Tag Archives: News Letter

Old Cottonians’ Association United Kingdom President’s Newsletter Vijay Bhalaik MRCS FRCS / OCA UK annual luncheon

Old Cottonians’ Association United Kingdom

President’s Newsletter

Vijay Bhalaik MRCS FRCS

Dear Old Cottonians

I am delighted to take over the reigns of the Old Cottonians’ Association (UK) and hope that I will be

able to do justice to the office. The school is very dear to me and I feel privileged to be representing

the Old Boys in the United Kingdom. Thank you for your support.

I have been off and on attending the Old Cottonians’ lunch for over 30 years. During this time, the

association was brought together by Peter Stringer, Gay Niblett and Kuljinder Bahia. I must thank

Kuljinder for his spirited leadership of the UK chapter. He has very successfully kept the organisation

going and contributed significantly to the school, for which he must be congratulated. Kuljinder has

been supported by Gursant Sandhu who has, as the Secretary of the Association, kept contact with

the membership and Puneet Singh, Treasurer, who has kept the organisation financially afloat. I am

very grateful for their unrelenting contribution.

The last three years have been very challenging for everyone, and the OCA brotherhood was unable

to meet during this difficult time. As a healthcare professional myself, I was in the middle of the

action, but was able to arrange a Zoom meeting with my colleagues during the extreme lockdown in

the UK. Sukhminder Sehmbey, Iqroop Chopra, Raju Singh, Sundar Sidha, Gursant Sandhu and

Kuljinder were a great source of strength in those difficult times.

Since taking over the role of President in October last year, I have had regular meetings with the core

committee of the association, which includes Gursant and Puneet. We have been planning the year

ahead to strengthen the association. The main aim of the association is to support Old Cottonians

in the United Kingdom and liaise with our alma mater. Going forward there are some key areas of

development which we will be working on:

• Updating our membership directory. This will improve our communication with the

membership. I am keen to capture all Old Cottonians in the United Kingdom. My secretary,

Pam Palphreyman, has kindly agreed to support the organisation during my term as President

and has already started to work on this. I would be grateful if you could forward your details

or anyone new in the UK to Pam (pamelapalphreyman@nhs.net) so that the membership

directory can be updated. The organisation will be GDPR compliant, and your details will not

be passed on to anyone outside OCA UK.

• Financial stability of the Old Cottonians’ Association UK. It is important for an organisation to

be financially viable and there are a few models we are working on, and this is an area I am

familiar with due to my role at Health Education England and Charities Trust. We will discuss

this matter at the next AGM in London.

• Develop a framework and touchpoint for old boys in the UK. The thought behind this is that

the association has a link person for every school decade, e.g., 1950-1960 etc. This will

hopefully strengthen the organisation. If this is something that you would be interested in

helping with, then please get in contact. The OCA UK would love to have you onboard.

• Supporting our alma mater. As Old Cottonians, we are very proud of our parent school and

there are many ways we can support it. The OCA UK under Kuljinder supported many projects

at the school and I would hope that this can be strengthened. I am aware that our

membership has very successful businessman/financiers/bankers/doctors and writers. My

plan is to link up with the mentorship programme at the school, so that the headmaster,

Mr Simon Weale can approach you. If you are willing to mentor a young Cottonian, either

during his school time at Bishop Cotton School or after leaving school, please get in touch with

myself or Pam.

• Develop the OCA UK website. This work is ongoing, and we are looking for an enthusiastic

volunteer/volunteers who would be willing to take on the challenge of developing this. The

role would mainly be for content delivery. I am grateful to our last President, Kuljinder, who

is funding the website development. If you have an IT/journalism/content editor background,

please consider getting in touch with myself or Gursant.

• Supporting the Old Cottonians’ Association. I would hope to strengthen the relationship

between the various chapters in India and abroad.

• Annual lunch. We will continue with the tradition of our annual OCA UK lunch on the last

Saturday of June. This falls on the 24 June this year and will be held at Bombay Palace, 50

Connaught Street, London, W2 2AA. All Old Cottonians and their partners are invited, and

the cost will be £50 per head. This is a great social gathering when the younger members of

the Association can network with the senior members. I would encourage everyone to

attend if they are able to. Please RSVP to Puneet (puneetsingh932@hotmail.com or


Sadly, over last few years, we lost many of our older members. I thank Gay Niblett for his assistance

in collating the below information.

Peter Stringer (Lefroy 1941-1947). Peter was the most spirited Old Cottonian I have had the privilege

of meeting. He had great enthusiasm and reminisced his time in school, sharing his experiences with

the members. His leadership kept the association together for the last 20 years. He will be sadly

missed by all.

Dr Humayun Khan (Rivaz 1941-1947) used to regularly visit us from Pakistan. Humayun was one of

the old boys who left school on the 3 June 1947 during the partition of India and later joined the

Pakistan Superior Services. In 1984, he was appointed Pakistan High Commissioner to India.

Sanjiv Talwar (Rivaz 1968-1974). Sanjiv was a brilliant academic student. He topped the Delhi

University in Economics following which he came to the UK and studied chartered accountancy. He

subsequently did a PhD in International Finance, after which he worked in international banking for

many years and then became a very successful independent consultant and finance director of e


John Phillips (Curzon 1939-1944). John was a good sportsman and apparently had an eye for Joyce

Sinker, the Headmaster’s elder daughter, and was a friend when both were back in England. He was

by then a senior member of the Farmers Union in the UK. A stalwart of the OCA(UK)

Bob Myers (Ibbertson 1936-1944) Bob was House Captain of Ibbetson. He was a Prefect and boxed

for the school. He later got a Blue for boxing at Cambridge University. Bob was a great supporter of

OCA UK and regularly invited OCs to his home in Somerset to stay for a couple of nights before the

Annual Lunch, even inviting an Old Sanawarian to his dining table at the same time.

Allan Bapty (Rivaz 1936-1944). Allan was a doctor who did a lot of missionary work looking after

people suffering with leprosy, mainly in Nepal and Africa.

Clive Hardy (Lefroy 1940-1945). Clive was House Captain of Lefroy and an all-round sportsman. He

was a keen supporter of OCA UK

Arthur Jones (Lefroy 1942-1945). Arthur was a keen cricketer and played for BCS. He always attended

the Annual Lunches.

Lance Jones (Lefroy 1935-1939). Lance served in the Indian Police Force and when he returned to

London he was a fervent Arsenal supporter. Despite being rather frail in his last years, he was full of


Douglas Reed (Rivaz 1940-1946). Doug (Dhumchu) was House Captain of Rivaz. He was a formidable

long-distance runner and unbeatable marathon performer.

Robert (Bobby) Reed (Rivaz 1940-1946). Bobby was an outstanding sportsman and academic. We

OCs, however, must thank him and his wife, Sheila, and their family for hosting many lunches at their

home. Sheila continues to attend and was present on an overseas trip to the school.

They are in our thoughts and the OCA UK fondly remembers their association with the membership.

I was fortunate last year to meet the Headmaster of Bishop Cottons School, Simon Weale, along with

his charming wife Rebecca, and the schoolboys on their cricket tour to the UK. The OCA UK, under

our President, Kuljinder, hosted the boys and staff during this visit and it was a delight to meet the

boys and watch them play cricket. Some of the old boys were able to follow and attend as the

Cottonians continued their tour. The school will be visiting the UK again this year for a cultural tour.

Again, this would be an ideal opportunity for the OCA UK membership to meet and support the school.

Cottonians plan to visit Strafford-upon-Avon, Rugby, Bath and London during this period. I am hopeful

that the headmaster and his wife will be able to attend the OCA UK lunch on the 24 June. Their

programme is as follows.

18th June – Arrive in London – transfer to Oxford.

