Tag Archives: OCA [India] North

OCA (India) Northern Chapter – Annual Luncheon Sunday December 5th 2021

Dear OCs,

Allow me the pleasure of Inviting you all  on the behalf of OCA (India) Northern Chapter to our Annual Luncheon on Sunday, December 5, 2021 at Hotel Mount View, Sector 10, Chandigarh, 1230hrs onwards.

Director Simon W, Headmaster & Senior faculty of Bishop Cotton School have confirmed their presence for the occasion.

Donation for Luncheon

  • Couples Rs 3000/-
  • Singles Rs 2500/-
  • Students Rs 1500/-

Request all OCs to donate liberally over and above the Luncheon charges.

Dress: Blazer with tie/ Combination Suit.

Yours Sincerely,–

Amrinder Sidhu
Secretary, OCA ( India) Northern Chapter.

OCA Northern Chapter Annual Luncheon

All Old Cottonians [wives and girlfriends of OCs too] are cordially invited to attend the OCA INDIA NORTHERN CHAPTER Annual Luncheon:

Sunday, the 8th December 2019, at the Defence Services Officers Institute, Sector 36C, Chandigarh, 12 noon onwards.

We are delighted to have Mr Simon Weale, The BCS Headmaster, and Senior BCS Staff Members join in as well.

It would be appreciated that OCs make the time and effort to attend in strength (in particular from the tri-city).

The lunch, as usual, is contributory:
Single ₹2000/- Couples ₹ 2500/-

DRESS CODE – Blazer or Combination or Suit; with Tie [either a OC/School/House/or any School awarded Tie]

Appreciate please do circulate this and inform all other OCs in your contact lists.

Gentlemen, we need to plan the catering to the best of our ability, so please do confirm your attendance, at the earliest , to any of the contact persons listed below. Thank you!

The Executive committee, OCA INDIA NORTHERN CHAPTER:

Lt. Col. Upinder [Upi] Gill – 9417801. President.
Dr. RaviSher Toor – 9888890788. Vice President
Jatinder Hayer – 7009177173. Secretary.
Sunil Tiwari – 9855525506. Jt. Secretary.
Amarinder Sidhu – 9876404728. Treasurer.
Executive Members:
Bobby Buwal – 8427377099
Ravi Inder Singh – 9897007192

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on the 8th!

Upcoming events


This community website links and brings together, globally, all Old Cottonians of Bishop Cotton School Simla. It is not specific to any one country or chapter of the OCA.

OCA [India] Northern Chapter AGM 2019


The Annual General Meeting of the Northern Chapter of the OCA (India).  Is scheduled to be held on 30th September 2019 at 5.30 pm, in the basement of the Chandigarh Golf Academy (of the Chandigarh Golf Club), Sector 6, Chandigarh
The proposed agenda for the AGM will be as under
  • ITEM NO 1 To confirm the minutes of the last AGM
  • ITEM NO 2 To adopt the annual report of the Secretary
  • ITEM NO 3 To adopt the audited accounts for the period 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2019
  • ITEM NO 4 To examine any proposal duly approved by the Executive Committee
  • ITEM NO 5 To conduct any other business with the permission of the chair
The members of the association are requested to be kindly present by 5.30 pm
Jatinder Hayer
OCA (India) Northern Chapter

Shivalik Hill Drive : OCA Northern Chapter. 21st Sept 2019.

OCA Northern Chapter is organizing a Shivalik Hill Drive from Chandigarh to Simla on 21st September 2019 coinciding with the OCs Week Celebrations at BCS.

To participate : Contact any of the numbers above or write an email to Shivalik Hill Drive

Important documents :

Radio clip 1

Radio clip 2

OCA Northern Chapter – Shivalik Hill Drive

OCA (Old Cottonians Association)India (Northern Chapter) in collaboration with TCAS (Team Chandigarh Adventure Sports) is organizing the 4th edition of the Shivalik Hill Drive from Chandigarh to Shimla on the 26th of September 2018 (Wednesday). The event is open to all motor sport enthusiasts.
For further queries please contact:
* 8427377099
* 9888890788
* 9872077755

OCs WEEK 2018 & Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Batch of 1968

OCs WEEK 2018 & Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Batch  of 1968

Tuesday, 25th September 2018

8:00 PM
Dinner organized by the Batch of 1968 at Hotel Eastbourne [Special invitees: The Headmaster, Head of Junior School, Senior Master, Bursar, Admin Office, Second Master, Housemasters and the Spouses of all above].

Wednesday, 26th September 2018

9:30 AM
Special Chapel Service in the Holy Trinity Chapel for the Batch of 1968, Main School Boys, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School & Admin Staff.

