Tag Archives: Roy Robinson

OC Capt. Vivek Bhasin’s [Lefroy 1970] visit to BCS

Sent by email to Head Master

Tuesday 02nd April 2019

Head Master
Roy Robinson Esq;
Bishop Cotton School

Dear Roy,

Good Evening Sir.

I wish to express my utmost gratitude to you for giving me permission to visit School today 02nd April 2019 to address the Assembly and read today’s lesson from Paul’s Chapter 12.

Further you allowing me to hold a Q&A session with the Upper Sixth. I do hope I managed to give back something, something minutely to the young lads from my global travels and experiences. I trust the spark I lit will be a small positive contribution to their journey today and further when they leave the sacred sanctuary of BCS, entering the “Big Jungle” of a frightening world out there.

It was indeed an emotional reading in the Chapel ; you have been most kind to have always welcomed me to School; also my wife Ann-Sofie, my son Dhani.

You opened the gates to my daughter Radhika and her fiancé Daniel in March 2010; they being BLESSED in our School Chapel prior to their wedding nuptials at Neemrana Fort on 4th April 2010.

You even sent four of your well trained racing pigeons which were released by Radhika on 5th April, the day after her wedding. Three flew back to Bishop Cotton School; one decided to convert to a free spirit and spread good tidings in another free space.

Today I came as a representative of my Class of 1970; we would be celebrating our Golden Jubilee in 2020 and with your kind permission would like to coordinate this in School as per your suggestions and directive.

I was delighted to see continuous improvements in the School, being done with great fervour.

I departed from School today with more humility in my heart, to do good in the world.. always as an Ambassador of Bishop Cotton School.

I would also like to Thank Senior Master Mr Boyd and Mr Praveen Dharma for giving me so much of their time today.

With Warmest Regards and Every Best Wish Sir.


Capt. Vivek Bhasin
Lefroy 1961-1970
E: Vivek@SharperEdgeIndia.com
E: +91 98995 61236

—Mr Robinson’s reply–
From: Roy Robinson 
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 at 20:26
Re: Old Cottonian Vivek Bhasin / Visiting BCS 02 April 2019
To: Vivek Bhasin 
Mr Anil Mehra 
Mr Davinder Jaaj 
Mr Deep C.Anand Chairman 
Surinder Singh Saron 

Dear Vivek,

It is always a pleasure having you and all well-meaning Cottonians back in school to interact with those currently studying here. 

Warm regards,

Sandeep Mansukhani honored at BCS

Felicitation given by my school Bishop Cotton School, Shimla during the concert day at the Irwin Hall by the Headmaster Mr Roy Robinson. Special award of appreciation by enrolling my name in the prestigious Spartan Club (Highest award given in the school).
Extremely emotional moment to cherish.

Sandeep Mansukhani.


BCS batch 1991 celebrate and give back to School


The Batch of 1991 celebrated 25 years of graduating from Bishop Cotton School, and installed the tallest flag pole in all of Himachal Pradesh – 110 feet – with the Head Master Roy Robinson hoisting a massive 30’x15′ Tricolour. A band consisting of Jawans of the Assam Rifles played the Indian National Anthem and presented colors.

(Click for a larger view)

Re: Protocol for Old Cottonians

The matter relating to visits of OCs to the school was discussed with the Headmaster and he was informed of the apprehensions expressed by some members of being shut out of the campus and not being allowed to visit their Alma Mater.

Mr Robinson assured me that the old boys are always welcome to visit the school but the entry of visitors has to be balanced with the need to avoid disturbance of school routines and the present day security issues ( regarding which he has received a communication from state authorities). Hence, OCs are advised to call and seek permission before visiting the school and, if this was not possible, to wait  awhile at the gate while the security gets a clearance from the Headmaster/Senior Master.

In addition, he assured me that they can visit anytime from 3pm to 5pm on weekdays and through out the day on Sundays when classes are not in session.
It must be understood that students do get disturbed when classes are in session and visitors are seen on the first flat.

I would also like to request the Chapter Heads to issue some sort of ID cards for OCs as this would make it easier to distinguish them from other visitors and meet the needs of security. They must also maintain proper decorum on their visits and not create any disturbance as, by doing so, they shall set an example for the school kids to emulate.

Thanks and regards,
BM Singh
President OCA India

To contact OCA India please click HERE

Protocol for Old Cottonians

The following email was received by the President / OCA India from Mr. Roy C. Robinson Headmaster of Bishop Cotton School for circulation to all OCAs and OCs:

From: headmaster <headmaster@bishopcotton.com>

Date: Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:41 PM
Subject: Protocol for Old Cottonians
To: B. M. Singh; Sukhinder Singh; Narinder Chauhan

The President, Old Cottonians Association All India
The President, Old Cottonians Association Northern Chapter
The President, Old Cottonians Association Himachal Chapter

Dear Presidents of the Various Old Cottonians Associations

I write to you with a reasonable submission, whereby you are requested to make it known to all Members of the Old Cottonians Associations that common courtesy and decency as well as etiquette and protocol demands that any OC wishing to visit the School, ought to intimate and get prior consent before doing so. This unfortunately is not being practiced and I have had the sad and ugly experience of OC’s landing up and demanding entry into the School campus, sometimes at fairly unreasonable hours with the extreme expectation that The Headmaster would roll out the red carpet for them as and when they so desire it, which unfortunately is not possible. They sometimes throw their weight around and indulge in name dropping etc. to get entry. 

