Tag Archives: New Delhi

Notice for the AGM and the Agenda of OCA INDIA – 2019

The AGM of OCA India is scheduled to be conducted on Saturday , the 28th of September 2019, at 5PM.
The location of the meeting will be :
The Ethiopian Cultural Centre
7/50 G , Niti Marg , Chanakya Puri,
Opposite the Nehru park,
New Delhi – 110021
The meeting will be followed by cocktails. A confirmation from you at oldcottonianassociation@yahoo.com would help us with our logistics.

The Agenda for Annual General Meeting of OCA INDIA – 2019

  2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Last AGM (2018)
  3. To approve and adopt the Annual Report of the Secretary
  4. To approve and adopt the annual accounts of 2018 -19
  5. To examine any Proposal duly approved by the Executive Committee.
  6. To elect any new members in the executive committee, if required.
  7. To conduct any other business with the permission of the Chair.
Ajay Thiara
Secretary – OCA India

Message from the webmaster:
This community website links and brings together, globally, all Old Cottonians of Bishop Cotton School Simla. It is not specific to any one country or chapter of the OCA.

Friends, Romans, Countryman. Lend me your ears. . . Batch 1978!

Friends, Romans, Countryman. Lend me your ears…

Forty years ago, these lines, from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar dominated the minds of 20+ Cottonians as they prepared for their ICSE English Literature exams.
It was November 1978.

Now in November 2018, this same group gathered together as Friends, Brothers and Cottonians

The 40th reunion of the BCS batch of 78 was celebrated in Delhi over a period of 3 days. On the 27th, dinner hosted by Shiv Mehra. On the 28th, dinner hosted by Rajesh Mohan. On the 29th, dinner hosted by Kanad Sayal.

[click for full size photos]

Marshal Brar (R) from London, Shivi Pawa (R) from Texas, Vichai Srimanothip (R) from Bangkok, Narinder Pal Singh (C) from Canada – are some who travelled from overseas to grace the occasion. Raj Mahant (R) joined us from Manali, Nitin Malhotra (R) from Jammu, Kanwaljit Singh (R) from Shimla, Manvender Singh (L) from Mumbai.
Rajnish Bhatia (R) from Chandigarh, along with Ranjeet Mehta (L) and Harnam Chauhan (I) joined us from Himachal, on the 29th.
Also present were Ashim Kapoor (L), Hardayal Chauhan (C), Rajesh Dogra (I), Sanjeev Sood (L), Shiv Mehra (R), Robby Mohan (L), and Kanad Sayal (I) from Delhi.

It was a memorable three days.

Fondly remembering and retelling stories of the the good old days spent in BCS 40 years ago. Importantly, now reconnecting with each other. Some paths had never crossed – so some of us were literally meeting each other after 40 years!

We parted ways after dinner on the 29th. But just before we bid each other good bye, we all stood together and sang the school song – and that truly completed our reunion

OCA Delhi annual dinner at Delhi Gymknaha Club

Dear Fellow Old Cottonians, The Delhi Chapter’s Annual Dinner event is scheduled for 21th September 2018 at the Gymkhana Club New-Delhi.All OC’s are requested to attend this gala function. The program is as follows:Time 7.30 pm onward. Dress: FORMAL. Charges:- Rs. 1500 per head. We would be grateful if those attending to inform us in advance by mail or Whatsapp message on 9811056361. You can also mail your payment cheque, payable to Old Cottonians Association India to OCA India, 2nd Floor Plaza Cinema Connaught Place New Delhi.For online transfer Punjab & Sind Bank A/C :- 0013100016103, IFSC:- PSIB0000013.

OCA India annual lunch 2017 / a few pictures

OCA INDIA ANNUAL LUNCH held on the 12th of February 2017 at New Delhi was attended by a large number of OCs. A few pictures are attached!

OCA “Tricky Taka” Football get-together

Old Cottonians from the batch 2008 & 2009  got together to start “Tricky Taka“, which is a state-of-the-art, artificially grassed football infrastructure designed to promote recreational football for fitness and health.

As part of our initiative, we conducted an informal football gathering on 10th Oct 2015.
After an overwhelming response to the first edition we would, with the help of the Old Cottonians Association, we’d like to invite all Cottonians interested to attend the event.

The purpose of the event is not only to revive the spirit of sports that each Old Cottonian felt back in the School days, but also to promote fitness on a routine basis.

