At the request of our new chairman Vivek Bhasin I attended a committee meeting on 12/2/11. We gathered at the home of Vinod Nanda in Norwood Green, Southall, Middx.
Picture: Left to Right are : Vinod Nanda (L59-68) ~ Sam Grewal ~ John Whitmarsh-Knight ~ Daljit Singh Jaijee (R47-54) ~ Raj Lamba (L49-59) ~ Vivek Bhasin (L61-70) ~ Rana Data Singh (L 50s) ~ Gursant Sandhu (New Secretary).
Front : Gursaant Singh (C95-00) ~ Puneet Singh (C91-00, Treasurer).Reunion Luncheon at the Bombay Brasserie is on 25 June 2011.
Best regards
Peter Stringer
Tag Archives: Meeting
OCA Thailand Meet-up Oct 2010
Dear All
We had a successful small meeting of the OCA (Thailand) on Saturday and would like to thank all those who made it to the meeting.
During the meeting there was a decision made to meet again on October 29, 2010 @ Rembrandt Hotel (Rang Mahal).
This gives everyone at least 1 ½ month notice and it would be great if all of us could try to make it to this one, the reason being there are some important issues that we need to discuss.
The time would be the usual 19:30 hrs (7:30 pm).
Please feel free to let us know if you u need any more information.
Best Regards
OCA India AGM 2010 – minutes of meeting
I am attaching the Minutes of the 9th February AGM.
Please note that the attachment under Item No. 5 (list of attendees) has not been attached as it is too lengthy.
Thanks & regards,
Wendy Dewan
[Secretary – OCA INDIA]
click here for the file: Minutes of the 9th February OCA INDIA AGM
[File removed due to error. New corrected Minutes of AGM being approved by OCA India and a message will be posted to the OCA website frontpage as soon as this is done and the revised file becomes available online].
OCA India EC – [complete and updated] minutes of meeting held on 27/1/2010
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCA (INDIA) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HELD ON 27 JANUARY 2010 AT DELHI [updated from the article posted on 28/1/2010]
1. The following members attended:
1. Mr. DC Anand – President
2. Col. R Dewan – Hony. Secretary
3. Lt. Gen. M N Batra, PVSM
4. Mr. V K Agarwal
5. Mr. K C Anand
6. Mr. A K Mehra
7. Mr. Sudhir Khanna (Left early)
8. Mr. Jasbir Sawhney
9. Mr. Vikram Sodhi
10. Mr. Ashwani Virk
Absent with permission:
1. Mr. Jaspal Sawhney
2. Maj. S S Rai
3. Mr. Somnath Banerjee
4. Mr. R. Godara – studying abroad
Invitee: Mr. Sukhinder Singh
2. Point Discussed:
(a) The MOU of the OCA
The Executive Committee of OCA India took a decision that the Memorandum of Understanding of OCA India needs to be reviewed and that this should be done by a Committee so constituted for this purpose.
The following members were nominated to constitute the MOU Review Committee:
- Mr. Jasbir Sawhney
- Mr. A.K. Agarwal
- Mr. Vikram Sodhi
- Plus one Member each from Himachal, Chandigarh, Delhi and Bombay Chapters of OCA India, to be nominated by the President of the respective Chapter.
The Above Committee will submit their report latest by 31st August, 2010 to the Members of the OCA India Executive Committee for their further consideration.
(b) Souvenir
The Souvenir being compiled by KC Anand was well received and is to be reviewed with Lt. Gen. M N Batra.
The souvenir will be released in October 2010 at the celebration of the Centenary of the OCA. Cost of the Souvenir to be approved by Mr. A K Mehra.
( c) Contribution for Infrastructure of BCS
The matter for contribution for upgrading the infrastructure of BCS was discussed. The fund raising committee of the 150 years celebrations brought to the notice of the executive committee of the OCA (India) that the surplus arising from the contributions received from the Old Cottonian one lakh club, other OC’s and from advertisers in the Brochure after meeting the various expenses (net of collections for the various activities) for the 150 years celebrations and cost of Brochure, can be contributed to meet the infrastructure Projects of BCS. The present surplus from the 150 years account after setting aside expenses for the brochure is estimated at around 58L. The members deliberated on the issue and given the purpose of utilization in the request letters sent to the OC’s and to the potential advertisers for the Brochure to be brought out, it was resolved that
“The OCA should contribute for the infrastructure projects of BCS, a sum of up to one Crore (58 L from the 150 years account and balance up to 42 L from the general OCA account to be placed by the School in a separate fund for this purpose with the following conditions”:
(1) The the school contributes 2 times the amount contributed by the school in the same fund, and
(2) That the utilization of the funds for infrastructure projects will be determined by the school in consultation with the President/Secretary of the OCA (India) or any other person/s nominated by the OCA (India), subject to BOG approval.
