Tag Archives: Sheila Reed

Annual ‘at-home’ event / Barford Warwickshire

Saturday 29 April 9 OCs with some wives gathered at Barford Warwickshire – this is an annual ‘at-home’ event hosted by Sheila, wife of late Bobby Reed (R 41-46) – continues to his memory.
We believe this simple way to refresh our fraternal acquaintance and rekindle fond memories – this practice helps restore the Spirit of BCS.

The photo taken at the entrance of Watchbury Cottage of 9 OCs.
R to L School Captain 1954 Daljit Singh Jaijee (R 47-54) John Phillips (C 39-45) Gay Niblett (R 40-47) Joginder Chahal (c 44-50) our oldest member 93 Lance Jones (L 35-39)
Stringer ii (Lefroy 43-47) Peter Johans (I 44-48) Raj Lamba (L 49-59) Bambi SK Majumdar (53 – 59).

We enjoyed a dining-room full lunch after drinks & starters (samosas) in the vine covered conservatory where the girls dined – and thank you Sheila & daughter Jancis for your kind warm hospitality.

The afternoon is consigned to another nostalgic memory of innocent schoolboy camaraderie as count down the days for the 24 June OCA (UK) Reunion.

Fond regards
Peter Stringer ii (Lefroy)

Barford lunch 4th May 2013

ocs-in-barford-4-may-2013Gathering of some older Old Boys with their Juniors on Saturday 4th May at Sheila Reed’s house in Barford, Warwickshire 

Sheila Reed keeping up the tradition started with her late husband Bobby (Rivaz 4-47) hosted her annual lunch at her lovely home in Barford on a bright but nippy day. There were 25 people in all, including her family who have become  intergrated with the OCA.  Sheila’s daughter Jancis provided a delicious  selection of home-made puddings to set off the rest of the feast.

OCs and wives present were ‘Jogi’ Chahal and Dorothy, Ian Johnson and Barbara.Raj Lamba, ‘Bambi’ Maljumdar and Susan, Gay Niblett, John Phillips and Catherine, Peter Stringer and Maggie, Paddy Singh and Daniela, and Brian Moray and Pru.

The men were kept away from their wives to save blushes from the intimate conversations, not to mention the jokes flowing from the conservatory where the ladies were gathered. Or was it the other way around-my short term memory leaves me doubtful…

Suffice to say that, with the ready flow of wine and beer, a great time was had by all. Those having to travel by car left in the evening, the others returned next morning for a farewell ‘coffee and buns’. All looked forward to meeting up again at the Bombay Brasserie in London on Saturday 29th June.

Our sincere thanks to Sheila and her family for their kindness, hospitality and the superb organization, which makes this such a delightful precursor to the AGM at the end of June,


OCA UK – Spring 2013 Newsletter

Message from Mr. Peter Stringer

Our Secretary, Gursant Sandhu has invited me to relate my report adding to his Spring Newsletter.

Having said many times before as we grow older correspondence begins to wane. However, my efforts to tell the stories in our lives sometimes is not all that interesting. Life does slow down and slowly there is less to report. Meeting friends and making new acquaintances socially helps to keep going. So just to remind you – “KEEP THE SPIRIT OF BCS”.

Late as it maybe I thank you all for your Christmas wishes and New Year greetings and hope Santa hovered over your rooftops and sprinkled good cheer for 2013! Last year flashed by. Suddenly all at once comes to mind – tributes to our Sovereign Queen in her Jubilee Year celebrations, the British victories in both Olympics. Our own OCA (UK) successful Reunions here at Fairlands and the Bombay Brasserie. The Stringer family summer holiday in the Cotswolds. The faltering world economy and the US has given Obama another term (which I am sure did not please many). The ferocious hurricane storm Sandy we watched in horror on TV. Our own dreadful summer with devastating floods leaving thousands broken hearted and homeless and at Christmas time. And last 8th December recounts my arrival at London’s only international airport Heathrow 54 years ago. Stepping off the Iraqi Airways tin-bird and walking in the chilled evening air to the immigration check desk in a quaint building. Leaving the desert wilderness of northern Iraq, and down through Baghdad, having no clear idea of my future just ecstatic joy to finally be in Ole Blighty approaching the holiday Season. But my inner feeling sadly unsure, after making the desperate decision not to return to INDIA and my family, but to head West in search of better opportunities for my future career. These serious thoughts I have carried and always cherish the love of my dear late parents. Even today in England ‘fings aint wat they used to be!’ Gosh how times and things have changed– starting at Heathrow – beyond recognition and vast. London Town now manifests a towering skyline, roaring traffic, and populated with people from all over the world jabbering their own language. Lost is the articulate quintessential Englishness of Old England.

