all look forward to our Annual OCA(UK) Lunch at the Bombay Brasserie on Saturday 24 June, I thought to give you a quick update on the Pupil Exchange Programme between BCS and Marlborough College.

With great effort on the part of Mr Roy Robinson on the one hand and the continued support and keen interest of Mr Jonathan Leigh, Master of Marlborough College, on the other, a final date has been fixed for the BCS boys, accompanied by Mr Dinesh Thakur, to visit Marlborough 20 – 27 May. The Grade 8 BCS boys will meet up with their counterparts in the Shell Class and get a good idea of life at a British public School.

I am planning to go to Marlborough with our Chairman, Kuljinder Bahia, for the boys’ last couple of days at the school and hopefully take then out for a curry dinner there.

Since attending the OCA (India) annual lunch at Mr D.C. Anand’s Company HQ in Hauz Khas, my time spent as a Governor of BCS has seen me involved in pursuing not only the Exchange but, with Mr Anil Mehra’s initiative and pressure, to see big infrastructure improvements of the kitchens and the completion of the new residential quarters for the staff. Kuljinder’s generous contribution to the school has seen new model classrooms and the refurbishment of the House Comm0n Rooms, starting with Lefroy House – naturally.

The school continues to have good grades in their academic results and keep their heads high in the Interschool Debating contests and sports as well.

With the young BCS boys coming over to England, we now look forward to seeing a lot of older OCs at the Lunch and as many of you who can make it to London. I am going down to Somerset to spend a couple of nights with Bob and Gilly Myers and being joined there by Col. Bill Dewan and wife Neelam as well as Paddy Singh and Daniela.

Sheila Reed very generously continues to host a lunch at her home where there is a good gathering of some 20 or so OCs with their wives.

These meetings of OCs during the year are so important to keeping us all up to date with the lives of our old school friends. Chairman Kuljinder himself, holds gatherings in London where those living there, or passing through, meet up.

I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
With best wishes,
Gay Niblett [Hon. Life President OCA(UK)]

Dear Old Cottonians

The request goes out please come & join us for 2017 annual last Saturday 24 June at the Bombay Brasserie.

As a new comer to joining the Internet and with the kind assistance of the Web Master I have subscribed and followed two Reunion events. First in February OCA New Delhi & recently the Canadian chapter in Ontario, reading up, both splendid occasions. Shabash for keeping the Spirit of BCS. Our OCA(UK) London Reunions have always been a delight, joined by many from abroad adding that special fraternal togetherness. Even last year we had two consecutive years the Headmaster & Mrs Robinson attend. 2014 Mr Bhadwaj’s visit delivered his very personal moving speech. We have welcomed OCs from everywhere!

We full well know senior members are in decline and we call on younger members to remember…….from those who’ve gone before to those who’ve yet to come! From our chapter we lost Hashim Khan & Eric Waughray last April, Peter Travers in December & Ron Plunkett in February. Not forgotten but the personal memories we shared with them still remain.

And here is something I want to share – our stalwart Treasurer Puneet Singh has been blessed with a baby daughter – and congratulations Mum! OCA Nepal has opened a chapter in Kathmandu and celebrated dinners last year with visiting OC guests … Brilliant.

I have always felt a privilege and with pride my formative five years at dear Patina has illustrated for me our simple motto “Overcome evil with Good” does work & carries our Association into the future. Sharing news & experiences on the Internet is wonderful but the innocent simple luncheon meeting captures first place.

Well think it over – see you there

Yours fraternally
Peter Stringer Lefroy 1943-47

All OC’s and their family members are invited to attend OCA (UK) annual lunch, which is to be held on Saturday 24 June 2017 (11.15 am onwards) at the Bombay Brasserie, Courtfield Road, London (closest underground station is Gloucester Road).

Details of our 2017 annual reunion are as follows –

Date ​​24 June 2017 (Saturday)
Time ​11.15 am onwards
Venue ​Bombay Brasserie, Courtfield Road, London SW7 4QH
The closest station is ​Gloucester Road
1. Bombay Brasserie will charge us £32.50 per person for food. Please therefore pay in advance by telegraphic transfer (preferred method) or by cheque.
Telegraphic Transfer
Lloyds TSB Bank
Sort Code ​30 93 84
Account Number ​00126972
Reference ​Please insert your name (plus number of guests)
Please make your cheque payable to OCA (UK) and send it to our treasurer Mr Puneet Singh, 6 Sheridan Court, 47 Belsize Road, London NW6 4RY. Please write your name on the reverse of your cheque. OC’s can also contact Puneet on 07841590990 or puneetsingh932@hotmail.com
** Any donations to OCA (UK) would be greatly appreciated.
2. You will have to pay additional for your drinks (prices are approximates and might vary).
a. ​Bottle of house white / red wine – £24.20
b. ​125ml glass of house white / red wine – £6.60
c. ​Beer – £6.60
d. ​Soft drinks – £3.30
3. If you have any questions about the reunion, then please get in touch with Mr Puneet Singh using the details shown above or Mr Gursant Sandhu on 07788716525 or gs@notarypublicgs.co.uk.