It was further resolved that
“the money be sent to the Headmaster, Bishop Cotton School by the first week of February, 2010 with the above directions and further that the School should display the names of the Donors as provided by the OCA (India) at a suitable place as may be decided by the school.”
Col. R. Dewan
OCA (India)
OCA India EC – minutes of meeting 27/1/2010
Following is one of the items approved by the OCA India Executive Committee on 27.01.2010:
The Executive Committee of OCA India took a unanimous decision that the Memorandum of Understanding of OCA India needs to be reviewed and that this should be done by a Committee to constituted for this purpose.
The following members were nominated to constitute the MOU Review Committee:
- Mr. Jasbir Sawhney
- Mr. A.K. Agarwal
- Mr. Vikram Sodhi
- Plus one Member each from Himachal, Chandigarh, Delhi and Bombay Chapters of OCA India, to be nominated by the President of the respective Chapter.
The Above Committee will submit their report latest by 31st August, 2010 to the Members of the OCA India Executive Committee for their further consideration.
2/Feb/2010 update: SEE THIS PAGE for updated Minutes of Meeting.
OCA India AGM 2010
OCA India AGM to be held on 9th Feb and OCA India annual lunch to be held on 14th Feb 2010 at New Delhi.
Further information [venue/time/agenda/etc] yet awaited from OCA India, so please do keep a look-out at this page for further announcements.
EDIT: Jan/25/10
Additional and updated information has been posted HERE
Time: 11:00 am
Charges: £ 25 with drink refreshments
Dress: Tie and Blazer or lounge suits please
Chairman’s Letter
The great day is upon us – 1st July 2009.
Old Cottonians are gathering from East and West, from India, Pakistan, Europe, Canada and the USA for this once in (our) lifetime meeting.
We have the most privileged venue of Marlborough College – thanks to the kind invitation of the Master. The Head Masters of Rugby School and Westminster School will join him and his staff; the two other schools where Bishop Cotton taught and was taught. We also hope to have His Excellency the High Commissioner for India with us as well as members of the BCS Board of Governors – Deep C. Anand (Chairman OCA India) and Anil Mehera and from Pakistan Dr. Humayun Khan – former Foreign Secretary and Ambassador and (Director Commonwealth Foundation).
We shall have a Memorial Service and the Annual Cricket Match to see between Marlborough & Rugby. For this OCA(UK) is presenting the Bishop Cotton Challenge Cup, in future to be contested annually. And after a celebratory glass of Cava, an excellent lunch and tea before returning home when stumps are drawn for the day.
All this for a modest £25 per head.
A free coach service from London will take you to and from Marlborough College. Please let us know now urgently if you need a seat (s) on the coach. Pickup point Hyde Park Corner Time 8:30 Definite departure by 9:am.
So come and join us with your family. We look forward to seeing you on this historic occasion.
Yours sincerely
Gay Niblett.
Secretary’s notes
Well here we are the year we have talked about, the year we have waited for and One Hundred and Fifty years ago when George Edward Lynch Cotton scanned the Simla hills and founded the School at Jatog. It later moved to the present site on the spur of Knollswood above the old tiny village of Patina – (my Seniors informed me and I believe them).
So we have decided to mark this special year in the history of OCA(UK) and for that matter dear BCS as well.
With our members we have proudly held the Association together since its formation in 1929 by the late ex-Headmaster
Rev. J.R. Peacey MA, MC. (1927-35), while on home leave and with some very senior Old Cottonians.
It is with a lot of thought from the committee and tireless effort from your Chairman that we decided to dedicate this year to our School Founder celebrating with emotive gratitude for our own formative years spent at PATINA.
Our Chairman persevered to include the three Head Masters of Westminster, Rugby and Marlborough (as in his letter). Unfortunately Headmaster Mr. Roy C. Robinson has had to decline as he has too many commitments already. Old Cottonians are proud of their heritage to be associated to this jeweled necklace and hope the link never diminishes over the years.
