Tag Archives: President

Welcome OCA India President Justice S.S. Saron

I , along with all office bearers congratulate Justice S S Saron, most competent and a devoted OC , to take over from me , as President of OCA India, with effect from 1st April 2021, for a period of two years. We wish him all the very best & ensure him of our full cooperation as always.

Thank you so much dear SS for sharing my responsibility, along with Ajay Thiara, during my tenure. I pass on the baton with great hope & satisfaction.

God bless.
D Singh

Extension of date to receive the Application & Vision Statement for Vice President of OCA (India) 2021-2023

Dear OCs,

At the very outset,on behalf of the President and the Executive Committee of OCA(India),I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year 2021.

I’am writing to inform you that on account of the unprecedented times which we find ourselves passing through,the date to receive the application and vision statement to select the Vice President of OCA(India) for the term 2021-2023 has been extended till 15th February 2021.All those OC’s desirous of being considered for the position of Vice President OCA(India) may kindly send their application accompanied with a vision statement by the 15th of February 2021. The application and vision statement should be sent in a sealed envelope clearly mentioning expression of interest- VP of OCA India, to  the following address.

The Secretary,OCA (India)
House No.565
Sector, 10-D
Chandigarh -160011

The envelopes would be opened only in the presence of the Selection Committee.

As per Clause 5-C of the MOA of OCA(India) minimum criteria to be fulfilled to become Vice President of the Executive committee of OCA(India) is as follows:

a)    A person shall fulfill conditions laid down below to qualify for the post of the Vice President of the executive committee. Selection committee shall also ensure the compliance of this clause before deciding upon the name of vice president:

Compulsory Conditions:

i)  Person applying for the post of Vice President shall be a member of the Society and shall do so in writing

ii) The application  must be accompanied by a vision statement.

iii) He should have served at any one of the regional chapters for at least one year as President/Secretary or served as member of executive committee of the society or its regional chapters, or should be an OC of eminence.

iv) Must have studied in the School (Bishop Cotton) for at least 2 years as a boarder.

Looking forward to receiving your application.


Ajay Thiara

Secretary, OCA(India)

Welcome message from incoming OCA India President – Mr. Davinder Singh Jaaj

Davinder Singh Jaaj

Dear Old Cottonians,
This is to thank you all for reposing your faith and support in me to carry out duties assigned with accountability and responsibility during my tenure. Having taken over as President of our Association with effect from 1st April 2019, l assure you that I will put my best foot forward, in all humility.
I shall get back with the required details of members appointed to the new Executive Committee as soon as response from various Chapter Presidents is received regarding their two nominations. 
In the meantime, I look forward to your suggestions on affairs concerning our Association for necessary consideration of the Executive Committee once in place.
All the very best.
D Singh 
( Lefroy- 1962)
Davinder Singh Jaaj 
Chartered Accountant 
Ho. 1053, Sector 27-B,
Chandigarh- 160019
mob. 9316534604