Tag Archives: OCA [India] North

OCA Shivalik Car Drive

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “Arun Sawhney, Hilltech” <hilltechindia@gmail.com>
To: Ajay Thiara Secy OCA <oldcottoniansassociation@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 16 September 2015 6:32 PM
Subject: OCA Shivalik drive
I want to draw your attention for the upcoming OCA Shivalik Car Drive being held on the 23rd of September, 2015with flag off from  Lake Club, Chandigarh at 11.30 and culminating at BCS, Shimla.
This event is the brainchild of a select group of (active & passive) Car Rally racers OCs. For this event, the OCA has teamed up with two established Clubs – Xtreme Offroaders Club (Regd.) and 4×4 Offroaders Club Chandigarh.
All OCs desirous of participating in the Car drive are requested to contact on the numbers mentioned in the accompanying picture.
Thanks and regards,

Forthcoming EGM / OCA (India) Northern Chapter

Dear OCs,

In furtherance of the deliberations at the Annual Meet held on 7th December 2014 it has been decided to hold an EGM of the OCA(India)Northern Chapter to elect new members to the Managing Committee as per the amended MOA. The meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, 28th March 2015 at 3.30 pm at The CGA, Golf Range, Sector 6, Chandigarh.

All OC’s of the Northern Chapter are requested to attend. Those OC’s who have paid the subscription for 2014-15 shall be eligible to vote. Expression of interest was sought, from OC’s interested in coming on to the committee, at the 7th Dec 2014 Annual Meet. Response from several OC’s has since been received.

Hope to see you all at the EGM!

Warm Regards,

[Ajay Thiara]
OCA (India) Northern Chapter
C/O Jamboree
SCO 99-100 Top Floor
Sector 17-B
Chandigarh – 160017


OCA (India) Northern Chapter – Annual Meet & Membership Drive

Dear OCs,
First and foremost we congratulate our Chapter President S. Sukhinder Singh for being elected to the post of Vice President of OCA India. He shall now take over as the next President of OCA India. This indeed is an honor for all members of the OCA(India)Northern Chapter.
I on behalf of the Northern Chapter would also like to extend our congratulations to Mr. Roy Christopher Robinson, the Head Master of Bishop Cotton School for the commendable effort which he and his team have put in towards BCS being awarded the Best Boys Boarding School in India by Education World. The Head Master has very graciously accepted the invitation of the Northern Chapter to attend the annual meet.
It is time again for our annual get-together and I am sure all of you are anxiously looking forward to renewing old contacts and remembering your wonderful days spent at BCS. This year’s meet is being held over lunch on Sunday, 7th  December, 2014 from 11:30 a.m. onwards at The Taj Hotel, Block No. 9, Sector 17-A, Chandigarh, 160017. Please refer to the attachment for details.  
I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that the amended MOA of OCA(India) is now in play. According to the MOA, it has now to be clearly defined as to which chapter an OC/member belongs to should he wish to be a part of the process to bring a new team in place. Therefore towards complying with this amendment, in addition to meeting and catching up with old friends, the annual get together would also serve the purpose for conducting a membership drive.
In order to help facilitate your becoming a member, please find enclosed as an attachment a registration form. May I request you to kindly fill the form, clip your passport size photograph to the form and send the same accompanied with a Demand Draft/Cheque at Par of Rs,500/-(Five hundred only)in favor of OCA(India)Northern Chapter payable at Chandigarh .Should you have already registered, then kindly forward your photograph with the form duly filled. You are requested to send your documents to the following address.
Davinder  S. Jaaj
C/O Davinder S Jaaj & Co.
Chartered Accountants
SCO 18, IInd Floor, Sector-17-E
Looking forward to seeing you on the 7th.
Warm Regards,
Ajay Thiara

OCA North Chapter / Reunion Lunch 9th March 2014

The Old Cottonians Association NORTHERN CHAPTER will have a Reunion Lunch on Sunday 9th March 2014 at the CGA Golf Range at Sector 6, Chandigarh [11:30 AM onward]. Dress : Formal / Preferably Blazer School Tie. Contributory Rs 750/= Students , Rs 1500/= For OC’s .. Wives & Girlfriends are Guests and there is no separate charge for them.