We hope to gather at Marlborough College the largest number of OCs from around the Globe and the UK and trusting many of you willingly fulfil our ambitious request to come and join with us.
Wednesday 1st July 2009 and make it a great Day.
We understand the credit downturn may prove difficult for some to be adsum. Here and now we ask again for those of us who can afford to give that little extra – please do? We will be grateful for your gracious donations. We also know of those who are still studying and working to make arrangements to take that day off!
For those of you who have never attended the Annual Reunion, for whatever reason, please come and I promise you will share a new and genuine experience.
As we focus on this year’s events around our Alma Mater I urge all OCs who receive this Newsletter or hear of it, please persuade other OCs to join in. It is a Roundup call that we expect will bring us together and give an abiding opportunity to rediscover the past, exchange memories and recount experiences and rekindle the inner young spirit – in every man there is a forgotten boy! I do believe for quite a few it will be the ultimate time we get the chance to all meet. This will be even more true for those of us who are still able to return to Simla in October. I count myself extremely lucky to have returned several times in the recent past. But this return for sure will be awesome. BCS and OCA India are jointly preparing to put on the finest show of events. We want and warmly wish that these 2009 engagements will be cherished and lasting. Perhaps they will renew a page in our life’s chapter raising us above the doom and gloom we all presently face today.
The OCA(UK) main celebration venue will be held at Marlborough College Wednesday 1st July 2009.
This replaces the annual Reunion Luncheon that has been a fixture for the last Saturday in June.
(Please make a note of this. Follow the information you should have received and PLEASE send in your replies).
For those who are interested to attend celebration events at BCS 2nd-6th October 2009
- A reserved OCA train from Kalka to Simla on 2nd October
- Release of a 150 year history journal of the School
- Musical evening by a National / International band
- Three Gala dinners and Two Lunches at BCS
- Post & Telegraph India will strike a new commemorative stamp.
Please advise us of your wishes. If you require any further information please do not hesitate or delay to ask. This would be of great help in co-ordination of numbers and movement.
Vivek Bhasin (L 61-70) … What Bishop Cotton School means to me The year 2009
Echoes of the past constantly enter my head, from a young squealing little five year old entering Linlithgow to the little chump and later teenager. Having finished my ISC at the tender age of 15 I left School after Sixth Form wearing a rag of a Lefroy shirt, a rusted metal badge and my roll number that could have well been tattooed on my arm – forever 123.
Today Sunday 8th March 2009 and the time 20:27 hrs UTC* as I sit here in Weybridge Surrey. Outside its windy as though the ‘ winds of doom just howl and moan’. A shiver runs down my spine and a feeling of melancholia envelopes me. I am not sure at this moment if it is sadness or remembering something from the past that flashes by and the echoes return. It’s been 37 years since I left, with a song in my heart – singing ‘we sing of days now past and gone, we sing of days to be…!’
I seem to connect everything to my days in School – my life, my work, my friends, someone winning a golf tournament, the birth of my children… someone in hospital – in anguish, in a dilemma, upset …. the happy, elated, overjoyed and all the good stuff that goes with it……..
I realize then what it feels to be an eagle flying high in the sky with 6/6 vision – and down there on terra firma, the land may looked parch I can see these tiny creatures emerging from all over. They arrive as little boys and as they approach the entrance gates now they have matured. Some clean shaven, some with shaven heads, some beards – full, some with goatees, some having wigs, some walk with sprightly energy, some lumbering along with old walking sticks and some with Burberry umbrellas. Some in blazers and flannels and wearing School ties. They congregate in large numbers from parched plains, from the hills and valleys, from across oceans, from neighbouring borders, from roof tops and next door. The eagle up high accepts this moment of truth…. Nay …. He ain’t going to swoop down with claws and flaming beak … never at this time. Full well he knows what a Reunion of such great significance means to these men. They are coming around full circle. He then stretches his wing and soars higher and higher!
Its now time for Bishop Cotton School to celebrate 150 Years …. Its time for the Boys to worship in the Chapel, the ground, the flats, the dorms, the classrooms, the bogs, the shortcuts, the memories and much, much more.