19th June – Visit to Stratford Upon Avon and then Rugby School – visit Cotton House and meet the

Rugby archivist who will show us the archives on George Cotton.

20th June – Tour of Oxford and Oxford University – transfer to Bristol

21st June – Sightseeing in Bristol then interaction with pupils and staff at Bristol Grammar School.

22nd June – Morning in Bath with visit to Kingswood School. Evening tea/BBQ at Cotton House,


23rd June – Visit to Harry Potter World

24th June – Sightseeing in London

25th June – Sightseeing in London including production of Comedy of Errors at the Globe

26th June – Sightseeing in London including visit to Westminster School

27th June – Return

The school has appointed a resident teacher in charge of alumni affairs- Deepa Kennedy. She will be

the point of contact with Bishop Cotton School. She can be contacted by emailaluminibishopcotton@

gmail.com. Please contact her for any help required. This is a welcome step

for old cottonians all over the world who can now keep in touch with their alma matar.

I look forward to seeing you all on the 24 June.

Kindest regards, Vijay

All OC’s and their family members are invited to attend OCA (UK) annual lunch, which is to be held on Saturday 24th June 2023 (12 noon onwards) at Bombay Palace, 50 Connaught Street, London W2 2AA.
1. Bombay Palace will charge us £50.00 per person for food. Please therefore pay in advance by telegraphic transfer (preferred method) or by cheque.
Telegraphic Transfer Lloyds TSB Bank Sort Code
Account Number Reference
30 93 84
Please insert your name (plus number of guests)
Please make your cheque payable to OCA (UK) and send it to our treasurer Mr Puneet Singh, Flat 1, 1 Frognal, London NW3 6AL. Please write your name on the reverse of your cheque. OC’s can also contact Puneet on 07841590990 or puneetsingh932@hotmail.com
** Any donations to OCA (UK) would be greatly appreciated.
2. Soft drinks are inclusive. You will need to pay for any drinks (beers, wines, spirits).
3. If you have any questions about the reunion, then please get in touch with Mr Puneet Singh using the details shown above or Mr Gursant Sandhu on 07788716525 or gs@notarypublicgs.co.uk.

Request for a contribution from OC’s to help COVID 19 Virus victims.

Dear OC,

Greetings from OCA-India.Trust you and your family are doing well during this most trying time on account of the Covid 19 virus.

I would like to use this opportunity to share with you that at the recently held meeting of the Board of Governors of Bishop Cotton School on 11/05/2020,it was decided that the school along with OCA-India would endeavor to provide support and succor to the lesser fortunate who had been adversely impacted by the Covid 19 virus.Representing the OCA-India in my capacity as its President along with other eminent Old Cottonian’s on the Board of Governors,namely Mr.D C Anand the President Emeritus of OCA-India and Mr. Anil Mehra, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board were in agreement to this proposal.

This as a background the school has committed an amount of INR 500000/-(Five lacs) as support for this project with the hope that Old Cottonian’s would match it with an equal amount.The contribution from Old Cottonian’s would be collected in the account of Bishop Cotton School,the details of which are as follows:

Bishop Cotton School

HDFC Bank Ltd.-Sec/5,New Shimla-171009

Current A/c No:50200039445899


You are also requested to kindly share your Contact details,Batch and House along with the amount deposited with the Bursar of BCS Mr.Rajiv Mehrotra at bursar@bishopcotton.com.

Whilst the deployment of funds would be monitored directly by the Chairman of the Board of Governors,the President of OCA-India would be kept informed of the same. The contribution would be entitled to tax benefit for which an appropriate certificate will be provided under 80 G by Bishop Cotton School. We already have commitments of over one lakh. Upon exhausting the funds a complete statement of account would be circulated to all Old Cottonian’s as well as posted on the OCA-India website.

May I request you to kindly come forward and lend a shoulder to this noble project by contributing generously so that we may be able to provide assistance to the affected in their time of hardship and distress.

Wishing you all safe and healthy days ahead.

Warm Regards,

Davinder Singh Jaaj



OCA UK Newsletter 2018

Hot press! OCA UK

Old Cottonians (UK) Reunion 24 June 2017
Smaller than usual – still I think OCs & guests 45 assembled at our favourite venue the Bombay Brasserie that brings on the cordial BCS Spirit & sees us through another year. A very happy enjoyable summer afternoon in good company & fun, delicious Indian khanna with drinks.
I had read OCs in Kathmandu sponsored a football match verses Sanawar (same morning) – by coincidence we had one Sanawarian attending our luncheon.
Also encouraging to see Wendi Dewan with charming wife Neelem & Gurpratap Sahi, on holiday from India joined us, Elisabeth & Peter Johans from Switzerland. To his memory – always in support Sheila (wife of late Bobby Reed) & reliable as ever our roving BCS ambassador from his Mallorca hide-away. And to surprise us all, Evelyn wife of late Malcolm Petters came from Australia – & Jenny (in the UK) daughter of late Leslie Knight – & another roving emissary Mike King whose father was School Captain 1928.
As we mellow with age and accept members are in decline – we miss the presence of our school years groups & yet I was really delighted to meet with more younger Old Cottonians who we hope will influence others.
As growing older my mind begins to fade, please forgive my indulgence that may appear neglectful of my old School chums – my fraternal fondness will never leave for you & dear Patina. So before I end let me express in English/Hindi my feeling today…………………………… Mehra dhill both khush hai !!
Finally to say please keep the Spirit of BCS Old Cottonians across the globe Overcome evil with Good
Peter Stringer (Lefroy 1943-47)

Keeping the BCS SPIRIT

Wishing Old Cottonians where ever you are

Since I discovered OCA (UK) in 1972 I have attended every Annual Reunion under the Chairmanships of Dick Bayliss, Tony Sinha and Gay Niblett, Vivek Bhasin & Kuljinder Bahia.
That is a proud record of an ordinary pupil of Bishop Cotton School in Simla.
Completely unaware of the Association’s existence when I first arrived in England on a cold winter’s afternoon in December 1958 and made my way to the home of a girlfriend from New Delhi, living in Brighton.

My elder Brother John Stringer (L42-45) who many years later followed me to London was employed by a refrigeration service company. After completing his service duties at the then great departmental store of Elyes of Wimbledon he was directed to the manager’s office of Mr. Elye-Dodds. Taken by surprised to find it was no other but Sparrow Dodds (I 40s). ‘Spaggy’ gave my brother information details of the Old Cottonians’ annual reunions organised by Lumboo Woods the legend co-founder of our School’s Association (London Chapter). Unfortunately I have never met Dodds at any reunion.

For me all this discovery has been a profound experience and pleasure. It created outside my family and working life an endearing circle of dear chums brought on from our unique heritage and formal school years. Sorry to recall that my eyes moisten up when rekindling memories of individuals, so many of them that are no longer with us. I will not recall their names – many of them older before I was born and some even far older; a very ‘chota’ youngster, compared to the Bigsters we called the Seniors during my School years.

All a rewarding relationship that has inspired me after taking over hesitantly the reins of the UK Fraternity when Ted Cuzen deposited the books and files of the Association on the table in front of Chairman Dick Bayliss. It was the year after Ted’s retirement, as Head Teacher for a parochial school of Inner London at Clarkenwell. At that Reunion perhaps no more than a dozen OCs and some wives were present over 30 years ago at the public house, The Merlin Caves around the corner from Ted Cuzen’s place of work. It was Dick Bayliss with his gentle manner and direct approach that guided me to the stewardship of Secretary and Treasurer. Luni Dunne, Roy Nissen and Henry Lincoln championed me and I was forced to accept this official undertaking. With my wife Margaret’s help we held it together and Dick the Godfather steering us on. Maggie’s domestic commitments forced her to hand over the Funds & Treasury to veteran Henry Lincoln for awhile. Our numbers kept steady and from nowhere Anil Bhasin (C 62-69) appeared. He at the time owned in family partnership the Green Park Hotel off Piccadilly. With him he ushered in younger OC life & generously offered to stage our future Annual Luncheon in the Green Park Hotel at much reduced cost.