10:15 AM
High Tea in the main school Dining Hall for the Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School Staff, Upper Sixth Form.

11:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM
Past vs Present : Soccer, Basketball and Racquet games [lawn tennis, badminton, table-tennis and squash].

11:00 AM ~ 12:15 PM
Campus tour for Batch of 1968, escorted by the Prefectorial body.

1:45 PM
Lunch [Main School Dining Hall] Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School Staff, Upper Sixth Form.

4:30 PM
Arrival of the Car Rally : organized by OCA Northern Chapter.

5:00 PM
Prize Distribution.

5:15 PM
High Tea in the School Dining Hall.

Thursday, 27th September 2018

9:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM
Annual Cricket Match [T20] between OC Cricket XI vs School Cricket XI Team [Compulsory for Academic and Administrative. Staff to witness the match and attend lunch].

2:00 PM
Buffet Lunch at the Main School Dining Hall – for OCs Cricket Team, School Team, Upper Sixth Form, Staff: Academic & Administrative.

3:30 PM ~ 4:00 PM
Ceremony to Commemorate the Old Cottonians during the Indo war; especially after the Partition, 1947.  Venue: Near the War Memorial.

7:30 PM
Headmasters Dinner for the Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Staff [Academic and Administrative] & Upper Sixth Form. Dress code: [Gentlemen] Formals-Blazer & Tie, [Ladies] Saree.

Friday, 28th September 2018

8:00 PM
OCA Dinner at Hotel Marina.

Saturday, 29th September 2018

9:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM
Art & Craft/SUPW Exhibition

12:00 Noon ~ PM
The Annual School Fete


OCA Northern Chapter / Meet up at Jalandhar

Jalandhar Meet – OCA India Northern Chapter Dinner

  • Date & Time: 3rd November 2017, Friday – 8:00pm
  • Venue: Hotel Regent Park Gujral Nagar, Near TV Station, Jalandhar City, Punjab. Tel: 0181-5040505
  • Contribution: Single – Rs.2000/-, Wives – Rs.1000/-
  • Dress Code: Formal/Semi-Formal

All those who wish to attend please send confirmations early to the below listed:

  • Dhiraj Berry L73-82 – 9814060426, dhirajberry@gmail.com
  • Pankaj Berry L73-82 – 9876255330, pankajberry@gmail.com
  • Vishal Dada C78-89 – 9878569111, vishal@dadaearthmovers.com
  • Anuj Dada C79-90 – 9814060213, dadaanuj@gmail.com
  • Dilbir S Sodhi L86-91 – 9814007378, dilbir@gmail.com

Inter-Public School Alumni, Golf Tournament being organised by OCA (India) Northern Chapter.

Dear OC’s,
You will be glad to know that the OCA (India) Northern Chapter is organizing its 2nd Chandigarh Alumni Golf Invitational followed by a gala Dinner ‘n’ Dance on Friday the 24th February 2017, featuring alumni from the top boarding schools of the country namely: Bishop Cotton School Shimla, The Doon School, Mayo, Lawrence School Sanawar and Welham Boys.
The Dinner is open to all Old Cottonians and will be full of activity including a live band.
The details of the event are as under: –

TIME : 7 am
Alumni Golf Tournament
VENUE: Chandigarh Golf Club, Sector -6, Chandigarh
EVENTS: Breakfast, On course prizes, overall team prizes and other activity will be happening.
DRESS CODE: Golfing attire

TIME: 11 am
Post Golf Interaction
Academy lawn, Chandigarh Golf Club
Beer and snacks for golfers.

TIME: 8 pm
EVENT: Gala Dinner ‘n’ Dance
Cocktails, activities dinner, Live Band in attendance and His Excellency The Governor of Chandigarh is our Honored Chief Guest.
VENUE : Chandigarh Golf Club, Sector – 6, Chandigarh.
DRESS CODE: Semi Formal

The all Inclusive contribution for the above event shall be Rs 2,500/-.

Please note that participation at the Dinner ‘n’ Dance is open to all OCs and their spouses and is not limited to the Golfers alone.

OCs interested in participating either in the Alumni Golf Tournament or dinner may kindly fill the entry requirement or by contacting us and then collecting the passes from the undersigned.
The same option for giving your entries is also possible at Chandigarh Golf Club itself.
Please note that entry shall be strictly by passes since a large number of participants are expected from all the above Schools.

You are also requested to kindly inform all OCs known to you.
Looking forward to seeing you!

Col NKS Brar
OCA (India) Northern Chapter,
Mob – 9780402999 / Email mikkibrar@yahoo.co.in

Update : BCS OCs team won. Congratulations!