1st December 2012 OCA(UK) boy’s fun night-out winter Reunion at the Noura Restaurant in London’s posh district of Belgravia. Around thirty attended; young and younger OCs was a delight to meet, unable to record all the names. Adding a little Lebanese sophistication to the venue we were pleasantly entertained by a youthful beautiful belly dancer. Greatly enjoyed, the evening was organised by Chairman Kuljinder Singh Bahia and Secretary Gursant Sandhu.
Heading the list of veterans were Lance Jones L 36-39 (who will clock 89 this year-came with his son), Peter Tavers (R 42-45), Gay Niblett (R40-47), Raj Lamba (L49-59), brothers David and Homer Gill (L 66-73), Rana Dattar Singh (L), Vijay Bhalaik who recently attended his 25 Year Reunion at BCS-telling us the School was looking good. His parting shot was OCs from all chapters should begin to address a profile to improve the grade of teaching staff at Patina.

The status of teacher’s job in a school is defined by more than just pay. It is actually the respect we give that roll and how to encourage them to enter, cope and stay. In my school years we had respectable and dedicated masters who strictly maintained discipline and fairness throughout. Above this I had the love of my parents and a truly grateful for their vision in choosing to send me to BCS. Exclusive and very fortunate – favoured from among umpteen millions, to attend such an institution situated in outstanding and delightful elevated surroundings, with such clement weather.

I am heartened to hear the exchange students with Marlborough will full operate from April. Thanks to the great effort and valuable time Gay and DC have spent. Gay very kindly keeps me in his circle by e-mail (through my daughter Marnie), phone and letter. Jal Boga in Canada who regularly corresponds by e-mail too (through Marnie) hopes someday to visit Simla one last time. Peter Johans in Switzerland expresses the same wish and tries to coax me to accompany. Coincidentally Elisabeth and Peter Johans came over to spend the month of February in their English home at Walberton. We were planning, as they asked us to spend a few days with them. Peter rang, surprisingly back in Switzerland; Elisabeth’s mother who I believe is 92 had quite suddenly taken ill – pray all is well.

Sheila Reed was over one afternoon having visited her daughter Caroline, near Esher. She has penciled in Saturday 4th May for OCs get-together at her cottage in Barford, Warwickshire.

Arthur Jones and I are in regular contact over weekends on the phone. He has moved into a bungalow after selling his house in Fulbourne, Cambridge to be closer to his daughter Julie. He rang telling me to watch the NDTV program as Ruskin Bond (BCS ex-pupil) was on-Walking the Talk. Very good, I last saw Ruskin in 2004 in Mussoori. He is such a congenial easygoing fella.

Vinny Nanda and Raja Lamba are the only younger OCs who chat to me over the phone now and then. They tell me they do not hold any committee meetings like we used to at Vinny’s home. We did enjoy all those occasions and the Indian Khana later.

John and Catherine Phillips keep regular contact and last December Catherine celebrated a milestone birthday inviting Clive and Shirley Hardie, Elisabeth Evans (late Lumboo’s wife), Evelyn Petters (late Malcolm Petters wife who was on holiday from Perth Australia) and Maggie and I. Elisabeth fully animated recounted her month of charity work teaching and stay at a young children’s orphanage close outside New Delhi. Occasionally I have a call from Dactaree Allan Bapty who tells he hears by e-mail from Peter Maidment (40s) who would like news about our UK Chapter. Wendy Dewan rings from New Delhi with long exchanges and Napinder Chahal Singh from Patiala rang to wish me a happy 80thBirthday! His brother Joginder and Dorothy Chahal returned earlier in the month after spending over six weeks with them in Indiaaah! Joggy informs me the Patiala wallas that I met on my trips are slowly beginning to fade away. I sometimes receive calls from Albert Morley (I 42-47) outside Perth AUZ. (Albert was my mentor in his father’s company career training me as a ground-drilling engineer). Johnny McLaughlin in Michigan and Deep Sidhu in New Jersey correspond to my letters. Canadians Paul Jones in Vancouver and Gerry Godhino in Toronto have dropped off my radar. I was delighted to receive news with a Christmas card from Kathleen and Bunny Price (I 32-40) in Ontario who were moving house to downsize. (Kathleen is late Freddy Brown’s sister).

