Tag Archives: Roshan Lal Vasisth

Down memory lane: Mr. Tuli / Mr & Mrs. Shankar / Mr & Mrs. Roshan Lal

BCS Founder’s Day
Year Unknown [between 1964~1976?]

Dr. Y. S. Parmar [first CM of Himachal Pradesh] meeting BCS Staff.

Seen in the photo [left to right]:
Dr. Parmar – Mr. Anil ChaudharyMrs. Chaudhary – Mr. Roshan Lal Vashisht –  Mrs. Roshan Lal – Mr. Gauri Shankar [shaking hands with Dr.  Parmar] – Mrs. Shankar – Mr. L.C. Tuli.

Photo sent by Rajiv Shankar -1962-1974 Curzon – [Mr. Gauri Shankar’s son]

Roshan Lal Vashisht – April 2010

The Hindi daily Dainik Jagrancarried an article on Mr. Roshan Lal Vashisht – a cutting of which was sent in by Karan Sarin. We hope tohave an english translation of the article posted here soon [Editor: See below for the translation].

Dear Brother Cottonians,

For all those who missed the article, please find attached herewith the scanned image. Since I have limited copies of the same, I am sending one to Mr Gill, Mr Narinder Chauhan and Mr Arun Sawhney who I request may please pass them on.

I also request all who receive this mail , to please foreward this to others. This is thanks to all who have joint hands to make it possible.

Warm regards

Karan Sarin

Click for a full view


By Amar Singh, Dainik Jagran, Palampur

As narrated in the ancient books and mythological scripts about the GURU SHISHYA relationship, in this modern age as well, history repeats itself. The example of Eklavea paying back his guru Dronacharya for the education received by him in the form of sacrificing his thumb have not faded away till date. 

A similar example can be seen in a village near Palampur called Khalet. A teacher whose food and living is being looked after by his students who are at high designated posts. After lighting the lamps of knowledge in very well known institutions of the country, this teacher got lost in the dark, another example of Eklavea was set by his students. Apart from this teacher his only child , his son living with him has got a second life. Near Palampur , a village called Khalet , which had old eyes pleading for help for two square meals has now his eyes glowing back. After ages , Mr Roshan Lal Vashisht is now once again seeing the blossoms of spring in his ancesteral house. He is THE ROSHAN LAL VASHISHT who has taught at ST. PAULS SCHOOL PALAMPUR, BISHOP COTTON SCHOOL, SHIMLA, SAINIK SCHOOL KAPURTHALA and DAV SCHOOL in DELHI. His command over three major languages”ENGLISH, HINDI & SANSKRIT” has resulted in the making of laurels in every institution.

Vashisht was responsible for educating film stars like Kumar Gaurav .  Stars like RAJ KUMAR (JANI) are also fans of the revered teacher. What we write of him is much less than the introduction that he deserves.

Some of his students who have had the oppertunity of being blessed by him are MR GS GILL IPS DGP Himachal Pradesh , Mr Narinder Chauhan IAS, Mr TC Janartha, Mr Dharminder Goel, Mr Arun Sawhney, Mr D M Sud, Mr Sandeep Kakkar, Mr Karan Sarin. Others who have been associated to resettle Mr RLV are Mr Gopal Sood, Dr Ram. Prominent social workers in Palampur. 

Mr Vashisht retired in 1986 from Bishop Cotton School after which he, in-spite of having taught in various prominent institutions did not receive any help, or aid from any of the institutions that he had taught. That was when the dark days begun for him. 

His wife abandoned him leaving behind a son who was not stable. Mr Roshanlal at this age had to face the challenge of the survival of himself with his ill son. A totally abandoned ROSHAN LAL VASHISHT was surviving at the mercy of his neighbours.  

This is when OLD COTTONIANS ASSOCIATION & OCA  (HIMACHAL CHAPTER) came to his rescue and refurbished his living. This step changed his life standard.

OCA has organised not only his regular medical checkups but also a care taker who does his cleaning , washing and cooking.

As of now Roshan Lal Vashisht lives in a house renovated by the OLD COTTONIANS ASSOCIATION, healthy and happily as an example has been set by OCA of the GURU SHISHYA RELATIONSHIP. “

The above is the literal translation of the article, word by word. !!!!! FOR CONVENIENCE OF ALL!!!!!

Warm regards

Karan Sarin

Editor: take a look at Karin Sarin’s lovely resort in the mountains.

PRESS RELEASE Palampur Dec 17 2009

Palampur December 17th 2009.
Roshan Lal Vashisht Welfare Society Supported & Sponsered By OLD COTTONIANS ASSOCIATION.

Mr Gurpreet Singh Gill, IPS Director General of Police Himachal Pradesh along with Mr Narinder Chauhan , Principal Secretary Irrigation Public Health Both senior old Cottonians, today visited Pt Roshan Lal Vashisht at his temporary accommodation at Palampur where he is hosted and being looked after by OCA Himachal Palampur Team . They inquired on the progress on the health and well being of Roshan Lal. They interacted with him for over half an hour. Both being ex–students of Pt Roshan Lal , were happy to note the progress on his health and well being. Thereafter, they, in the company of Old Cottonians, Palampur team Mr Dharminder Goel Mr Karan Sarin, and Mr Gopal Sood (A social worker) and Mr Abhey Pradhan, went to his ancestral house to over look the renovation work conducted at the house. As of now, the house is being reconstructed with the support and aid from the Old Cottonians Associations. The Old Cottonnians Association hopes to move Pt. Roshan Lal Vashisht back to his reconstructed house in the next three days . The OCA is appreciative of the immediate action take by the I & PH dept HP Govt to restore the hygiene and water supply arrangements.

