Tag Archives: Photo

Happy birthday, Mr Goss – 94th 

May 3rd 2023

My dear Mr Goss,

Warm and sincere wishes on this your 94th (Ninety Fourth) birthday. My friends, I and our respective families wish you a wonderful day. May the years ahead, and may there be many, many more, continue to bring you good health, great happiness and tons of laughter.

Looking back and from my collection, I am sending as attachments to this mail a few photographs of the way we still remember you. The change, which has surely occurred over these long years, does not register in our mind’s eye. You are still the spritely young man we knew who walked in briskly into the class and went about the assignment without much ado. What was enormously enjoyable was your introducing us to Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. Those class sessions were inevitably the most enjoyable and certainly the most remembered. It certainly did inculcate the reading habit in so many of us. Sometimes I wish we had started with P G Wodehouse though Conan Doyle is a class apart in an entirely different genre. In those mostly quiet corridors, peals of laughter generated by a Jeeves incident may have had other consequences, I suspect !!

I will not recount your fearful and stern marking record but I think it was all well-meant. No blemishes ever attached to us but it was a good inkling, a warning lesson, perhaps, of how tough life can be. It all began with red ink in the classroom !!

Thank you, Mr Goss.

With great warmth and affectionate wishes from us all, once again


Vijay Khurana

My dear Mr Goss,

A very Happy Birthday to you.
I recall our Geography lessons, 39 Steps,  and your being our Housemaster !
Many Happy Returns !
Our best regards to your family.

Govinder Singh
Ibbetson 1952-1963

Hi Mr Goss: I wish you a very happy birthday. May all your wishes come true. Best regards also to your charming wife.
Joe Joshi 1
Rivaz 1954 – 1963
Commercial airline / combat pilot and war correspondent in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
Senior editor of print and broadcast news with worldwide experience.

Joe Joshi

Dear Mr. Goss,
Wishing you a most wonderful and a very happy birthday with all my heart.
Respectfully yours,
NP Pawa

Dear Mr.Goss
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.
May God give you good health and happiness.Warm regards to Mrs Goss.
With lots of love.
K.Vijay Singh

Curzon House photos : 1954 & 1962

Dear All,

RS Sodhi has been kind enough to loan me photo album and I am now forwarding for your records, the Curzon House photographs for the for the years 1954 (Amar Singh Gill as House Captain) and the one for 1962 when RS was House Captain. Incidentally Amar Singh Gill became a commercial pilot.

His collection of pictures are in good condition permitting me to replace prints that were faded or defaced. I feel better now !!



Vijay Khurana

[Click for a full view]

BCS Archive Collection**** Important Notice to OCs

BCS Archive Collection**** Important Notice to OCs

Dear Old Cottonians (friends and relatives of OCs), as we move into the new year of 2023 the School is trying to claw back its archives, papers and photographs. In this day and age we can scan or click on our phones any old archive documents or team photos that document our school’s history.  Over the years our precious photos have leaked away across the world. Even one trophy The Bayliss Shield has gone missing from our 163 history – taken home by a student.  Please can you all have a look through your archives and share any school history so we can display in and around school to be appreciated by all and ‘for those who’ve yet to come….’ Please send any school historical photos or documents to this email: communications@bishopcotton.com so we can store these to keep for future generations.  If you know where the Bayliss Shield is hiding please have it returned to your School, with all best wishes for the future and Happy New Year 2023.

With warm regards,

Praveen Dharma

BCS Class of 1963 – a profile

Dear All,

The updated class which includes Ramesh Sinha and Randhir Sahgal.

We could not find the correct coat and tie but did the best that was possible. Yes, I notice the positioning of the necks but that is what was best for the moment but will change their clothes at the earliest when I can locate something more suitable !! However this now has pictures of the whole class for 1963. We miss those who are no longer with us:

Ashok Dina Nath
Harpreet Singh Grewal
Satjinder Singh Grewal
Usum Nimmanheminda
Arun Singh &
Rajive Sawhney

Can each of you write a few descriptive paragraphs about yourselves. Would make for interesting reading while there is an effort to assemble your latest pictures as well !!


Vijay Khurana

You have missed me out. I am still alive. No big deal.


The omission was pure oversight. Apologies, and thankfully you are alive !! No class of 1963 is complete without its academic prima donna !!

Here is the complete list, see attachment, and the numbers allotted against each name is on the basis of the order in which we were standing when the group photograph was taken. The addition of Ramesh Sinha and Bittu Sahgal gives a total of 31 guys in VIth Form that year. Messrs Goldstein and Tuli are the addition 2 that takes the total in this group folder to 33



BCS Class of 1962 – a profile

I am forwarding the individual photographs for the Class of 1962 extracted from a group photograph taken in 1961. There is no official or formal picture for this group that should have been taken in 1962 as part of the usual year end photographic session. Some individual photographs have been extracted from other group pictures taken in 1962 e.g. Spartan Club members or the Prefects for 1962, for reasons of quality and clarity.

From among them the only person who is no longer with us is Shivraj Singh who died of an anaphylactic shock at a doctor’s clinic in 1963. No details are available. I recall him to be an intelligent person, good at hockey, had a decided stammer and a very even temper. He was in Lefroy House.

I do not have photographs for Vinod Chhabra, Himmat Singh and Simranjit Singh Mann who also joined this class in their final year. Those additions will be made as soon as we can lay our hands on appropriate photographs. Any assistance in that respect will be greatly appreciated from any one endorsed on this mailing list.

Usum who figures in this collection subsequently joined the Class of 1963. Dhishnu’s full and complete name is required / requested

Logically we should have such a profile for each year with a description about each one of them written after 25 and 50 years respectively. Would offer a great collection and this will ensure that each one is remembered. Great for posterity.