Fascinatingly surprised is how our BSC fraternity in England has survived-(established in 1928). The Spirit of our chapter lives on even after my 66 years leaving Patina and knowing my fellow contemporaries. Is that not something we can be proud of? What is more amazing, is when I consider many now in our 80’s and still share this common unique distinction!!

I’ll raise a toast to that and may it continue.

Finally, to add more good news – Puneet Singh has returned from Paris and joins the Fold again and willingly takes up stewardship as our Association Treasurer. March 23rd, Maggie and I have been invited to Shirley and Clive Hardie’s Diamond Anniversary (Clive was my House Lefroy and School Captain 1947).

D.V. Wednesday 26thJune, Maggie and I will host our Fairlands ‘Khana on the Lawn’ from OCs=please let us know if you will come? TILL THEN look forward to meet at the Reunion.

Message from Mr Gay Niblett

I am writing to let everyone know how we are getting on with the pupil exchange programme between BCS and Marlborough College.

Last year Max Adams and Rory Manley from Marlborough spent a long and very successful time at BCS on the first exchange. They later joined OCs at the Bombay Brasserie for the Annual Lunch.

This year Sam Green and Hugo Wilson went to BCS from 15 February for a month. However, prior to going up to BCS they were entertained at the HQ of Anand Group India in Delhi, having received the hospitality of Mr Deep C. Anand’s guest quarters in Gurgaon. A Reception was organised by Mr K.C. Anand where the Master of Marlborough College, Mr Jonathan Leigh and his wife Emma were Guests of Honour, along with the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, (an Old Cottonian himself) Virbhadra Singh (Ibbetson). The Headmaster of BCS, Mr Roy Robinson and his wife came down from Shimla to be at the Reception along with a number of distinguished OCs and their wives. Speeches were made and the Master and his wife were given a number of mementoes from BCS including the book celebrating our 150 years. In all, a most successful gathering to help cement the bond between our two schools and their Heads. Hugo and Sam were accompanied up to the School and are living and working there under the eye of Mr Praveen Dharma who has been the liaison office in BCS, working with Mr Mark McVeigh – International Liaison Coordinator for Marlborough College. These two gentlemen, along with Mr K.C. Anand are now involved in ensuring that Raghav Gandhi, School Captain of BCS and his fellow pupil Manvendra Tomar, obtain their travel visas for the UK and then make their journey there on 20 April. They will be met, looked after and spend a month in Marlborough College as the first boys from BCS to live and enjoy the experience of life there.

This programme has been the result of the work, dedication and support of the Master of Marlborough College together with Mr McVeigh (who will be joining Marlborough College, Malaysia in August as 2nd Master). Background assistance has come from Mr Martin Evans, Secretary of the Old Marlburians and Jane Pendry, Alumni Relations Manager of the Marlburian Club. From BCS we have the support of the Headmaster Mr Roy Robinson and Mr Praveen Dharma. Mr K.C. Anand has helped in the promotion and organising of the boys, their parents and various officials and Mr Deep C. Anand has been most generous in putting up the Marlburians and providing his HQ for the Reception.

All these people are acting in the promotion of a closer relationship between our two schools. It is helping to provide opportunities for boys of both schools to gain experience outside their home environment in a new country which will stand them in good stead for not only their higher education but for life in this very globalised world in which we all now live.

A vote of thanks to them all. Hopefully we shall see all four of these boys at our Reunion Lunch in London at the end of June, when we might also have the Master of Marlborough and his wife as our guests.

Message from Kuljinder Bahia (Lefroy 1990)

Greetings to all the Old Cottonians. We had a successful summer 2012 and an action packed winter 2012 reunion. It gives me great pleasure that so many Old Cottonians attended the 2012 reunions and I hope that the summer 2013 renuion will also be attended by many from mainland United Kingdom and also from overseas. For me (and I hope for all the OC’s), the reunions are remarkable in the sense that they kindle memories of my school days spent in the “crowned hills” and these memories bring tremendous joy.  I hope that we can keep the OCA UK Chapter alive and build upon the foundations of the hard work of Mr Peter Stringer, Mr Gay Niblett and all the other dedicated OC’s.  I look forward to our summer 2013 annual luncheon and I hope to see all of you there.

Note from Gursant Sandhu (Ibbetson 1983-1990)

Details for the OCA (UK) Chapter’s Annual Summer Reunion are as follows:

Date : Saturday 29th June 2013

Time: 12:00 hrs

Venue: The Bombay Brassiere (off Gloucester Road Tube Station).