For all you Cottonians – Small, Big, Tall, Straight, Crooked or Bent …… remember we are Blessed that we are HERE! We must make the effort to give back what we have received and let the world know the meaning of BCS – par Excellence! Yes, its time for the Boys to come Home,
*UTC = Universal Time Coordinated / Greenwich Mean Time
To add to all this we have a message from
Deep C. Anand (R 46-51) President OCA India. Member of the School’s Board of Governors.
With our Alma Mater’s 150th Anniversary around the corner, it is as much a time for rejoicing as for reflection.
It is time to reflect on the future direction that the School needs to take so that it can provide holistic education to its students to enable them to become World Citizens. Apart from focus on academics, the students will need skills to equip themselves to face the challenges of living in the 21st Century. Equally they will require understanding of multiple cultures and traditions as borders and time lines become blurry.
At the same time, BCS has to increase its standing amongst the Public Schools in India and aim to be counted amongst the top five Boarding Schools. Currently it is listed as no.11.
The OCA fraternity in India is preparing a VISION STATEMENT FOR BCS which will define the Way Ahead! We would welcome your thoughts and suggestions.
I look forward to meeting many of you in Simla during the Sesquicentennial Celebrations in October 2009. This indeed is an historic event and we are fortunate to be around to join the celebrations
I thank you for all your Xmas cards and letters and find great joy in receiving them. Old Cottonians that phone me from time to time, for this, I must express my pleasure. I never tire from these exchanges for this does lift my spirits. Not always is it confined to OCA or BCS affairs. It is a shame we have not the power to enlighten our national authorities to follow our thinking. We are sure life would be made easier and less complicated.
Wanda & Reg Button (I 41-48) writes from their Paradise Point in Queensland. Climate changes in November – violent electrical storms had broken the long drought with torrential rain causing millions of dollars in damage around Brisbane. They spent Christmas in New Zealand with the remaining half of the family.
He confirmed what Johnny McLaughlin told me last year – Reg arrived BCS in April 1948 and had missed out as selected Captain of Ibbetson. His parents and grandparents had lived out of boxes through 1947 being advised by P & O that they would have passages to Australia by late ’47 or early ’48. Well, because of a contingent of ‘Poms’ paying £10/- for a passage to Australia his family was advised to wait till end of 1948 or early ’49. He convinced his parents that he should return to BCS (from Lahore, Pakistan).
He telephoned Mr. Fisher the Headmaster, who accepted. His father had to escort him to Simla and returned again at the end of term. Finally sailed away February 1949 to Australia and then onto NZ.
Wanda adds Reg was due back in hospital early 2009 to have the prosthesis in his shoulder taken out. Followed by 12 weeks of massive antibiotics and treatment. Unfortunately Reg fell over about 3 years ago and shattered his shoulder and has suffered much pain. Hopefully this should restore the use of his left arm.
It has been a year they have lived on Ephraim Island with their cat, in a new apartment and find the change a challenge not having a garden.
Tricia & Allan Bapty (R36-44) writes from Devon – “We have so much to be thankful for in the past year.
Among the children we count 17 in the first generation and 21 in the second generation, all have survived.
(Bearing in mind the common African greetings – ‘Muraho?’ – You are alive! and ‘Ndaho’- I am still here!
They have all made excellent progress in their lives and work, and we are proud of them. Some have difficult situations to deal with, they are a lesson to us in their patience and courage.”
Adding a good message to heed ….. ‘ Giving and sending – and receiving & sharing – cards, presents, news, greetings, meals, parties, outings, even postal addresses and recipes! Are such special features just now. Its good Christmastide comes back every year to remind us too that mankind is being offered the best-ever present, sent with the intention of also being received and shared
Neelem & Wendy Bill Dewan (R 47-54) from his mountain hideaway writes “We are well and happy to be back in Simzy and enjoying some glorious weather before the snow sets in Jan.
We attended the Carol Service on the 28th Nov. followed by the formal Supper (which has replaced the ‘Jugh Day Chew in our time). Next morning was the off for the last exams and thereafter the boys left, and will return on 28th Feb.
The Carol Service was outstanding, the best I have attended. The Choir sang all the old favourites in the past.
The new Music Master Mr. Parker was proud of his boys. The best singer (solo) was the HM he sings very well.
The School Football team did us proud beating Sanawar 5 – 0, Doon School 3 – 1, YPS Patiala 5 – 0 !”