Vijay Khurana

Dear All,

I have just received a prompt input from Sukanya, Usum’s wife. It is reproduced below:

“If I am not mistaken, Dhishnu supposed to be a guy from Thailand, right?
His name should be Tisanu Thien-ngern.  His father used to be Bangkok Governor for a long time.  Usum always met
him, a lanky and very funny guy.  I knew where he used to live but lost touch of him somewhat.

That is our Dhishnu alright. I am attaching his photograph again so that Anil can make suitable changes.

This is actually a very useful input and have requested Sukanya to indicate further details about him, if available. It would be wonderful to meet with him again and Deepak Lamba as was the Curzon gang great friends with him.

Thanks, again, Sukanya



Sukanya is right, Tisanu Thien-ngern’s Dad was a long-time Gov of Bangkok. I remember that name from my time at the Bangkok Post newspaper.
What about the whereabouts of Prayudh, and the Assawamatiyanont brothers — Surachai and Surawat? Kirit Shah is still in Bangkok, last I heard of him.

Adisakdi Thaviyonchai also is doing well with his tractor business in Bangkok

Joe Joshi 1 (R 54 to 63)

Joe’s excellent inputs are appreciated with thanks

Adisak was few years junior to us and in Rivaz. I think SM and Vinod may know more about him



Many thanks for your prompt reply Vijay. I know Adisak’s home address in Rong Muang Soi 4 Bangkok, and his Thavorn Tractor business address. Kirit Shah used to live in Suriwongse Road, BKK. 

Video by the talented Badal Singh [Inderjit Singh Badal / Lefroy 1951-63]

Badal Singh circulates his very special collection of photos in a very special way. Here is one, which we are sure many many OCs will enjoy very much!

It would be great to have as many old photos from your BCS days as well as any new photos of yourselves / family / old school friends and captioned with the dates and people who appear in these.

Memories are made of the good days and good times spent with friends and loved ones so lets share the love!

Colts Cricket Team 1961 / and the exchange of emails about


At the request of some with fading memories, I am forwarding the names of the team members of the Colts Cricket team 1961. I am unable to name the Thai boy standing. Please assist.

Standing (L to R) Partap Grewal, Rishi Rana, Brandy Gill, Unknown, S S Chauhan, R Bhatnagar
Sitting (L to R) R L V Nath, Vijay Amin (Desai), Gurinder Parkash (Capt), Ravi Inder Singh, Ruby Kohli.

There were unconfirmed reports when this team was constituted that Ruby Kohli threatened the coach with his knuckle dusters which ensured his inclusion as a fielding specialist. Sounds appropriate. I am not able to confirm this report but any comments will be welcome !!

This and other photograph are from Partap’s collection and I will be glad to circulate them to remind you that you were a sporting group about 60 years ago !!



Vijay Khurana

Was it Krishna Pong of Ibbetson house?

Neel Mehra


That sounds accurate because we know he was from Ibbetson. I am waiting for a second confirmation before making the label change. Any other inputs ?

My thanks



Dear All,

I refer to my mail below.

Two things happened. First BM Singh informed me that the label to the picture was incorrect because he was in the Colts Cricket team in 1961. I lost a bet in the process and a bottle of Scotch is owing to him. It had no fewer than six guys from Curzon in the team that year!!
Second, the missing name for the Thai boy who was in Ibbetson was Krishna Pong. He never returned to School the following year and the game of cricket never took root in Thailand!. So the team line up for the year 1960 Colts team was:

1960 Colts team
Standing (L to R) Partap Grewal, Rishi Rana, Brandy Gill, Krishna Pong , S S Chauhan, R Bhatnagar
Sitting (L to R) R L V Nath, Vijay Amin (Desai), Gurinder Parkash (Capt), Ravi Inder Singh, Ruby Kohli.

The Colts team for 1961 is sent as an attachment to this mail. I am also forwarding a picture of the First XI Cricket team for 1961 where Gurinder Parkash feature prominently. He could not have been in both teams in the same year. So that resolves the issue as well!!

Colts team for 1961
Standing (L to R) Sunny Brar, Ajit S Padda, BM Singh,  Govinder Singh, R Bhatia & PPS Sidhu,
Sitting (L to R) JPS Kniggar,  S S Chauhan, Brandy Gill (Capt), R Bhatnagar, Anupam Sachdev.

A request since such pictures generate so much interest. First, if you have any photographs, please scan them and send them over. Alternatively, send me your pictures and I will be happy to scan them and return the originals to you.  I have a large collection with Anil Advani holding a lot of material on the web as well. This exercise is worth the effort though it should happen at the initiative of the OCA for every passing year. That would make it a phenomenal collection for history as well.

Secondly as the years ago by such archival material leaves a huge gap in identifying  guys in the picture. It becomes harder with each passing year. That is truly sad because there was honour in representing your School and every person and name needs to be remembered for his contribution. It is sad to leave blank names for guys who were once in our midst and we now label them as “unknown” This is likely to happen as some of us also move along and get phased out by the laws of Nature. Any assistance in developing and building this collection at the earliest will eliminate such missing names to the extent possible. Your assistance will be hugely appreciated by all of us.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.



PS Kuttu Singh. You might consider publishing this in The Patina Times that you edit

BCS in Snow / 29thDec 2020

An Old Cottonian just forwarded to me pictures of BCS covered in snow. Have
not seen such pictures in a long while

Wishing you guys a Happy New Year and the very best in 2021


Vijay [Khurana]

Click for larger view