Tag Archives: Sesquicentennial

For starters…. [from Peter Stringer]

Stories by photographs
Spread the news – Get Involved!
Best regards, Peter

BCS Sesquicentennial Jubilee Polo Cup – 2009

BCS Sesquicentennial Jubilee Polo Cup  – Barbados Polo Team Vs Cottonian Polo Team

BCS Sesquicentennial Jubillee Polo Cup 2009 was played at Delhi on 24th October, 2009.
Regards – Vikram Sodhi  C1962-71

Barbados Polo Team
Ms Vicky Gonsalves -1 goal
Mr. IJ Singh +0 goal
Mr. Jeff Evelyn +1 goal
Mr. Stephan Williams +1 goal
Total +1 goal

Cottonian Polo Team
Mr. Mahesh -2 goal
Mr. Sumer Singh +0 goal
Mr. Rohan Saharan +0 goal
Mr.Vikram Sodhi +1 goal
Total -1 goal

Mr. Brian Alexander
Mr Philippe Crae
Col (Rtd) Raj Kalaan
Mr Arun Kapur



Congratulations Cottonian team!
For those who might be interested, Vikram Sodhi also runs the “Cafe Polo” which is located at
19/48, Community Centre, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110021, India. Phone 011 26112417?.




BCS Sesquicentennial – Collection of press-cuttings

img001BCS Sesquicentennial 2009.

Mrs. Dorothy Chahal and Mrs. Napinder Chahal collected as many press-cuttings as they could find in various papers and sent a bunch of these for all OCs to enjoy, especially for those who could not attend.

Thank you!

The collection is available in a PDF file to download [6.5mb in size, so please be patient while the file downloads].

MESSAGE OF THE CLASS OF 1954 – those who attended the Sesquicentennial



This is the message from the eleven members of the 1954 class who gathered at Shimla from the four corners of the globe for the sesquicentennial celebrations of Bishop Cotton School.

55 Years Ago, the school equipped us with the qualities of character, courage, resource, honesty and dedication of purpose and sent us out into the world to take our places as citizens of society. After 55 years we have now come back to compare notes on what we did, where we went and to tell our “Alma Mater” that where ever we went we tried to live up to the expectations of this great Institution, the BCS.

These are the individual stories of the boys of the 1954 class who having battled against overwhelming odds to establish their niches in their own spheres and have come to pay homage to their Alma Mater and tell their stories.

Behram Irani: He came all the way from Geneva (Switzerland). He worked his way up in the sphere of Finance against tremendous odds and is now considered in Switzerland as an authority on the subject (Teaching the Swiss in what they are most famous for Finances). 

Sumanjit Singh:  He came from Munich, Germany to tell us about his remarkable story. He graduated as a Mechanical Engineer and is now with the Audi Auto Plant where he is teaching/assisting the Germans in what they are best at i.e. making cars.

Dr. Daljit Singh:  He is a renowned and highly respected dentist in Hounslow (a suburb of London) and brought with him a fascinating story of how he had worked his way up in a foreign land and established a name and reputation for himself and kept the school flag flying.

Inderjit Singh Chadda:  He came from New Zealand where he is now settled in Christ Church (and apart from his Consultancy in Travel and Tourism; he has also taken up considerable amount of social work). His is a remarkable story of a career as an Airline Pilot (Captain) of Air India and Malaysia Airlines and of his journey to New Zealand where he is now settled.

D Singh (Cecil): A member of the Royal family of Patiala. His is the story of a man who inspired his wife (Smt Amarjit Kaur) to be elected as a Member of the Parliament and become a very prominent and respected person in political circles in Punjab.

Rajju Gupta: He has established himself in his Century old family concern as one of the most well known suppliers of Ceramics bath room fittings in Delhi. He has graciously promised a special discount to old Cottonians hereafter.

 Brijesh Narain: He hails from Delhi and narrated the story of his remarkable career as an Executive and now has set up his own factory in Delhi.