The organizers are looking forward to seeing OCs in large numbers show up. OCs may please come straight to the event. No prior booking necessary! If you need further information, call Neetu on 9988090007. Click here for a FB link of the event.



The TRIBUNE: “Chandigarh, March 9 As many as 115 alumni of Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, relived memories during a reunion function at the Chandigarh Golf Range here today. The annual reunion was initiated by the Old Cottonians’ Association (OCA) and alumni residing in India and abroad……”


REVISED Itinerary for the Old Cottonian’s group visiting Thailand

Dear OC,

This is to inform you that the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the OCA (India) Northern Chapter which was scheduled to be held in the month of October, 2013 now stands deferred on account of the social commitments which most OC’s would be involved in during that period as it would be a heavy festival season.

The Silver Jubilee Celebration is now expected to be clubbed with the Annual Meet of the OCA (India) Northern Chapter which would take place early December, 2013. The trip to Thailand however will still take place from the 6th till 9th November, 2013. All those interested to take this trip can forward their acceptance till the 15th of October, 2013.

OCs from other chapters can also participate in this trip to Thailand as it is not restrictive to the Northern Chapter. 

Ajay Thiara
Member Executive




OCA Northern Chapter / Thailand visit

Dear OCs

Please find below links to the Itinerary along with cost for the Old Cottonian’s group visiting Thailand from Thursday, 14th November till Sunday, 17th November, 2013. Spouses and partners can accompany OC’s.  You are requested to kindly confirm your participation by forwarding a payment of Rs. 20,000/-  per person on or before the 15th of August, 2013 . All payments should be made in favour of OCA ( India) Northern Chapter payable at Chandigarh  and should be sent to the undersigned  along with the participation form at :

OCA (India) Northern Chapter
c/o Jamboree
SCO-99-100, Top Floor
Above Sindhi Pastry Shop
Phone: 0172-4009932, 5071931

Looking forward to an early response.

for OCA ( India) Northern Chapter
Ajay Thiara
Member Executive

Tentative Fixtures and Participation / OCA (India) Northern Chapter’s Silver Jubilee Celebration

OCA (India) Northern Chapter’s Silver Jubilee Celebration.
17th, 18th, 19th & 20th October, 2013

OCA (India), Northern Chapter

House N0. 751,Sector-8-B,Chandigarh-160008,India
Ph: 91-172-5071931,4009932 (Office), Mobile: 09316131741
Email: ocanorthernchapter@yahoo.com

Tentative fixtures for the Celebration are as follows:

At Chandigarh on Thursday, 17th October, 2013

  • Golf Tournament in Chandigarh to be played between the alumni of Bishop Cotton School, Sanawar, Doon School and Mayo College.
  • Dinner organised by the Northern Chapter.

At Simla on Friday, 18th till Sunday, 20th October, 2013

  • One Act Play by the boys of Bishop Cotton School.
  • Dinner hosted by OCA (India) Himachal Chapter.
  • Rock Concert by the boys of Bishop Cotton School.
  • Diner hosted by the Head Master Bishop Cotton School.
  • Chapel service.
  • Sporting events ( Football / Basket Ball / Cricket)
  • Award giving ceremony for Best Faculty member.

Note: Efforts are on to have some more activities during the celebration period. Information on the same would be forwarded as and when they are finalized.

Contribution Amount

a) College going OC’s = Rs. 1000/-
b) College going OC’s with spouse or partner = Rs. 2000/-
c) Single OC’s = Rs. 2000/-
d) OC’s with spouse or partner = Rs. 3000/-

Your contributions may be sent to the address of the OCA (India) Northern Chapter through Cheque/Demand Draft drawn in favour of OCA(India)Northern Chapter, payable at Chandigarh along with your participation form duly filled.