I request all OC’s to attend and to complete the attached attendance slip and return to me.  I take this opportunity to thank all OC’s who took time from their busy schedule to attend the 2012 annual Luncheon and also to those who attended the 2012 winter reunion.  I also wish to thank Mrinal Vijay, a younger OC, who has helped in getting this newsletter to your doorstep.

Details of Committee members:

  1. Chairman: Kuljinder Singh Bahia, Palmoak House, 19 South Road, Southall, Middlesex UB1 1SU  Tel: + 07801181044 e: kuljinder@southalltravel.co.uk
  2. Senior Committee Member: Raj Lamba 12, Western Court, Huntley Drive, London N3 1NX    Tel:+44 20 8349 1041
  3. Senior Committee Member: Vinod Nanda, 37 Melbury Avenue, Norwood Green, Southall, Middlesex UB2 4HS     Tel: + 44 20 8843 0027 e:vinod@tata.co.uk
  4. Secretary: Gursant Sandhu  86 Cranbrook Rise, Illford Essex IG1 4PD Tel: + 44 7788 716525      e:gursant@yahoo.com; gs@lloydsolicitors.co.uk
  5. Treasurer: TBA

OCA UK 2012 get-together Newsletter


2012 is moving on, MAY & JUNE have come and gone, but the inclement weather still persists. Reviewing these past two months our Old Cottonian fraternity awoke from winter slumber. Believing in March the unusual warm spell herald an early summer – no – no – no!

Nevertheless, late Bobby Reed’s wife Sheila and family invite to their “afternoon at home” ‘Watchbury Cottage’ in Warwickshire, May 5th brought OCs together – Gay Niblett (R 40-47) Catherine & John Phillips (C 39-44) Arthur Jones (L42-48) Raj Lamba (L 49-59) Susan & Bambi Maljumdar (I 56-59) Joan & Jess Pudwell (C 42-47) Paddy Singh (C 53-59) Jagat Aulakh (R 58-66) Dorothy & Joginder Chahal (C 44-50) Maggie and I.

30th May the Himalayan Hill Schools Reunion at the Clay Oven at Alperton near Wembley a handful of OCs attended this biannual occasion – Allan Bapty (R 36-44) John Stringer (L 42-45) Peter Travers (R 42-45) Gay Niblett (R 40-47) Paddy Singh (C 53-59) Elisabeth & Peter Johans (I 44-48) Maggie and I.

The weeklong Queen’s Diamond Jubilee fulfilled the loyal Royalist dream of splendour. The nation rose to the occasion as we watched on television the mighty flotilla of over a 1000 boats sail with Her Majesty along the Thames. The pageantry continued celebrating with thanks a Royal concert, a very special blessing in St Paul’s Cathedral and then a RAF Fly Past. Deep depression was relieved in spirit as Britain smiled with pride followed another Saturday later at the Trooping of the Colours.

Finally OCs smiled too in JUNE on the last Saturday a wholesome gathering at our annual favourite choice – The Bombay Brasserie. Yes we too can celebrate with tradition and honest pride recalling our school days in dear PATINA nestled among the pines down Knollswood Spur Simla EAST! I pause for thought to remind you of the penultimate meet of a few OCs the Wednesday 27th before, at Fairlands Whyteleafe. Maggie & I host our ‘khana on the lawn’ and thank the heavens the sun did shine. Attended – Peter Travers (R 42-45) three veteran Rivazites arrived in style a chauffer driven black limo – Humayun Khan (40-47) Gay Niblett (40-47) and Deep C Anand (47-51). Elisabeth & Peter Johannes Raj Lamba (L 49-59) late Bobby Reed’s wife Sheila, Gursant Sandhu (our new Secretary) and his charming wife. From LaMartinea – Cris Kishanan, his wife Pat and a lady friend from Switzerland. To complete the list Paddy Singh (C 53-59) keeping Indian time as usual arrived after everyone had left at 7pm. I fussed with drinks and Maggie attended his late khana!

What I must add before this bulletin closes – my heart is filled with gladness to have shared another happy and joyful OCA (UK) Reunion. Then I realize that apart from my immediate family, this probably is an important relationship in my retired life. At that luncheon I found the platform is set for the future and a stronger OCA brotherhood. We have chosen well a young Chairman and Secretary that understand the powerful BCS bond that cuts across the generations for your support. So remember using a Kennedy metaphor “Not what OCA can do for you — but what you can do for OCA”. . Each member is important and support is paramount.

OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD and God Bless our UK Association.

Enjoy the coming months; hope to meet some of you this year and meet you all again in 2013.

CHEERS from an old LEFROY boy

Peter A Stringer (L 43-47)