Col Robindra Dewan (Alias Wendy Dewan):  An alumni of the National Defence Academy he was commissioned into the Armoured Corps, where he commanded a Regiment with distinction. At the same time he excelled in Cricket and was selected for the Inter Services Cricket Team. But his most remarkable innings has been after retiring from the Army. He has settled in Shimla and has done yeoman service for the school. Wendy Dewan has been the back bone of the OCA for the past 20 years. We owe it to him for getting us all together for the great celebration.

Ranjit Puri:  In the Class we remember him as the one who got successive double promotions. A sugar baron of renown. His is one of the most respected names in the sugar manufacturing industry in Northern India.

Maj Vijay Singh Mankotia:  A member of one of the erstwhile princely families of Himachal Pradesh. An alumni of the Indian Military Academy where he had the unique distinction of being awarded the coveted “Sword of Honour”. He was commissioned into a Gorkha Regiment and served the Army with distinction. He took premature retirement and took to active politics where he is remembered as one of the most versatile as Minister of Tourism of Himachal Pradesh. He has thereafter done yeoman service to the School.

Brig Harish K Dhawan: He is also an alumni of National Defence Academy and was commissioned in the Corps of Engineers in 1958.  A Post Graduate Engineer, he has also taken active part in the UN Operations in Congo in 1962-63 and Indo Pak Wars in 1965 and 1971. In the Corps of Engineers he took up sailing and was a National Champion in Yachting. He has now settled in Delhi.

Some of the others who could not come were Paul Tonk, Vinnie (Toti) Aggarwal and Jogi Rudra.

The Message which all of us want to convey is that wherever we have gone out in to the world we have tried to live up to the standards set for us by the school; so that people could say, “There goes a Cottonian – a man of courage and character”.

Our message to the school (which put us through our paces) is that

We have come from the four corners of the globe, on this occasion and to say that we thank the school for putting us through our paces so that we could stand on our own feet and take our places as respectable citizens in society and that we have not been found wanting in any manner”.

We have participated with joy in the festivities of this occasion. We all watched with great happiness and satisfaction the high class shows the school had put up, and the meticulous manner in which all the activities were planned. We go back with great sense of satisfaction, knowing that the school is in safe and capable hands.

 In conclusion I would like to borrow an expression which I want to say on my behalf and on behalf of all other classmates who had come that: I was a very lucky man, lucky because I was a Cottonian, not everybody can have such luck

(HK Dhawan)
Brig (Retd)
For and on behalf of Class of 1954

Jaspal Sawhney : Thank you all

Dear OCs

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla – Sesquicentennial Celebrations

I am to thank each one of you, those who came to the celebrations, and those who could not, for contributing to the spirit of the celebrations.

Each function was a tremendous success and well attended. Frankly, none of the organizers could have forecast such a good attendance. The functions could not have succeeded without team work, and I am grateful, personally, and on behalf of OCA to everybody who put in so much time and effort to make the functions memorable. I wish to specially thank the following

  1. Board of Directors & Deep Anand who gave the vision for the functions.
  2. The headmaster along with his staff members, who meticulously charted every minute of the celebrations. The ambiance and the food provided at the dinner on 2nd October was something to dream off. John Whitmarsh Knight, Ms. Prabhudas, Mr. Mathews who put up with my numerous queries and requirements on a daily basis.
  3. Sukhinder Singh & Ajay Thiara who organised the evening at Chandigarh which went on till the wee hours of the morning. The train journey from Kalka to Shimla along with the lunch at Barog which was full of nostalgia. The Punjabi lunch on 3rd October, and, of course, arranging for Adnan Sami to perform for us.
  4. Students of BCS who performed at the musical play which could very easily have received a standing ovation at any theatre on Broadway. The school teams of cricket and football who made us heady with wins against Aitchison College, Lahore. Mrs. Joy Michael for producing the musical play.
  5. Narinder Chauhan, Harish Janartha, DM Sud, Pritinder Singh who provided all the local logistics support and the wonderful setting at the dinner at hotel Peter Holf.
  6. Anupam Thapa for his tireless work to put together the coffee table book which was sold out in the first day itself.
  7. Chandan Ratra who managed and coordinated with all the various players and put together the logistics for the BCS play and the musical evening.
  8. Rajpal Duggal and Ashwini Virk who coordinated the memorabilia as well as the hotel accommodation at Shimla.
  9. K.C.Anand who managed the coup de tat by bringing the headmaster of Aitchson College along with his football and cricket team to play against BCS.
  10. Anil Advani who constantly updated messages on the web so that all participants were aware of the events which would unfold. Wendy Dewan and SS Rai who gave me their inputs in respect of functioning of the OCA
  11. Anil Mehra for giving me his unstinted support on every occasion, whether I was right or I was wrong.
  12. Parmeet Sawhney who managed the PR and the press and ensured coverage of the various events in spite of grave setbacks.