Dishant (I 98) I forgot to mention he visited me for a day, after his holiday last June from Virginia USA – writes and apologises for not keeping in touch. “I had a great time in the UK, it was everything I expected it to be, rather even more. With the nice tour you gave me, I just couldn’t keep from thinking about how beautiful Simla is, as everything reminded me of Simzy.
Thank you for being such a nice host and sharing your memories with me. It was very impressive what you have done with your garden. I promise to keep in touch with you, there is a lot of work to be done to get our OC community at par with other similar communities and I intend to be an integral part of the driving force to achieve this. I am trying to get in contact with as many OCs as I can from my time, and hopefully will get more people involved in doing things for the betterment of the School and all OCs.
Thank you again for your hospitality, please tell Mrs. Stringer the food was awesome. Hope to see you again in the UK sometime soon”
Tony Sinha (R48-49) ex-Chairman OCA(UK) writes from his Hampshire cottage. “Out here in the rural area most of the trees have given up their leaves, swept by Autumn winds leaving bleak silhouettes against graying skies. Indoors the fires are lit and one loathe to move too far from their comforting warmth. The weak golden sunshine is scampering away over the skyline with an array of crimsoned reds and pinks. I sink further into my armchair, satisfied of the day’s achievements and preparation for the great family Day, counting my blessings at having a lovely, supportive, caring family. Memories of past Christmases when my family was young and their sheer wonder and excitement which took over from the realities of life. As you may have guessed, I am a complete pagan or just still a young boy at heart, traditional as ever! Especially with an extra portion of Christmas pud, equated with an extra dose of Insulin.
Christmas shopping complete and decorations put up, I sit back and enjoy with my Maggie – a stir of Xmas pud ingredients, a wish and then the aroma of sweet spices bring forth the spirit of Yuletide.
2008 has been a quiet year for us, still reminiscing after last year’s cruise holiday. Shipboard life agrees with me and provides the nostalgia of my years served in the Royal Navy. Salt water must run in my veins. Life continues at a slow and mellowed pace. Nothing in the village (my little bit of England) moves too fast. Everyone and everything is well laid back. People have time to wish you the time of the day, stop and discuss the latest news in the village or anywhere, or anything else come to that.”
Gerry Godinho (L80-83) from Toronto dropped me some lines with his Christmas card and reminding himself –
“Thanks to my maternal grandmother and Mom’s sister and my female cousins: for the first 12 yrs of my life, I was not sure what I was doing around so many women. Thanks to them I am a better husband, a better father. It is important to ‘connect’ emotionally with a wife. Also thanks to my wonderful female friends -Helen & Marlaina – mucho gracias!
What was I doing in a British, strict boarding school? Why was I getting whacked with a cane? BCS made me what I am today. It taught me manners and discipline, hard work, a love of God and above all loyalty. Thanks to all the Old Cottonians who have enriched my life”.
Helen & Johnny McLaughlin (I 41-48). Writes from his Williamston estate to say they are coming on 23rd June till the
13th July and are looking forward to attending the Reunion in Marlborough College. Adding that he has been invited to the OC Reunion in Toronto 30th May, that Gerry Godinho has organised at Sanjay Chadha’s place.
By coincidence late Bobby Reed’s wife Sheila is holding an OC get-together, in Bob’s honour, at her Watchbury Cottage, Warwickshire on the 30th May as well. Please make notes! We shall raise a glass and toast to you.
Quietly reclining under the Jamun tree
In meditation and deep reverie and with contemplation
Images of time spent in the Hills return invariably
To stir one’s memories of a golden time.
Remember the full moon over Jakko’s Peak
The evening rambles were spent in pleasant jest
One felt the magic of the moon at best
And the beauty that was there for us to savour.
Some precious times were spent on Jakko’s Hill
Wondering up, down and around this unique place
Under the whispering Deodars and Pines
Of that foreign land, magical and divine
The time and place is now in another Plain
Under my favourite Jamun tree’s deep shade
Where I recall images of times I hold forever
And redeem visions of beauty and place.
by John Alton Price (BCS – Ibbetson ’34-’41)
By kind permission from Jane his only daughter. Thank you. We will truly miss him.
OCA UK – Winter 2008 News Letter
Dear Friends
I write at a time our thoughts turn to Christmas and family and New Year and future hopes. However, this year has been deeply affected by the dire financial situation worldwide and the tragic ruthless loss of lives in Mumbai, not to mention Africa and other parts of the world.