RLV Update 13-Dec-09

RoshanLal043Dear  OCs,

Mission Roshan Lal Sir  “GREH PRAVESH” almost accomplished!

Attached photo of his ready house. Being Monday tomorrow we cant do much. Though we hope and look forward to move him to his house by the day after.

Needless to say that this has been possible with all the efforts of all OC’s.

Please look into the snaps of how the house was, and where he will be be moving into now.   

Love  and care to all those who’ve been in touch and those who’ve been there behind the scenes!!!

Rgds – Karan Sarin.


Here is the list attached in Excel format, of funds received in Palampur a/c and in the OCA Himachal a/c. 
There could be minor discrepancies as I have tried my best to link the receipts in the a/c with the confirmation mails.
OCs are requested to please check those UNTRACED remittances and let us know details so we can correctly allocate these to your name.
Please email webmaster@oldcottonians.org

Rgds – Arun Sawhney.


RLV update 26/11/09

11-26-09 [1]Dear  brother OC’s 

I attach some latest snaps of the developments further to my last correspondence. This is the construction of the kitchen, we have converted his verandah to a kitchen and then have managed also easier access to the toilet and bath.

He personally is keeping well and I am visiting him every day with his daily quota of fruits for him and his son as well. 

I will be out of town and in Delhi till the 30th of this month. Further developments will be communicated as expected.  

Enclosed pics show a comparison ” Before and After”.

Warm regards 

Karan Sarin
mob: 9816047047




WORK IN PROGRESS [click the small pictures for a full view]:

11-26-09 [2]11-26-09 [3]26-11-09 [3]

26th Nov 2009.

RLV update 20/11/09

latest snaps 025Dear Oc’s

Please find attached herewith snaps of the renovation being conducted at Roshan Lal Sir’s House.

The Plastering has been completed, the paint job will commence tomorrow. As you can see, the building material has reached the site for construction of the kitchen and renovation of the toilet and bath. Two masons are on the job and the painter will come tomorrow. We hope to shift him back to his house as soon as the paint job is over.

Accounts statement will be mailed by tomorrow.

Warm Regards

Karan Sarin

RVL Welfare Fund – update

Dear OCs

Roshan Lal Vashisht Welfare Fund

We are thankful to those who sent in contributions already. Appreciate your generosity.

However, some amounts that have been paid by OCs cannot be tracked and have not turned up in any of the 3 bank accounts [Palampur, Shimla, Delhi]. If you contributed already, kindly email the details of your payment/remittance to OCA Webmaster so we can track it as we don’t want any going astray.

Any amount is welcome.

For those contributors who wish to remain anonymous, please indicate this when making your contribution and inform me. We will ensure your contribution is listed simply as “A Concerned OC“.

Read: A message from OCA DELHI regarding their contribution.

Remittances should be sent to:

Account name : Old Cottonian Association ( OCA Himachal)
Account number: 050010100080130
Bank: Axis Bank
Branch : Shimla
GF/FF Durga Cottage
SDA Commercial Complex
Shimla -171009
Himachal Pradesh

OR mail your cheques at par/demand drafts to:

Dinesh M Sud
Shimla 171001
Mob.No. 94180 57500

or to:

Anil Walia
Hotel Himland West, Circular Road
Shimla 171001
Mob.No. 98160 17100

Further details about the fund are listed HERE

OCA Webmaster

Roshan Lal Vashisht [ex BCS Hindi teacher]


Dear OCs

Mr. Roshan Lal taught Hindi at BCS from 1960 to 1985 and was also the warden at Remove for  many years. Now 84, Mr. Roshan Lal is in ill health and is in dire need of financial assistance.

Several OCs have recently been up to the village near Palampur [Himachal Pradesh, India] where he lives and moved him to better housing/accommodation, have got him medical attention, provided him with funds to take care of immediate needs, and have also set up a bank account from where a monthly amount will be disbursed for his needs.

Many OCs have already contributed towards this good cause.  We will list the names and contributions once we have tracked them all.

OCs Karan Sarin and Arun Sawhney have been actively involved in making arrangements at Palampur and mobilizing funds.


The Himachal Chapter of the OCA held a meeting at Shimla on 31st October. It was decided that the Himachal Chapter would be leading the initiative on behalf of  the OCA for the welfare of Mr. Roshan Lal.

All OCs  are requested to transfer funds/ pay cheques at par/demand drafts to the a/c of OCA Himachal. Also, they are requested to inform the Himachal Chapter and webmaster@oldcottonians.org regarding the transfers made to this a/c. The details of this a/c are :
Account name : Old Cottonian Association ( OCA Himachal).
Account number: 050010100080130
Bank: Axis Bank
Branch : Shimla
Address: GF/FF Durga Cottage, SDA Commercial Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla -171009, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Or, payments can be mailed to:
Dinesh M SUD
Shimla 171001


All such remittances should be informed to the following persons by email so that they can track the payments and keep you updated on the usage of your donation:
Arun Sawhney hilltechindia@gmail.com+ Vijay [Kuttu] Singh kvijaysingh@hotmail.com + OCA Webmaster webmaster@oldcottonians.org 

All OCs are requested to help out in donating what ever they can.
All contribution and donations are exempt under section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961.
Thank you.