A 6 a side CAGE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT for football enthusiasts who love the game and enjoy some serious competition. The tournament is open for all age groups and is the first of many to come. Cottonians from various batches will be participating in the tournament with the best coming to the fore and proving their might in the Arena.

— Not more than 6 people can register in a team.
— It is a 6 vs 6 Tournament
— Team must give the name of the players by 9th of January, Sunday.
— Registration Charges: 500 Rs/ Per Player inclusive of 3 chilled beers.
— Rewards: The winning team will be awarded with a Running Cup along with a FREE ENTRY TO THE NEXT EVENT.

Event Highlights:
* High Quality Playing Field
* Music on the Field
* Qualified Referees
* Parking Facilities
* Convenient Location
* Accessible by Metro

FOR REGISTRATIONS CALL US AT: 9769350052/ 9915009986/ 9968037655.
Would kindly request you to get back to us, so that we may send you the necessary details for the same. Or visit our Facebook Page

Thanks and regards
Arnav Chauhan
Curzon / 2009
Cellphone 09968037655

Please find attached a small creative that we had used to circulate the details of the event within our personal network :
OCA Tricky Taka



OCA India AGM 2015

Agenda for the AGM of OCA, India
At No.1, Aurobindo Marg,New Delhi at 11 AM on 23rd October 2015.

1. Presenting of Accounts
2. Update of OCA events/activities from April 2015 till date.
3. ​To initiate collection of pictures and information to be used during digitising of school records.
4. ​List of OC’s with their backgrounds.
5. ​OCA Website
6. ​New projects and events to be initiated
7. ​Any other point with the permission of the Chair.



BM Singh hosts a dinner for BCS 1961 Batch

Dear All

BM Singh, President OCA (India) and his wife Ravi Singh hosted a dinner for the batch of 1961 who will go up to Simla to celebrate their 50 years of leaving School this week. The dinner was hosted at the Deck Suite at the India Habitat Centre

The numbers for this batch have dwindled rapidly but their gusto and enthusiasm remains undiminished. In typical OC style,

Sukhinder Singh, Billy Gill,  Adarshpal Singh, accompanied by Ajay Thiara drove in yesterday [17th Sept] morning from Chandigarh for this dinner. The dinner which began early at 7.30 pm concluded almost near the mid-night and these gentlemen then drove right back last night. They were sleeping when Ashok Mulchandani rang to seek some assistance and advice!! What do you expect ? !!

The following other guys from the 1961 batch were present:
Veenu & Jaiwant Gill
Nano & Ricky Sawhney
Anita & Sudhir Khanna
Sudhir Kashyap
Ashok Mulchandani

The others present were:
Harry Bedi
Jyoti & R S Sodhi
Ritu & Neel Mehra
Anupam Thapa
Vatsala & Vijay Khurana

The pictures that Sudhir Khanna took, and sent as a separate mail with a Picassa link, simply indicate what a lovely evening it was. What I am doing is sending some of these pictures with the names of the persons labelled (left to right pattern) so that you can identify the persons in the respective pictures. Unfortunately, the quality of my attachments is not outstanding but Sudhir’s mail will give you a much better idea. Go full screen and a slide show to get the complete effect of what a group with an average of 60 can do and enjoy an evening!

We take this opportunity to wish the 1961 batch a happy and lovely reunion.

[Hover your mouse-pointer on a pic to see the title, click a picture for a larger view]


OCA India AGM 2010 – minutes of meeting

I am attaching the Minutes of the 9th February AGM.

Please note that the attachment under Item No. 5 (list of attendees) has not been attached as it is too lengthy.

Thanks & regards,

Wendy Dewan
[Secretary – OCA INDIA]

 click here for the file: Minutes of the 9th February OCA INDIA AGM
[File removed due to error. New corrected Minutes of AGM being approved by OCA India and a message will be posted to the OCA website frontpage as soon as this is done and the revised file becomes available online].

Annual Inni Bawa Golf tournament [2010]

The tentative date for the Annual Inni Bawa Inter house golf tournament will be:

Hosted by Inni Bawa at 6, Hailey Road New Delhi.

Further details can be discussed during the OCA India Annual Lunch on 14th Feb.

Chetan Singh
Ibbetson 1961-71
Mobile (91)98110-20062