Closer to home, we have lost Shirley Jones – a tower of strength and cheerful optimism who stood behind our Treasurer Arthur Jones all these years. Our condolence to him and his family, who will, like us, miss Shirley terribly. We must get our chins up and look forward to the New Year, when we celebrate our 150th School Foundation Anniversary at Marlborough College on 1st July 2009. The day will start with a Memorial Service in the College Chapel at 11.30 am. Later at a reception we will present to the Master of Marlborough College the Bishop Cotton Challenge Cup for the winners of the Annual Cricket Match between Marlborough College and Rugby School. We hope to have a brief tour of the campus followed by lunch in the main Dining Room, under the gaze of the portrait of Bishop G.E.L. Cotton. our Founder. After this we will watch the cricket match, take tea and then see out the day’s play. Those wishing to return home will leave
Those wishing to see the final day’s play can stay overnight in one of the hotels in Marlborough – please let me know and I’ll try and reserve rooms locally. The Challenge Cup will be presented to the match winners but in case of a draw or the game having to be abandoned due to the weather; it will remain with the College pending the result of the following year.
I feel that this Celebration is particular and special to the Old Boys of Bishop Cotton School Simla and therefore only they and their wives and immediate family should attend. This will also ease the position of the Catering Staff at the College – where term will not have ended and there will, in any case, be present family and friends of the players of the two school cricket teams. A point to consider if you wish to have a room in Marlborough for either or both 30th June and 1st July 2009. We are looking forward to a healthy contingent of OCs from India, Pakistan, the Far East, Australia, USA and Canada, along with those from Europe.
We are also approaching the Indian High Commissioner and the High Commissioner from Pakistan to see if they will honour us – and Marlborough College, who has given them an open invitation to attend the Celebrations on 1st & 2nd July.
We are also looking forward to attending the 150th Celebration at Simla in early October 2009 where the OCA Overseas have contributed to new doors for the IRWIN HALL.
The above taken into account and a wish by some OCs to retain the Annual Luncheon on the last Saturday 27th June, I thought to ask those interested to indicate their wish to attend on a form for the official programme of the celebrations which will be sent out in the New Year. Numbers for this lunch which has been requested to be repeated at the BOMBAY PALACE. It is likely that the demand for that lunch will be reduced and it is thought therefore to invite friends from BCS Bangalore, Sanawar and Auckland House – the latter two of which no longer hold their official Annual Lunch.
Meanwhile let us hope that In this world that the greed and plenty of the few, which has led to the deprivation and despair of the many, is addressed by more than words by leaders of the world over, in an effort to bring PEACE and comfort to us all.
May I wish you a Happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year. Gay Niblett (Rivaz 40-47)
It is at the closing of another year and the one before Bishop Cotton School Founder’s 0ne Hundred and Fiftieth YEAR! What an aspiration to look forward too? But before we move forward with eager anticipation I must make every effort to cover the months since our Spring Newsletter.
Spring I think arrived early but do not ask about Summer – did we have one? It came and went with lots of cloudy weather and enough rain. Thank goodness major flooding less than last year. I find it difficult to reconcile my thoughts on global warming for some summer evenings did lack BTUs – or is it old age has begun to tell me something!
We did not manage to gather enough numbers to meet at Tony Verma’s Laguna Tandoori restaurant in Nottingham early this year. But on the 26th April late Bobby Reed’s wife Sheila hosted a super afternoon at her Watchbury Cottage. A full lunch for the OC boys in the dining room and the ladies indulged with their treats in the grapevine conservatory. Sheila’s daughters Caroline & Jancis were in perfect harmony providing the warm hospitality – Robert would have been very proud.
Chairman Gay Niblett and I attended the ultimate Auckland House School Association Reunion the second weekend in May at the New Cavendish Club in London. A sad and tear-filled occasion and I ask myself will I ever meet these members of our sister school again? Over the years I have attended quite a few Reunion meetings and making acquaintances. My school years in Simla were under age to have attended the social evenings and dances we heard from elder boys so much about. Yes a rich chapter in a school boarder’s life now laid to history. Farewell Sisters and may the passing of years to come never dull our halcyon background.