Dick Bayliss and I ceased the opportunity and embraced the influx of younger Indian Old Cottonians. We formed a committee of six in all. Dick, Tony Sinha, Vinod Nanda, Kamal Behal, Tony Verma and yours fraternally!!

By this time OCA India began to take note. Deep C Anand was President elect OCA New Delhi and Surinder Jain his Secretary. OCs late Mudoo McBean and Robert Reed with Arthur Jones (L 42-49) and their wives visited BCS on an organised tour by an old Sanawarian in 1990. Spearheading the welcome Col. Bill Dewan and some other OCs in Simla and New Delhi promoted closer links. DC Anand sent SM Jain to attend our 1991 Reunion at the Green Park Hotel with open invitations and persuade our Chairman and me to come out to India and visit the School. All paid for and settled they flew us out, Ron Plunkett (C 43-50) and Arthur Jones accompanied us, at their own expense – 1992.

It was a poignant visit filled with nostalgia – dear Dick was our treasure (returning 70 years after leaving Patina) and I coming back after 45 years brought a tear to my eyes as I walked across the “First” flat. It was even more emotional when departing back to Delhi and the lump in my throat was staunch. We had presented an English oak Shield (I had designed and carried to Simla) -Dick presented it to further encourage learning; it now features as The Bayliss Challenge Shield.

Setting the trend in motion I have returned with parties to Simla in 1994, ’97 and 2000, with Maggie; 2004 in a smaller party and by myself in 2006.

Finally in 2009 we joined in the eventful Sesquicentennial Founder’s Celebrations. Every visit has been warmer and the response closer, meeting many OCs and making good acquaintances. A chapter of my life has harvested sheer joy and shared with Old Cottonians of all ages and scattered around the globe.

I have personally met the last two and present Headmaster and have tried to offer my support without interference.

At the Reunion Luncheon 2006 members of OCA(UK) in London honoured me handsomely for my diligent tenure as Secretary. The main donation endorsed my own finance and encouragement from Johnny McLaughlin (I 41-48) to visit North America with my Maggie. What an epic adventure! John made all the arrangements – Helen & John met us when we landed at Detroit and welcomed us to their home in Williamston. We four attended a Canadian OCs Reunion in Toronto.

A fleeting stopover at Niagara Falls, before returning south of the border to sleep the night and then John drove us down to New Jersey. Stayed a few days at the home of Gurdip Sidhu (L 48-52) & affectionate wife Jagdish – taking in the sights of New York & Liberty! On to Maryland to meet with, once ex-Treasurer Kamal Behal (I 58-67) and his charming wife Nawel, staying at their home. A whistle-stop-tour of Washington – onto a lunch in Virginia with a few more OCs, followed next day a long drive back to Michigan.

Resting up days for Maggie – two of us flew down to Gracelands. Three day stopover then we flew to LA to join again with Johnny. Staying a few days doing the sights & finally for a Dinner Reunion with OC Californians on Wiltshire Avenue. Up in the air next morning we followed the Rockies to Vancouver. Met with Paul Jones (L 36-46) – spending a few more days & finally to meet at a Lunch Reunion with West Canadian resident OCs. Lucky to meet a Stringer cousin Paul arranged to meet in his penthouse flat. Our return was a long tiresome flight back through Dallas to Michigan. Few more days rest with Helen & John in Williamston – too soon IT was all over & we crossed the Pond for Home.

Old Cottonians have come and found us; we have extensively laboured to locate others. We found some of them and our numbers increased and then we lose some, but life must go on. Through the years we have held Reunions at Steak Houses, Public Houses, The Overseas Club, Veeraswamy Restaurant, The Green Park Hotel, The Cumberland Hotel, The Regent Hotel, The Bombay Palace and the Bombay Brasserie. Year on year the Committee guided by each Chairman has boldly achieved success, the Luncheon better every time. But without doubt Marlborough College, in the name of our Founder, has secured a divine place in our hearts and unforgettable. For me the Commemorative Service in the magnificent College Chapel lifted our hearts and voices to remind us of our dear Holy Trinity Chapel and years at BCS. What a dignified honour to the man George Edward Lynch Cotton after 150 years founding our place of learning.

We pray for the good and future of Bishop Cotton School, Marlborough College and Rugby School the strength in fellowship grows to usefulness to one another.

Grateful thanks to everyone for giving me the honoured privilege & experience


Peter A Stringer (L43-47)

OCA UK Newsletter 2016

Dear OCs

How quickly our Annual OCA(UK) lunch seems to come around. I must really be getting older – certainly our younger members resemble more my grandchildren. However, there are still some tough old birds about – like Lance Jones in his ninety second year and still rooting for Arsenal – and that takes some loyalty.

I was in Delhi on St. Valentines’ Day at the OCA(India) gathering with some 200 other OCs and their wives. A beautiful sunny day in the magnificent grounds of Deep C. Anand’s office HQ. All the House flags were raised and Dark and Light blue cotton screens surrounded the white, table-cloth covered tables and the serving tables, heaving with dishes from all parts of India and of course, the extra busy table laden with drinks.

Chairman Sukhi Singh valiantly tried to say a few words above the never-ceasing chatter which was only silenced with our Chairman got hold of the microphone and demanded quiet in order that the brief speeches could be heard. Of course OCA(India) also had its old and respected ninety-year old General Bhatria present – looking in fine form. I was kindly presented with a model of the School building which our Chairman was able to bring back to the UK.

There were quite a number of young OCs, but sadly the Headmaster was unable to be there as he had to be at the School to invigilate the last year exams there.

Meanwhile back at in the UK, our Chairman, Kuljinder Bahia, was being presented with the Asian Business of the Year 2016 Award as C.E.O. of Southall Travel, by Mrs Priti Patel, Employment Minister, at the prestigious Asian Awards Dinner. During the ceremony the Asian Rich List was also announced and Kuljinder was named 19th Richest Asian in UK.

Our Chairman continues to expand his Company and their destinations but never forgets his duties to the OCA and his old school. He is now getting the Pupil and Masters Exchange Programme underway and investing in the School at the same time.

We hope that once more there will be a good turnout at our annual luncheon which is to be held on Saturday 25th June (11am onwards) at the Bombay Brasserie, Courtfield Road, London SW7 4QH.

With best wishes to you and your families.
Yours sincerely,
Gay Niblett
Hon. Life President

OCA Reunion (batch of 1989)
By Gursant Sandhu – Ibbetson House

I am so glad that I could make it for the Old Cottonians 1989 batch Silver Jubilee celebrations in Shimla, 18th – 20th September 2015. I would like to share my experience with you so I have written this short article.

Firstly, I along with my batch mates are ever so grateful and indebted to our respected Headmaster, Mr Robinson who opened the School gates and hosted us for three days. We very much appreciate that our reunion was during a busy period in the School Calendar. My batch mates and I would also like to thank Mr & Mrs Robinson for all their hospitality. A very special thank you to all the Teachers, Administrative Staff, non-teaching Staff and also to all the young Cottonians who made our experience such a memorable one.

As soon as Kuljinder Bahia and I landed at Chandigarh airport on 16th September, we were greeted at the airport exit by Kamal Kishore. Although this greeting was meant to be a brief one, we had Kamal Kishore travelling with us to Shimla and his boxing skills from our School days could not defend or match Kuljinder’s persuasive skills. In the next 24 hours, there were lots of phone calls finding out where our batch mates were, who is travelling with whom, have they left Chandigarh, what time will everyone be in Shimla etc. – the excitement was building up as some of us, for one reason or another, had not met since passing out of School. On the 17thSeptember, Sam Grewal was speeding up to Shimla with Amit Bakshi, Sukhtep Arora and Ankur Rohtagi in one car followed by many others. By about 8pm on the 17th, we were under one roof – at The Marina Hotel.