I would request you as Presidents of the various chapters to make this known to all concerned so as to avoid future embarrassment on all sides.

Yours sincerely,

R.C. Robinson
The Headmaster
Bishop Cotton School, Shimla 

EDITOR: Please see the update from OCA India on 1st October 2013


Kurt Mitson

Received from Mr. Robinson – Headmaster of BCS headmaster@bishopcotton.com


Kurt Mitson was born in Kharagpur, in West Bengal on the 19th April, 1981. His early education was at La Martiniere College for Boys, Lucknow and he later graduated from Pune University. He was married to Banita Mitson. Kurt Mitson served as a Junior School Teacher at Bishop Cotton School from March 2009 till December 2010. He was last working at Don Bosco, Siliguri.

Kurt Mitson passed away on the 9th of May, 2013 at a tender age of 32. He is deeply missed by his wife, mother, sister, brother and other members of the family. He will be remembered with sincere gratitude by all the staff & students at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla.

The School BELL


All Cottonians remember well the school’s BELL that stood on the First Flat – and the various different tones and ringing patterns that were struck to denote the TIME, BREAK, LUNCH, END OF SCHOOL DAY, PREP TIME, etc ….

Recently, we had an email from OC Richard D’Abreu [Curzon 1936-46]:

My thanks to Bishop Cotton School for forwarding me the Mitre School Paper. I look forward to this newspaper arriving at my home in Bunbury Western Australia from time to time. I am also fascinated by all the stamps which have the picture of the school printed on them.
I find the Mitre interesting to read. It keeps me up with all the events that the school has during the year. So much change to the days of the 1930ies and 40ies which was my era. What got my attention, in Volume 1 March – May 2011 issue,  in the column “In and around BCS” written by  the School Captain Uday Punta, was the mention of the demise of the school bell, and that it would be sadly missed. I could remember, in the 1940ies at the end of term in December, a few vandals, as a school prank, would take the big brass bell down and roll it down the khud. It was always found by the workmen at the school and put back to it’s rightful place in its housing on the First Playground. I cannot comprehend that the old bell is no more. Was it lost or just replaced by a more updated system?
Best wishes to all Cottonians and Old Cottonians…
Dick D’Abreu.

The HM’s response:

I write to inform you that the old order changeth to herald in the new as far as the School bell is concerned. Mr. G.P.S. Sahi and his batch-mates also donated a lovely brass bell along with the bust of the dear Founder in 2009 and it is this bell that is in use at present, having replaced the old one that time and the elements of the weather had put paid to.
You will be glad to know that a Museum has been in place in School since 2009. The Estate Department has been instructed to place the Old School Bell in a place of prominence therein.
With good wishes.
Yours faithfully,
R.C. Robinson
The Headmaster

Dick D’Abreu responds:

Thanks for updating me on the fate of the old school bell which I remembered so well. Progress is a good thing and the replacement new bell may last as long as the old faithful… It was good to read the Head Master’s comments. I had fond memories of it after 9 years as a Cottonian. Many a time I was privileged to be given the honour of ringing it on a Sunday while the boys and staff filled into the chapel..So pleased it is now in the school museum…


Bishop Cotton School Shimla is ranked 4th Best in India

Congratulations BCS!
Bishop Cotton School, Shimla India was ranked 4th in India’s Most Respected Boarding School for 2010.
Here is the letter to the Head Master Mr. Roy Robinson:

Dear Sir

Congratulations! I’m pleased to inform you that your school ranking has moved up from 10 last year to 4 this year among Boarding/Residential schools in the annual EducationWorld-C fore India’s Most Respected Schools Survey 2010.

Commissioned by EducationWorld (estb. 1999) — India’s  pioneer education news and analysis (monthly) magazine with over 1,000,000 readers countrywide — the survey has been conducted by the Delhi-based C fore Consulting — one of India’s top market research and opinion polling companies with a client list including Reliance, Tata, NDTV and Outlook.

The EducationWorld-C fore survey India’s Most Respected Schools is based on the responses/opinions of a carefully selected sample of 2026 SECA (Socio-Economic Category A) parents, teachers, principals and eminent educationists across 15 cities countrywide (Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Bhopal, Dehradun, Kolkata,  Jamshedpur, Darjeeling, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Chennai, Bangalore,  Hyderabad).

The country’s top 250 schools (selected by EducationWorld) have been rated on 12 parameters—Academic reputation, Co-curricular education, Sports  Education, Quality of teachers, Teacher-pupil ratio, Value for money,  Leadership / management quality, Parental involvement, i.e. PTA,  Infrastructure provision, Quality of alumni, Integrity / honesty, Selectivity  (in admissions).

The results of the 2010 EducationWorld-C fore survey of India’s Most Respected Schools will feature as the Cover Story in the September issue of  EducationWorld. Your school has fared particularly well on several parameters including quality of teachers, quality of leadership, management etc. 

Warm regards

Marketing Manager

EducationWorld – The Human Development Magazine
703-704, 7th Floor, Devatha Plaza
132 Residency Road
Tel: 91-80-2248 0880/ 3052 2227