Overseas Trip

On popular demand an overseas trip of 4 nights & 5 days to Thailand is being planned which would take place a little before or after the Celebration and would cost approx. Rs. 40,000-50,000 per head all inclusive. All those OC’S desirous of being a part of this trip are requested to forward their interest through email. You have the option to travel single or with your spouse/partner. Approximately 30 OC’s have already confirmed, so hurry up.

Mobilization of Funds

The OCA (India) Northern Chapter in consultation with the Head Master has decided to start an annual Best Faculty Award. OC’s are requested to kindly come forward and lend a shoulder to make this project fructify by contributing approximately Rs. 10,000/- per head towards establishing a corpus of Rs. 10 Lakhs, the interest of which would help towards furnishing a cash award of Rs. 1 Lakh. along with the trophy to the deserving faculty member annually. Your contributions may be sent to the address of the OCA (India) Northern Chapter through Cheque/Demand Draft drawn in favour of OCA(India)Northern Chapter, payable at Chandigarh.

Travel & Accommodation

All OC’s transiting through Chandigarh to Simla without their own transportation would be provided transportation to Simla on seat in coach basis.Hotels are being identified to offer favorable tariffs in Chandigarh and in Simla.OC’s homes are also being identified to provide accommodation.at Chandigarh and at Simla.Do send your request through email to the Northern Chapter should you require any assistance.

Song Book

The OCA ( India) Northern Chapter is preparing a song book which would also carry the contact details of all OC’s . Since the contact details of a lot of OC’s have changed, you are therefore requested to kindly forward your contact details along with details of any OC who may not be receiving our communication. Please send the following information through email: Name, Batch, House, Address, Email ID & Contact numbers.

Thanking you,

Ajay Thiara
Member Executive
OCA (India), Northern Chapter
House N0. 751,Sector-8-B, Chandigarh-160008, India
Ph: 91-172-5071931,4009932 (Office), Mobile: 09316131741
Email: ocanorthernchapter@yahoo.com

** Participation Form of the OCA(India) Northern Chapter’s Silver Jubilee Celebration

Silver Jubilee Celebration of OCA (India) Northern Chapter – update

Dear OCs,

Further to my earlier communication, wherein you had been requested to contribute with some suggestions to make the forthcoming Silver Jubilee Celebration of OCA ( India ) Northern Chapter a grand success and memorable one.

I now take the opportunity to share with you some of the suggestions which have come in.

  1. A golf Tournament to be played between the OC’s and Old Sanawarians or OC’s, the Old Sanawarians, the DOSCO’s and Mayoties followed by a prize distribution and dinner at Chandigarh.
  2. To get the renovation done of Shankar badminton Hall at school. ( Request has come from the school)
  3. To get 3-4 rooms constructed at school to be used by OC’s whose children are studying in school and other OC’s.
  4. To have a meal at school. The Head master has very graciously offered to host.
  5. To charter a plane to have a celebration at an overseas destination probably Dubai / a South East Asia destination or the UK .
  6. A musical performance at school.

All those OC’s desirous of contributing with more suggestions and wanting to volunteer towards making the celebration a grand success are requested to join and become a part of the Celebration Committee which is scheduled to conduct its first meeting on Monday, 25th March 2013 at the residence of OC Sukhinder Singh, House No. 3, Sector-5, Chandigarh at 5:00 p.m.

An email confirming your attending the meeting would be appreciated.

Kind Regards

Ajay Thiara
Member Executive
OCA Northern Chapter

OCA (India) Northern Chapter’s Silver Jubilee Year

2013 is OCA (India) Northern Chapter’s Silver Jubilee Year.

Forward your ideas to the Celebration Committee of the Northern Chapter to help make it a most memorable celebration. Forward your inputs by 15th of March, 2013 to Ajay Thiara / Member Executive / OCA (India) Northern Chapter / ocanorthernchapter@yahoo.com