The first day (18th September) of our visit to School kick started with a very touching and a heart-warming chapel service. The Headmaster in his speech confirmed that Kuljinder Bahia has donated 50 lakh rupees to the School and that these funds are held in the School’s Bank Account. From the Chapel we headed to the main Dining Hall for tea and a game of football which was of course won by the young Cottonians. Although we were beaten, some of us bruised by falls, and admittedly followed by days of muscle and joint aches and pains, it was nonetheless the spirit of the game and the participation which we enjoyed. Seeing some familiar faces on the first flat after the game, namely Mr Robin Sinha and Mrs Kaul bought back some lovely memories.

I hope that the interaction session between the 1989 batch and the Upper Sixth Form was productive for the budding Cottonians who will very shortly leap into a very competitive world. Ideas about business, professions, academic routes, self-development etc. were raised. General aspects of life in School, the Cottonian brotherhood, inculcating discipline and English speaking within the campus were also touched upon. Visits to Chelsea, St Bede’s College, Auckland House, town leave etc. did not go amiss. Mr and Mrs Robinson opened the doors of the Headmaster’s Lodge for us for some enjoyable drinks (as a student, a visit to the Headmaster’s Officer or Lodge meant some serious and deep trouble!) followed by Headmaster’s Dinner in the Irwin Hall. The whole day was full of activities, interaction and was thoroughly exciting.

Although we had a very long and tiring first day, we kept to our punctual timing and were on the first floor flat at 10am on the 18th September. Our match with the School XI cricket team started at 10.30, winning the toss we elected to bat first. The game which was witnessed by the whole School, Teaching and Administrative Staff did go in favour of the School team. Nitin Arora bowled very well and I could hear the cheering from the Cottonians, which included the shouts of “c’mon He-Man” (being Nitin’s school name). These cheers were probably instigated by the bubbly and jovial Abhinav Sikka (a keen tennis player from Kullu) and Inderpal Singh Dhillon. Rakesh Thakur badly injured his finger. Many catches were dropped by us, including one by yours truly. All the action was caught by Amit Bakshi on his camera.

Lunch on the second day was also in the main Dining Hall. It was delicious! There was then a brief stopover at Mr Bhardwaj’s office where we verified our ICSE marks as there was some banter about some students claiming more marks than what they had achieved, flicked through The Cottonian, general gup-shup. We had a few hours to kill post lunch, so most of us headed back to our nests. The masseur at Hotel Marina had a rather profitable day, given that by this time everyone was queuing for his service. Late afternoon, we witnessed a very competitive and enjoyable Inter-House Hindi Play Competition – a great job by all the students who participated, the organisers and the House Masters. At the request of the Upper Sixth Form boys, Kuljinder Bahia approached the Headmaster for town leave. This was immediately granted, so a good result for the boys. Another sumptuous dinner was laid for us in the main Dining Hall.

Day three (20th September) began with a Campus Tour. The Junior School has since 1989 been completely transformed. It was so nice to see Mrs Modi still active in her duties. Immediately after the Campus Tour, Kuljinder very generously donated an additional 10 lakh rupees for the development of Lefroy House cubicles! We enjoyed another lunch in School, this time with all the main school boys.

We hosted a dinner at Hotel Marina for the Headmaster, Head of Junior School, Senior Master, Second Master, Bursar, Administrative Officer, House Masters and all the teaching staff. By the time we started, the Shimla weather turned for good from a light drizzle to a dry one (although slightly cold). It was an honour for us that the such a large number of invitees attended. The Headmaster distributed souvenir plates, which had been sent all the way from Delhi by the OCA Delhi Chapter.

Kuljinder Bahia’s action of gifting 60 lakh rupees to the School is praise worthy. It takes a huge heart to make such a generous gift, irrespective of how successful one is in his business or stable in his financial affairs. I hope that Kuljinder Bahia continues to contribute to his Alma Mater not only financially but also with his experience as successful entrepreneur. He is also liaising with the Marlborough College regarding an exchange programme for students and teachers, and we all hope that it materialises.

I take this opportunity to thank Mr Vijay Bhardwaj for many things, which include his dedication to the School and its past and present student’s, for always motivating and showing his students the correct and righteous path and for his politeness and humbleness. I have liaised with Mr Bhardwaj over the last 12 months or so trying to organise dates etc. for the reunion and as always I am grateful for the time he has given me, his guidance and support.

Thank you to Mr Dhaliwal, Mr Dinesh Thakur, Mr Danny Singh and Mr Gurprit Singh for their unbiased umpiring!

A big cheer and thank you to Mr Praveen Dharma for his time and effort in co-ordinating and supervising all the activities.

Kuljinder, Dhiraj Sardana and I left Shimla early morning on the 21st September. Never shall I forget the memories attached to my batch reunion. Still kindled and strong are those friendships and bonds – which will never die. I carried along the School Service book which I read regularly.

Please forgive me if I have missed anyone or any important aspects in this article, given that I had compiled this article under some time constraints

Before I conclude, I must thank those batch mates who made it to the reunion, including the day scholars and for all those OC’s who contributed towards the dinner hosted at the Marina Hotel. Sukhtep Singh, Pronthep (Pawanjeet) Singh and Umesh Pandey came all the way from Thailand, so the OCA Thailand Chapter survives! I look forward to meeting all of you again, hopefully for the OCA (UK) reunion on 25 June 2016 in London.

All OC’s and their family members are invited to attend OCA (UK) annual lunch, which is to be held on Saturday 25 June 2016 at the Bombay Brasserie, Courtfield Road, London (closest underground station is Gloucester Road)

OCA [UK] Spring Newsletter 2014

OCA UK NEWSLETTERAnother year and the silent roll call goes out to all our members and guests – come and share the afternoon Reunion luncheon at our favourite venue The Bombay Brasserie on SATURDAY 28th June.

May I now take the opportunity to thank you for your Christmas cards and good wishes, and all your letters and correspondence keeping me in touch?

The southern Britain and especially the coastline has taken some punishment from the fierce Atlantic weather blowing in with much flooding and disruptive high winds.  In Surrey many areas are still under flood warnings.  Whyteleafe lays in the Caterham Valley where streams join the River Bourne and one such runs through a culvert that gurgles away under the perimeter fringe of our bungalow lounge.  Before reaching us it flooded the gardens and seeped into homes that lie on the left hand side, three times water washed over into our first lawn.

The third, Valentine’s Day was the worst – rapidly rising up over our patio, hastily I opened the rear and front garage doors, flooding our front garden and allowing it out into the main road.  The A22 the main route that is our Godstone Road, into Purley and Croydon has been closed completely for some time.  I did read somewhere this is the Chinese year of the Horse and they predict a drought!!

The ocean white horses have blown high 40-foot waves along Devon and Cornwall as we watched on TV, sad for poor souls in the Somerset levels.  The deep snow covering North America has caused loss of life and hardship.  California is suffering drought weather and the record hot temperatures Downunder – does it not tell us global weather pattern has altered by carbon emission causing climate warming.  Universal drastic measures immediately should be enforced or we shall all call for Noah and his Ark!!

Before I move on there are some dates of some interest for your diary…

Saturday 3rd May OC’s are invited to late Bobby Reed (R 41-47) wife Sheila’s “Day @ Home” – Watchbury Cottage, Barford, Warwickshire

Wednesday 28th May The Himalayan Hill Schools Reunion at the Clay Oven. ALPERTON.

