Sent by email to Head Master
Tuesday 02nd April 2019
Head Master
Roy Robinson Esq;
Bishop Cotton School
Simla.Dear Roy,
Good Evening Sir.
I wish to express my utmost gratitude to you for giving me permission to visit School today 02nd April 2019 to address the Assembly and read today’s lesson from Paul’s Chapter 12.
Further you allowing me to hold a Q&A session with the Upper Sixth. I do hope I managed to give back something, something minutely to the young lads from my global travels and experiences. I trust the spark I lit will be a small positive contribution to their journey today and further when they leave the sacred sanctuary of BCS, entering the “Big Jungle” of a frightening world out there.
It was indeed an emotional reading in the Chapel ; you have been most kind to have always welcomed me to School; also my wife Ann-Sofie, my son Dhani.
You opened the gates to my daughter Radhika and her fiancé Daniel in March 2010; they being BLESSED in our School Chapel prior to their wedding nuptials at Neemrana Fort on 4th April 2010.
You even sent four of your well trained racing pigeons which were released by Radhika on 5th April, the day after her wedding. Three flew back to Bishop Cotton School; one decided to convert to a free spirit and spread good tidings in another free space.
Today I came as a representative of my Class of 1970; we would be celebrating our Golden Jubilee in 2020 and with your kind permission would like to coordinate this in School as per your suggestions and directive.
I was delighted to see continuous improvements in the School, being done with great fervour.
I departed from School today with more humility in my heart, to do good in the world.. always as an Ambassador of Bishop Cotton School.
I would also like to Thank Senior Master Mr Boyd and Mr Praveen Dharma for giving me so much of their time today.
With Warmest Regards and Every Best Wish Sir.
Capt. Vivek Bhasin
Lefroy 1961-1970
E: +91 98995 61236
- The New Irwin Hall with senior Teachers
- With The Boys of Upper Sixth
- Upper Sixth in their Class Room
- Near the School Benches with the young lads
- “To Scale The Heights To Glory”
- The Climbing Wall
—Mr Robinson’s reply–
From: Roy Robinson
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 at 20:26
Re: Old Cottonian Vivek Bhasin / Visiting BCS 02 April 2019
To: Vivek Bhasin
Mr Anil Mehra
Mr Davinder Jaaj
Mr Deep C.Anand Chairman
Surinder Singh Saron
Dear Vivek,
It is always a pleasure having you and all well-meaning Cottonians back in school to interact with those currently studying here.
Warm regards,