The Passing of a Brother Cottonian.
It is with a very very heavy heart that I inform the OCA:
Narendra Nath Khanna “Nini” ( Mountain )
Lefroy Class of 1968 passed on, on 13 January 2018.
MOUNTAIN was a gentle soul and lived a quiet sedate life in Nasik..
In School he was that dashing handsome dude, Actor, Prefect, Sportsman and a through Gentleman.
He was closely related to my Brother Sharat ( Lefroy ) and me both as Family, Friend and the guy who whacked me with his favourite leather slipper..after breakfast.
He spent many years in New York working with the Bhumitra Brothers ( Lefroy) in the Chatwal range of restaurants;also in Bangkok with the Narulas( Rivaz).
He had some very close friends; friends that he made in BCS, for life.
He will be remembered, always.Vivek Bhasin