Wednesday 25th June Maggie & I will host our final “khana on the lawn”.  Just to remind you – if you can make it, or not been before – you will not be disappointed.  Please let me know?

Recently I was talking with Secretary Gursant Sandhu who informs me that new BCS school leavers to the UK is drying up.  This is direct Government stricter visa sanction to colleges and university and increased enrolment fees.  Will this see the demise of OCA UK chapter that begun in 1928?  My ears herald the words an elderly OC years gone by disclosed ‘Old Cottonians do not die, they just fade away’.  Or as Lumboo Evans used to say – “we must carry on dancing!”  So I am looking forward to seeing many of you in June. Napinder Singh Chahal rang me on Christmas Day to tell me of a celebration party for his grandson (17 years) who had conquered Everest earlier last year.  This appeals to my youthful conscious years at Patina.  Always marvelled at seniors trekking down the khud and up to the summit of Taradevi and back in time for Sunday Evening Chapel.  I did not mature to a senior leaving at 14 end of 1947.  Astonished at the young generation who are groomed and encouraged by their schools to embrace such undertakings.  My head and heart begin to rejoice whenever memories come flooding back from Simzy.  Those lovely nature walks down through pine-woodlands.  I am reminded listening to birds chirping in our garden, an endless source of re-countable memories; count myself lucky my parents, choosing to send me to BCS.  It was not only the classroom education but also the all-round instruction of discipline, good manners and behaviour, honesty and courage with other development for our future.  Taught by dedicated masters who were remarkable individuals and I pray BCS still abide by the age-old traditions.

With these endearing thoughts I shall begin the countdown to JUNE when we shall all meet again and exchange our news, share and evoke old memories.  Wishing you all a cheerful happy good 2014 Barra Salaams!

Yours fraternally,
Peter Stringer (Lefroy 1943-47)

Dear Old Cottonians

I have continued my efforts with the Pupil Exchange Programme between BCS and Marlborough College. Two Marlburions Douglas Seaton and James McPherson, spent a month in BCS – having quite an adventure getting there, as the road to Shimla was blocked by snow and they had to spend a night at a hotel. Sadly, the two BCS boys – the School Captain and House Captain – both Rivazites – keen to perform to their House Motto ‘Sirvamus’ were unable to make Marlborough. It was decided by Marlborough, with BCS agreeing, that last year pupils, would be unable to let boys back at school have the information and experience related to them, as they left school without returning for another year. It was thought it better if 1st year VIth Formers went, starting maybe next year. Meanwhile, the BCS Headmaster would spend some time at Marlborough and would then be able to plan future trips.

Meanwhile, we hope Mr Robinson will be able to take up the invitations, issued by our Chairman Kuljinder Singh Bahia to join us at our Annual Lunch.

Older OC’s are still meeting with others in smaller groups as at Mrs Sheila Reed’s house. We hope our younger leavers will find time to join us at our Annual gathering at the Bombay Brasserie.

With best wishes to all OC’s around the world.

Best regards.

Yours sincerely
Hon. Life President

Dear Old Cottonians

I am sure that all OC’s are looking forward to our June 2014 reunion. I was fortunate to meet Mr Niblett twice during his recent visit in March to London, and Mr Stringer kindly invited me to his home in Whytleafe for an afternoon of “gup-shup” and tea – also in March. The initial meeting with Mr Niblett was also attended by our chairman, Mr Bahia. Several issues were discussed in our meetings, and I have been requested to summarise the main issues, which are listed below for your information –

  1. There was a general fall in numbers for our June 2013 reunion. Like previous years our reservation at the Bombay Brasserie was for 80 people, but the turnout was a much lower figure. OCA (UK) had to dip into its savings, to pay for the extra covers which were stipulated. I would be most grateful if you could confirm whether or not you will be attending this year.  An acknowledgement slip accompanies this newsletter. However, you can also intimate your attendance or non-attendance, as the case may be, by sending an e-mail to gs@notarypublicgs.co.uk; call 07788716525 or send a text to the same number.
  2. Bombay Brasserie will charge us £28.50 per person for food.
  3. This year we will have to purchase our own drinks from the Bar at the Bombay Brasserie. We believe this would be the most cost effective and a fair manner in which each of us in charged. The following should give you an indication of the cost of drinks, but please note that this is for indicative purposes only.
    1.      Bottle of house white / red wine – £24.20
    2.      125ml glass of house white / red wine – £6.60
    3.      Beer – £6.60
    4.      Soft drinks – £3.30

However, to kick start and warm up our reunion, Mr Niblett, our Chairman Mr Bahia, and younger OC’s will pay for 10 bottles of wine for all the OC’s to enjoy.

  1. Mr Robinson, the current Head Master and Mr Bhardwaj Acharya who is a Hindi teacher at BCS have been invited to attend this year’s June reunion.
  2. Mr Niblett carries on with this tremendous and great work in respect of the student exchange programme between BCS and Marlborough College. Mr Niblett has also mooted the idea that we should invite two students from BCS for the next year’s reunion, one being whosoever is the top sportsperson and the other the top academic. This would no doubt be subject to permission being granted from the Head Master, the boys’ parents and visa being granted. This was endorsed by Mr Bahia, Mr Stringer and I, as we believe that it would be motivational for Cottonians to perform well and also beneficial for the school.
  3. I would be grateful if you could check towards the end of April 2014 with other OC’s in your circle/contact as to whether or not they have received this newsletter.  If you become aware that anyone has been missed out, then please let me know.
  4. The winter reunion was attended by 20 OC’s. It was an enjoyable evening and the attendees of the 2012 and 2013 winter reunions will no doubt spread the word as to how good these were!!! Lots of food, wine and dancing!!!
  5. Our newsletter with details of the next winter reunion will be sent to you by end October 2014, and the reunion will be either on 6th or 13th December 2014. Time and venue will be confirmed in due course.

With kindest regards.

Gursant Sandhu

When I Look Back
(By Mrinal Vijay)

As I lay back now to reflect on those twelve precious years that I spent in Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, I become more conscious of how important this place or institution has become in my life. It was truly a great experience to have been able to study at a hundred and fifty four year old school.

Being part of this institution (1993-2005) was the biggest achievement that I could have earned in all my twelve years of schooling. Everyday used to be a great sense of responsibility and accountability. I learned from everything I did in my last year of schooling, from day to day, from class to class and from person to person.

The life in school is the most unforgettable parts in any individual’s life, which leaves an indelible impression on one’s life. A recollection of memories built in school is cherished forever and talking about them always tend to bring a smile on both the narrator and the listener. School days are indeed blithe days without any worry for hearth or home. There is only one work to do, and that is to study and then play, makes friends and indulges in all sorts of pranks. The exploits done during these years are a delight to recall in later life.

Discipline, punctuality, dress and decorum are the other hallmarks of school life. Though at times one has to bear the force of their ruggedness, they leave an ineradicable imprint, by making one more convivial and disciplined in life. The punishments for a group or individual misconduct or mischief are also happy experiences, which one cherishes and recounts with nostalgia in later life. That is the euphoria of the moment, that even in punishment one finds joy and amusement.

Apart from academics, there is time to cultivate the friendship, which last a lifetime. One learns to appreciate the spirit of brotherhood and teamwork, which are the essence of school life. This is amply demonstrated in the playing field. The worst of enemies turn out to be the best of friends at the end of the day. School life teaches one the importance of teamwork and inculcates a sense of loyalty and devotion to the group.

My school will always be an important place because,

The school has been a Friend…….. a Comrade,

A support that I will always have,

Through sunshine and storm, I’ve kept my calm,

A hundred and fifty four years to the rescue,

Day and night we carried on,

And in return, I was the carried one.

In the days of valette……………

Time was ticking like a countdown clock, and……

There have been twelve years of love in my every tear drop.