In addition to the above, many many OC’s, staff members, Cottonians contributed, the list of which would go on and on .

Thank you all.

Best Regards,
Jaspal Sawhney

Sesquicentennial memorabilia etc

Dear OCs,
OCA (India) regrets that sufficient supply of the coffee-table book was not available at Shimla during the Sesquicentennial celebrations. We have now received adequate stocks and the same are available for sale at Trekkers Point,  Mezzanine floor,  PVR Plaza Cinema Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi, at Rs. 2500/- per copy.
You may contact Ms. Harpreet Kaur at cell no. 09911898097 or email eagle.trekkerspoint@yahoo.co.in 
Payment can be given in cash at Trekkers Point or by account payee cheque payable to “Old Cottonians Association ( India) ” . You can also order the book to be sent by courier to you within India.
We also have limited stocks of Audio Visual in the form of DVD, sesquicentennial ties, and Golf caps. 
Best Regards,
Jaspal S. Sawhney


BCS Sesquicentennial – Letter to OCs

21st October 2009

My dear Fellow Cottonians,

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla – Sesquicentennial Celebrations

I write to thank each one of you – all those who came and many of those who could not – for showing that the spirit of BCS remains alive in all of us.

The six days of celebrations starting with the OCA dinner hosted by Chandigarh Chapter on October 1st and ending with the Closing Ceremonies at the School on the 6th were an absolute delight and I am sure will remain a cherished memory in our hearts and in our lives forever.

Indeed, what a gathering it was! With over a thousand OCs from India and across the Globe – from UK, USA, Canada, Pakistan, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand – many of whom had made this memorable journey for the first time after leaving School! We have all come back from the experience with our spirits soaring, our memories refreshed and bonding reinforced. Let us not ever forget what our School means to us and what it has given us. Let us continue to OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD.

I take this opportunity to especially put on record my appreciation and thanks to the Members of the Himachal, Chandigarh and Delhi Chapters of the OCA who gave their valuable time, effort, support and cooperation in ensuring that this grand event was such a resounding success. I also thank the OCA World Body for their unstinted efforts, contribution and, most importantly, their presence during the celebrations. And last but not the least, I thank each and every OC who contributed – whether in the form of personal effort, advice, financial resources or for just being there!

Wishing each one of you happiness, success, good luck and good health,

With my very best wishes,

Yours fraternally,

Deep C. Anand

BCS Sesquicentennial Jubilee Polo Cup 2009

BCS Sesquicentennial Jubilee Polo Cup 2009

Saturday, 24th October 2009

Lunch at Anandpur Polo Estate, Noida [adjoining Jindal Polo Ground] – 1230-1430 hrs

Start of 1st Polo Match Play [‘Anandpur Polo Cup’] – 1500 hrs

Start of 2nd Polo Match Play [BCS Sesquicentennial Jubilee Polo Cup 2009] – 1600 hrs


Prize Distribution – 1715 hrs

Guests are cordially requested to be seated for Polo by 1415 hrs
Hon’  Mr. Naveen Jindal – Member of Parliament
Mr. Vikram Singh Sodhi

requests the pleasure of
your company to witness

BCS Sesquicentennial Jubilee Polo Cup 2009
Anandpur Polo Cup

Saturday, 24th October 2009
The Jindal Polo Ground
Noida, Delhi NCR

Mr. Vinod Sharma
Mob +91 9818590077
Email kinnarpsindia@gmail.com

OC’s derisious of attending this fun event can contact Vikram Singh Sodhi at kinnarpsindia@gmail.com  for a Map with directions to the venue.