Tag Archives: Mumbai

He is a fantastic & successful Cottonian with the greatest of humility

Taljinder Singh [Curzon 1987]

Quoted from https://www.todaystraveller.net/

Tireless Crusader: An Interview with Taljinder Singh, Area Director, Mumbai Hotels & General Manager, The Taj Mahal Palace

“Taljinder Singh, Area Director – Mumbai Hotels & General Manager, The Taj Mahal Palace, walks us through what it takes for the The Taj Mahal Palace Mumbai, to remain at the forefront of the hospitality world, hosting celebrities and dignitaries the world over, even 115 years after it first opened its doors What’s the first name that comes to your mind, when someone pops the question, “Which is the best luxury hotel in India?” The answer conjures up in your mind in the form of an image…. a large brick red Florentine dome, a black-and-yellow facade, and a huge line-up of windows that catches your attention – The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai. Today’s Traveller recently caught up with Taljinder Singh, Area Director – Mumbai Hotels & General Manager, The Taj Mahal Palace, who shared his thoughts on the iconic hotel, what the hotel has witnessed and how it has contributed to India’s history and shaped its hospitality culture since 1903….” [read the full article here]

[Photo © www.todaystraveller.net]

Group photo – OCA Mumbai Chapter reunion / 20-1-2019

Group photo of the Mumbai Chapter reunion 2019 Jan 20th

L-R standing:-
Dr. Mohan Sabharwal, Sanjesh Bhatia, Anil Chopra, Ashok Advani, Shivam Jaswal, D.S.Jaaj, Ash Virk, Suneel Advani, Shiv Kapoor, Tony Juneja, K.S.Duggal, Sandip Puri, Suneel Bandhu, Mohnish Sharma, Tushar Sud, Nitin Mahajan, Yadvendra Sharma, Upkaran Gupta
Sitting Ladies:-
Monica Bhatia, Anu Chopra, Suksham Jaaj, Rashmi Virk, Meenu Juneja, Mrs. Kapoor, Mrs. Mohnish Sharma, Renu Puri, Malinder Sabharwal, Ruchika Gupta

Sorry, if any names missed out….

OCA Mumbai lunch

Dear Fellow OC’s,

As informed earlier, OCA MUMBAI CHAPTER is organising MUMBAI OC LUNCH on SUNDAY, 4th FEBRUARY.
Venue :-
The Goose & Gridiron,
Murzban Road, Near Sterling, FORT, South Mumbai.
Programme :-
Lunch & Drinks
Contribution – 
Rs. 2500 for single
Rs. 4500 for a couple
Please pay through online banking to Old Cottonians Association bank account (details below) :-
Bank Account number is 50100055857431
Name of account  OLD COTTONIANS ASSO INDIA MUMBAI CHAPT  (Please note the exact name including the truncation to Asso &  Chapt)
IFSC Code of the branch where account is held       HDFC0000666
Savings account.

You can also pay the contribution in cash at the venue on arrival.

Please convey your attendance to –
Suneel Bandhu – 9833789090
Pravin Agarwal – 9892762229

Our humble thanks to the OC’s who have been helping us to organise this Lunch. Many thanks to everyone in OCA India at Delhi for their co-operation and support.

Sincere request from OCA Mumbai Chapter to all OC’s to make the OC Mumbai Lunch a warm occasion for OC’s to come together!

Warm Regards,

Pravin Agarwal (Rivaz, 1980)


10th Feb update:

A couple of photos sent by Suneel Bandhu

Jimmy Hakim, Mrs and Mr Cyril Joseph Baretto

OCA Lunch – Mumbai Chapter

on Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 12.00 noon

The OCA Mumbai Chapter Lunch will be held at The Willingdon Sports Club, Keshavrao Khadye Marg, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400034 on Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 12:00 PM.

  1. Donation for Lunch:
    • OCs Rs.2,000/-
    • College going OC’s Rs. 500/-
    • OC s’ wives and girl friends are guests No charges
    • Donations are sought from OCs above 30 years.
    • All OCs are requested to donate liberally over and above the lunch charges.
  2. Dress: Blazer with Tie/ Lounge Suit/ Combination Suit

Wives / Girlfriends are welcome and encouraged to please come along with the OCs.

Raman Chahuan /   Suneel Bandhu 
President                /   Secretary

OCA Mumbai Chapter: ocamumbai@gmail.com

Note: As all OCs are not habitually accessing the Net, it is requested that, those who do, should give it wide publicity.



I, (Name) …………….…………………………………….House I/C/R/L (Please tick)

Years in School from ………..…….to……………Batch year …………………….…….


E-mail ID……………………………..……………………..…………………………….

Tel: (Off)……………………………………….(Res)……………..……………………..

Mob: ………..………………………….

will be attending the OCA, Lunch on Sunday February 7, 2016 at 12.00 pm Yes / No

Please revert with RSVP at ocamumbai@gmail.com