Hundred and fifty years on our shoulders IT rested,

Twelve years on ITS shoulders I rested.

This is why the school is not a preparation of our lives……….It is Life.

In the end, all good things must come to an end, in the hope for better things to come. And all better things must come to an end too, because the best is yet to come.

One cannot but agree with Robert Frost’s vivid expression of such sentiments when said, “The woods are dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.”


Details of our 2014 annual reunion are as follows –

Date      28 June 2014 (Saturday)

Time     11.00 am onwards

Venue   Bombay Brasserie, Courtfield Road, London SW7 4QH

The closest station is Gloucester Road.


OCA UK Newsletter 2013

Once again our Secretary, Gursant Sandhu requested me to send in an account for his Winter Newsletter. Collecting my thoughts and reminding you the Spirit of BCS still dwells within and my passion continues for dear Patina and the fraternity.

Indubitably we have enjoyed a glorious dryer summer after the previous awfully wet years. Remarkable events and performances scattered over the months of 2013 deserve high recognition in each of our own historic diaries and will long be remembered.

Sovereign Queen Elizabeth gracefully achieved a milestone for Britain’s Monarch of history. Meanwhile OCA (UK) encourages us to attend the Reunion after another successful occasion. Remarkably again the younger OC set outnumbered the old guard register as fewer veterans rally to support our very unique social chapter and may it flourish in the new life. Andy Murray finally captured the British Wimbledon Victory the nation has long waited for. Chris Froome the second Brit to win the French Tour after Bradley Wiggins last year. Winning the Ashes now does make the Aussies look upto us. What better to round off Britain will one day again have a King George, as the media have driven everybody crazy before and after the birth. Bless Him!

Moving on and into the Cottonian circle one must believe and engage the The Association, as we come together in closer fellowship. I have found over the years my contact with OCs here and abroad has brought much joy. Sadness too as OC lives have expended. This year, Des Sardar (R45) in New Delhi and my dear friend Ken Richards (L 38-45) Wiltshire in April. I truly miss the fellow, as our friendship grew after the connection made through Marlborough College. We shared many happy hours here at Fairlands and Ken’s home in Oare. Together we travelled to New Delhi, Chandigarh and upto Simla and returning via Patiala and renewing old acquaintances. Ken kept us entertained, capturing hearts along the way, with endless acting, he truly was a showman singer, charming and delightful character.

Unfortunately I did not attend his funeral and fully respect his family’s reserve of commitment. At the invitation of his wife Nikky, for OCs to come to the Special Tribute Day for Ken and his life, Maggie and I accompanied by John McLaughlin attended. Around 50 relatives and friends gathered at his home on a lovely afternoon, 20 July. We will always remember him.

Johnny McLaughlin (I41-48) who lives in Williamston Michigan was unable to attend the Annual June Reunion. Earlier regrettably Helen his wife fell over and broke her upper right arm. As Helen slowly recuperated and returned from re-hab gave John his chance to fly over. The two weeks break fulfilled a dual purpose. His elder cousin Jack Creswell (BCS Bangalore) and his wife live in Australia and visit their English home each summer. Last year the Creswell’s could not make it. John felt it imperative to meet them and stay with his other cousin Margaret Christie who lives near them. Staying with us for the start, he tells me he did enjoy our undivided company and hospitality. My main concern at the time was the debilitating severe pain in my right hip. Thank you John for your kind consideration and the time we spent gathering old memories. John dropped me a note telling me he was off to Toronto, 28 September. Jerry Godhino was pulling OCs together again, after completing advance studies in financial planning. What news?

Reminding of late OC tributes Sheila Reed faithfully held the family open house meeting for OCs on 4 May, entering the seventh year of Bobby Reed (R41-46) passing. Daughters Caroline and Jancis doing the honours of looking after nine OCs and seven wives. Maggie and I usually stay over from the Saturday. Kindly Sheila drove us over to Sue and Bambi Mujamdar (I56-59) suburb of Birmingham on the Monday for a late lunch on a beautiful summer afternoon. Starting with sipping champagne in the sunshine and dining on good food and wine. Great hosts, another great day!

1 June I attended a Sherwood College Reunion, held in a church hall in East Croydon. Having attended quite a few over the years made familiar acquaintances, our meeting link threads with Indiaaah. Recounting and exchanging the many similar experiences and tales of happier childhood days. Remarkably a much younger ex-scholar expressed his thoughts to me, in words to the effect, life in India during our era must have a wonderful place as he listened to shared memories, how refreshingly true. I must say the Sherwood Reunions are rather informal and really a meaningful mixture of the meeting both in minds and personalities that share in a unique background. A common heritage we cherish with sincerity and admiration for the education we received and the respect we were taught and above all the love our parents gave us. Just to attend this annual event all that is expected is bring a dish of Indian nosh and perhaps a donation gift for the raffle, if you wish to oblige. Believe me the buffet table when laid out (about 20 feet) has a truly delightful choice of mouth watering khana. If you like alcohol, bring your own other refreshment were plenty.
Our Fairlands khana on the lawn was well down on OCs, still did not deter us from the enjoyment of the assembled good company and the weather held out. One must be prepared for the falling numbers. Well She or won’t Maggie support my School chums Whyteleafe meeting new year?

I am still in awe from the morning, many weeks ago I took a call from Napingder Singh (C43-50) in Patiala. Nappy’s grandson who is a student in Sanawar and only 16, had that morning at 4.20am, first of his six accompanying peers to ascend the summit of Mount Everest. Absolute incredible, when as boys, we up in Simla, it was some feat to khud-walk down from school and hike up Taradevi Hill.

I received this years School Pictures Calendar, the month of April printed in bold, Bishop Cotton School Shimla The First School in India to introduce scuba diving. Amazed how outreaching advances schools are progressing and I marvel at youth today, the world at their feet and how swift they are mastering the computer age. IT for me is moving too fast for mu capability as I can just about cope tapping out this letter on my computer.

Nap’s younger brother Joginder Chahal (44-50) and charming wife Dorothy dropped by on the way from an Aunts 99th Birthday celebration to meeting a friend in Hillingdon, middle of August. I listened with interest as Jog (an agnostic) explained involvement in Dorothy’s local church. Telling me the church warden, away on holiday and the lady Vicar, strict on her time limit appearances, why, he unwittingly drafted in, coped with the Church event. My latent answer was that he was a good BCS boy! I also received an e mail message passed to Chris Kishanan (ex La Martinea) from Vivek Bhasin to say his daughter has made him a grandfather. Congratulations and welcome to the special club!

Gay Niblett (R40-47) is cruising the Med after fostering encouraging closer relationship for BCS with Marlborough College. Doctari Allan Bapty (R36-44) keeps contact over the telephone from deep Devon. Arthur Jones (L42-49) has settled into his bungalow after much refurbishment. Vinny Nanda (L58-66) chats with me over the phone and tells me he sometimes meets up with Anil Bhasin (C62-69). I also get a call from Rajah Lamba (L49-59) sometimes and also hear from Paddy Singh (C53-59) in Wiltshire. I often chat with my old school captain Clive Hardie (L40-45) or his charming wife Shirley. John Phillips (C39-44) rings and brings me up to date. Pete Travers calls from Woking to gather news. Another school captain Jal Boga (C45-53) is presently spending a holiday in Karachi from his home in Canada. Albert Morley (I42-47) an old cam padre lives in Western Australia was visiting his sick sister, who lives in Banbury. He stayed with us for a few days. We met up after leaving school in Calcutta. Albert was working for his father, who ran his own water well drilling company. Al persuaded his ole man to take me on as an apprentice. Always very thankful for setting me off on my feet and moving on in the drilling business that started with Albert in East Bengal, on to Bihar, UP the Punjab, Iraq, Iran, Libya and the UK. Thank you Albert as we reminisced of school life and our early working years together, vivid memories that do not fade with age!

The falling leaves tell me 2014 is fast closing in, before closing this epistle let me wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and PROSPEROUS HAPPY NEW YEAR and adding , that whatever is good for you gets better.

Yours fraternally
Peter A Stringer (LEFROY 43 – 47)

OCA UK – Spring 2013 Newsletter

Message from Mr. Peter Stringer

Our Secretary, Gursant Sandhu has invited me to relate my report adding to his Spring Newsletter.

Having said many times before as we grow older correspondence begins to wane. However, my efforts to tell the stories in our lives sometimes is not all that interesting. Life does slow down and slowly there is less to report. Meeting friends and making new acquaintances socially helps to keep going. So just to remind you – “KEEP THE SPIRIT OF BCS”.

Late as it maybe I thank you all for your Christmas wishes and New Year greetings and hope Santa hovered over your rooftops and sprinkled good cheer for 2013! Last year flashed by. Suddenly all at once comes to mind – tributes to our Sovereign Queen in her Jubilee Year celebrations, the British victories in both Olympics. Our own OCA (UK) successful Reunions here at Fairlands and the Bombay Brasserie. The Stringer family summer holiday in the Cotswolds. The faltering world economy and the US has given Obama another term (which I am sure did not please many). The ferocious hurricane storm Sandy we watched in horror on TV. Our own dreadful summer with devastating floods leaving thousands broken hearted and homeless and at Christmas time. And last 8th December recounts my arrival at London’s only international airport Heathrow 54 years ago. Stepping off the Iraqi Airways tin-bird and walking in the chilled evening air to the immigration check desk in a quaint building. Leaving the desert wilderness of northern Iraq, and down through Baghdad, having no clear idea of my future just ecstatic joy to finally be in Ole Blighty approaching the holiday Season. But my inner feeling sadly unsure, after making the desperate decision not to return to INDIA and my family, but to head West in search of better opportunities for my future career. These serious thoughts I have carried and always cherish the love of my dear late parents. Even today in England ‘fings aint wat they used to be!’ Gosh how times and things have changed– starting at Heathrow – beyond recognition and vast. London Town now manifests a towering skyline, roaring traffic, and populated with people from all over the world jabbering their own language. Lost is the articulate quintessential Englishness of Old England.

1st December 2012 OCA(UK) boy’s fun night-out winter Reunion at the Noura Restaurant in London’s posh district of Belgravia. Around thirty attended; young and younger OCs was a delight to meet, unable to record all the names. Adding a little Lebanese sophistication to the venue we were pleasantly entertained by a youthful beautiful belly dancer. Greatly enjoyed, the evening was organised by Chairman Kuljinder Singh Bahia and Secretary Gursant Sandhu.
Heading the list of veterans were Lance Jones L 36-39 (who will clock 89 this year-came with his son), Peter Tavers (R 42-45), Gay Niblett (R40-47), Raj Lamba (L49-59), brothers David and Homer Gill (L 66-73), Rana Dattar Singh (L), Vijay Bhalaik who recently attended his 25 Year Reunion at BCS-telling us the School was looking good. His parting shot was OCs from all chapters should begin to address a profile to improve the grade of teaching staff at Patina.

The status of teacher’s job in a school is defined by more than just pay. It is actually the respect we give that roll and how to encourage them to enter, cope and stay. In my school years we had respectable and dedicated masters who strictly maintained discipline and fairness throughout. Above this I had the love of my parents and a truly grateful for their vision in choosing to send me to BCS. Exclusive and very fortunate – favoured from among umpteen millions, to attend such an institution situated in outstanding and delightful elevated surroundings, with such clement weather.

I am heartened to hear the exchange students with Marlborough will full operate from April. Thanks to the great effort and valuable time Gay and DC have spent. Gay very kindly keeps me in his circle by e-mail (through my daughter Marnie), phone and letter. Jal Boga in Canada who regularly corresponds by e-mail too (through Marnie) hopes someday to visit Simla one last time. Peter Johans in Switzerland expresses the same wish and tries to coax me to accompany. Coincidentally Elisabeth and Peter Johans came over to spend the month of February in their English home at Walberton. We were planning, as they asked us to spend a few days with them. Peter rang, surprisingly back in Switzerland; Elisabeth’s mother who I believe is 92 had quite suddenly taken ill – pray all is well.

Sheila Reed was over one afternoon having visited her daughter Caroline, near Esher. She has penciled in Saturday 4th May for OCs get-together at her cottage in Barford, Warwickshire.

Arthur Jones and I are in regular contact over weekends on the phone. He has moved into a bungalow after selling his house in Fulbourne, Cambridge to be closer to his daughter Julie. He rang telling me to watch the NDTV program as Ruskin Bond (BCS ex-pupil) was on-Walking the Talk. Very good, I last saw Ruskin in 2004 in Mussoori. He is such a congenial easygoing fella.

Vinny Nanda and Raja Lamba are the only younger OCs who chat to me over the phone now and then. They tell me they do not hold any committee meetings like we used to at Vinny’s home. We did enjoy all those occasions and the Indian Khana later.

John and Catherine Phillips keep regular contact and last December Catherine celebrated a milestone birthday inviting Clive and Shirley Hardie, Elisabeth Evans (late Lumboo’s wife), Evelyn Petters (late Malcolm Petters wife who was on holiday from Perth Australia) and Maggie and I. Elisabeth fully animated recounted her month of charity work teaching and stay at a young children’s orphanage close outside New Delhi. Occasionally I have a call from Dactaree Allan Bapty who tells he hears by e-mail from Peter Maidment (40s) who would like news about our UK Chapter. Wendy Dewan rings from New Delhi with long exchanges and Napinder Chahal Singh from Patiala rang to wish me a happy 80thBirthday! His brother Joginder and Dorothy Chahal returned earlier in the month after spending over six weeks with them in Indiaaah! Joggy informs me the Patiala wallas that I met on my trips are slowly beginning to fade away. I sometimes receive calls from Albert Morley (I 42-47) outside Perth AUZ. (Albert was my mentor in his father’s company career training me as a ground-drilling engineer). Johnny McLaughlin in Michigan and Deep Sidhu in New Jersey correspond to my letters. Canadians Paul Jones in Vancouver and Gerry Godhino in Toronto have dropped off my radar. I was delighted to receive news with a Christmas card from Kathleen and Bunny Price (I 32-40) in Ontario who were moving house to downsize. (Kathleen is late Freddy Brown’s sister).

Fascinatingly surprised is how our BSC fraternity in England has survived-(established in 1928). The Spirit of our chapter lives on even after my 66 years leaving Patina and knowing my fellow contemporaries. Is that not something we can be proud of? What is more amazing, is when I consider many now in our 80’s and still share this common unique distinction!!

I’ll raise a toast to that and may it continue.

Finally, to add more good news – Puneet Singh has returned from Paris and joins the Fold again and willingly takes up stewardship as our Association Treasurer. March 23rd, Maggie and I have been invited to Shirley and Clive Hardie’s Diamond Anniversary (Clive was my House Lefroy and School Captain 1947).

D.V. Wednesday 26thJune, Maggie and I will host our Fairlands ‘Khana on the Lawn’ from OCs=please let us know if you will come? TILL THEN look forward to meet at the Reunion.

Message from Mr Gay Niblett

I am writing to let everyone know how we are getting on with the pupil exchange programme between BCS and Marlborough College.

Last year Max Adams and Rory Manley from Marlborough spent a long and very successful time at BCS on the first exchange. They later joined OCs at the Bombay Brasserie for the Annual Lunch.

This year Sam Green and Hugo Wilson went to BCS from 15 February for a month. However, prior to going up to BCS they were entertained at the HQ of Anand Group India in Delhi, having received the hospitality of Mr Deep C. Anand’s guest quarters in Gurgaon. A Reception was organised by Mr K.C. Anand where the Master of Marlborough College, Mr Jonathan Leigh and his wife Emma were Guests of Honour, along with the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, (an Old Cottonian himself) Virbhadra Singh (Ibbetson). The Headmaster of BCS, Mr Roy Robinson and his wife came down from Shimla to be at the Reception along with a number of distinguished OCs and their wives. Speeches were made and the Master and his wife were given a number of mementoes from BCS including the book celebrating our 150 years. In all, a most successful gathering to help cement the bond between our two schools and their Heads. Hugo and Sam were accompanied up to the School and are living and working there under the eye of Mr Praveen Dharma who has been the liaison office in BCS, working with Mr Mark McVeigh – International Liaison Coordinator for Marlborough College. These two gentlemen, along with Mr K.C. Anand are now involved in ensuring that Raghav Gandhi, School Captain of BCS and his fellow pupil Manvendra Tomar, obtain their travel visas for the UK and then make their journey there on 20 April. They will be met, looked after and spend a month in Marlborough College as the first boys from BCS to live and enjoy the experience of life there.

This programme has been the result of the work, dedication and support of the Master of Marlborough College together with Mr McVeigh (who will be joining Marlborough College, Malaysia in August as 2nd Master). Background assistance has come from Mr Martin Evans, Secretary of the Old Marlburians and Jane Pendry, Alumni Relations Manager of the Marlburian Club. From BCS we have the support of the Headmaster Mr Roy Robinson and Mr Praveen Dharma. Mr K.C. Anand has helped in the promotion and organising of the boys, their parents and various officials and Mr Deep C. Anand has been most generous in putting up the Marlburians and providing his HQ for the Reception.

All these people are acting in the promotion of a closer relationship between our two schools. It is helping to provide opportunities for boys of both schools to gain experience outside their home environment in a new country which will stand them in good stead for not only their higher education but for life in this very globalised world in which we all now live.

A vote of thanks to them all. Hopefully we shall see all four of these boys at our Reunion Lunch in London at the end of June, when we might also have the Master of Marlborough and his wife as our guests.

Message from Kuljinder Bahia (Lefroy 1990)

Greetings to all the Old Cottonians. We had a successful summer 2012 and an action packed winter 2012 reunion. It gives me great pleasure that so many Old Cottonians attended the 2012 reunions and I hope that the summer 2013 renuion will also be attended by many from mainland United Kingdom and also from overseas. For me (and I hope for all the OC’s), the reunions are remarkable in the sense that they kindle memories of my school days spent in the “crowned hills” and these memories bring tremendous joy.  I hope that we can keep the OCA UK Chapter alive and build upon the foundations of the hard work of Mr Peter Stringer, Mr Gay Niblett and all the other dedicated OC’s.  I look forward to our summer 2013 annual luncheon and I hope to see all of you there.

Note from Gursant Sandhu (Ibbetson 1983-1990)

Details for the OCA (UK) Chapter’s Annual Summer Reunion are as follows:

Date : Saturday 29th June 2013

Time: 12:00 hrs

Venue: The Bombay Brassiere (off Gloucester Road Tube Station).

I request all OC’s to attend and to complete the attached attendance slip and return to me.  I take this opportunity to thank all OC’s who took time from their busy schedule to attend the 2012 annual Luncheon and also to those who attended the 2012 winter reunion.  I also wish to thank Mrinal Vijay, a younger OC, who has helped in getting this newsletter to your doorstep.

Details of Committee members:

  1. Chairman: Kuljinder Singh Bahia, Palmoak House, 19 South Road, Southall, Middlesex UB1 1SU  Tel: + 07801181044 e: kuljinder@southalltravel.co.uk
  2. Senior Committee Member: Raj Lamba 12, Western Court, Huntley Drive, London N3 1NX    Tel:+44 20 8349 1041
  3. Senior Committee Member: Vinod Nanda, 37 Melbury Avenue, Norwood Green, Southall, Middlesex UB2 4HS     Tel: + 44 20 8843 0027 e:vinod@tata.co.uk
  4. Secretary: Gursant Sandhu  86 Cranbrook Rise, Illford Essex IG1 4PD Tel: + 44 7788 716525      e:gursant@yahoo.com; gs@lloydsolicitors.co.uk
  5. Treasurer: TBA

OCA UK Newsletter – Winter 2011

OCA (UK) Winter News letter

Capt. Vivek C.Bhasin
Greetings from the OCA (UK) Chapter

Greetings Dear Old Cottonians here in the UK and those across the Channel in Europe, those across the pond in the Americas both South, Central and North, those in the Middle East, in the great African Continent, the Indian ,Pakistan and Bangladesh Sub-Continent, SE Asia, The Far East and Oz and New Zealand.. ( I guess I have covered the Globe!)

We are in the third week  of December 2011 and its still beach weather here in Surrey….!! Though the trees have turned in to solid gold, red and pink and come raining down as I take my walks along the Thames here off Weybridge.  The mercury is languishing on its hammock and it’s a mild 10C, though the weather Gods predict, the milder it stays for a longer period the harder the on coming winter will be.  Yes it just snowed in the North and Scotland.

The year is rapidly passing by. …I have been admonished by Peter Stringer Sahib for running late with the newsletter and so its pen to paper.

Our Summer Luncheon on the last Saturday of June 2011 was a grand success and the congregation of Old Cottonians was indeed an amazing and welcome sight at the Bombay Brasserie. The diehards continue to make it across from the US, Australia, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Pakistan and India. We remain ever grateful to all who made it; especially D.C Anand, Anil and Lena Mehra, Ronny and Mrs Das, ALL our Seniors and Juniors, AND  Anil Bhasin, Homer Gill and Kuljinder Bahia( it requires tact and diplomacy to coax these three dudes to attend!) Also young Charanji, who is doing his Hotel Management in Switzerland.  Special tributes were paid to the Ladies by yours truly; these sweet and gentle wives of us OC’s who have endured and tolerated us through the ages… without them we would still be in shorts, house shirts, gym shoes and holes in our socks, forgetting to brush our teeth and apply Vaseline on our faces!

Our committee has not met that often but I appreciate the constant contact with Gursant Sandhu Secretary and Puneet Singh Treasurer. Sam Grewal another die-hard OC has set up the OCA (UK) Face Book page where all are welcome to become friends!!

I know for a fact that both Senior Committee members Raj Lamba and Vinod Nanda are always at our beck and call whenever we need them. Many young OC’s were invited by Senior OC Dr Daljit Jaijee and his wife Mohinder Pal to the Hounslow Gurdwara in October 2011 to spend some very divine moments in the midst of prayer and song.  Daljit’s Son and daughter-in-law were visiting from Australia and it was a wonderful evening spending time with the family. Daljit’s beautiful and gentle daughter too did a great job in organizing the event.  OCs who attended were Raj Mohinder Singh from Delhi, Rana Datar, Sam Grewal, Gursant Sandhu, Puneet Singh.

On Friday 02 December 2011 I drove down to Whyteleafe to meet Maggie and Peter Saheb. We spent a few hours enjoying each other’s company and I relished the samosas and the ‘Gaajar ka halwa’ that Peter had made especially for the occasion.  Que Rico!!

Honorary Life President Allan Gay Niblett continues to be a pillar of great strength to the fraternity. He has taken upon himself the task of strengthening ties between BCS and Marlborough College.

LETTERS from Old Cottonians:

So what I now wish to do is leave ample space for Allan Gay Niblett Esq., as he writes to me; his letter has great significance and is please be taken as addressed to ALL  of us: Continue reading