28h May the Himalayan Hill Schools Reunion was held for the fifth occasion at The Clay Oven at Alperton near Wembley. Nine OCs and wives attended another gala afternoon. Our Chairman even persuaded OCA (New Delhi) President Deep Anand join us, but who had to slip away shortly after lunch was served. Good food, good company and a lot of friends that I know from India and the Circle in the UK, I got to meet. A great live band playing the music we grew up with and the sound attuned to our ears and years! Have not lost the urge to dance – the last time was at a wedding last year. The rust soon melts away after a few glasses of the amber liquid and plenty of pretty girls to dance with. Maggie knows my style, so made it quite easy for me to get started and a lot of fun.
The June Wednesday afternoon before the OCA(UK) Reunion lunch Maggie and I held our usual garden party. With the help of our daughter Marnie, her daughter Olivia and my grandson Ryan we erected a marquee on the first lawn the previous Sunday. This year thank heavens not a drop of rain but a glorious day. Maggie as usual put on the spread and plenty of khanna, I was the chief bearer and good barman. We welcomed Humayun Khan and Hashim Khan from Pakistan, Kiran and Deep Anand, Elisabeth and Peter Evans from Amsterdam, Elisabeth and Peter Johans from Switzerland and Johnny McLaughlin completed the visiting OCs from abroad. Other OC UK members who were able to join us made my day! It is days like these, I feel privileged and proud to be a member of the Old Cottonian family. Before tea was served we gathered to present our out-going Treasurer Arthur Jones and his long supporting wife Shirley a present and monies collected from many OCs to signify our gratitude for carrying and care of the OCA(UK) purse. What we OCs have in common one finds difficult to discover or to describe to the world around us.
The unexpected sudden change of venue from the Bombay Brasserie to the Bombay Palace on Connaught Street was brought about very late notice from the BB, given to understand they would be undergoing refurbishment. However, we had a resounding appreciation and approval from all members for this new venue. It really turned out an excellent afternoon and fully enjoyed by all. Attending numbers up on last year, 91 this year but strangely there were less OCs in attendance. We had a lot of guests and wives but over all it was good. A lot of our regulars were missing and many of the younger members who have attended in the past were absent. What was outstanding and unique we had four School Captains join us –
Clive Hardie (L40-45) 45, Hassian Agha Red (I 38-47) 46-47, Jessie Pudwell (C42-47) 47, Daljeet Singh (R47-54) 54.
Also noting we had quite a few attending the Reunion for the first time. Peter Travis (R42-45) from Woking, James Turner (I 34-44) from Cornwall, Upindera Singh (C53-59) and his wife from Chandigarh and Vivek Srivastava (C63-69) flew in from Sudan on his return to Washington. OC Board of School Governors members Deep Anand and Kiran, Anil Mehra and Leena were present.
Chairman Gay Niblett opened the after lunch speeches giving a rough outline of OCA(UK) account and the notice of Treasurer Arthur Jones stepping down and for Puneet Singh (from the younger generation) taking an active part and controlling the Association funds. Welcome Puneet and we hope you encourage more of your peers to come and join forces! We older members on the committee are looking forward to you Freshman to carry on the baton.
Deep Anand (R47-51) gave a speech mainly to draw our attention to the School and informing us of preparation in India to celebrate the forthcoming Founder’s Year Celebrations.
Anil Mehra brought us upto date on the School with a quick summary and making plans to employ a Senior Master and Science Master from the UK. The School he informed us is doing very well under the leadership of Headmaster Mr. Roy Robinson and Mrs. Dorothy Robinson.
Things are looking good as BCS reaches forward to greater achievements and takes a noble stand as an outstanding hill school.
Humayun Khan (R 41-47)as always implied his good wishes and fondness for dear Patina raising our spirits to a happier mood.
Another happy Reunion ended on a high note as Vivek Bhasin assembled choristers and sang the School Song. With this closing a point of reference I do believe might draw your attention to next year we must celebrate with unity and enthusiasm – Please come and join us and with pride pay tribute to our heritage and remind ourselves ……. Of Cotton’s off-told story……….
…… And each as on his way he goes………. Will give the School the love he owes.
James Turner (I 35-44) writes from Cornwall a while after the Reunion to say …. How much I enjoyed the OCA lunch, the excellent food, organisation and meeting old (very old) schoolmates after 60 years. The reason for the lateness of this letter is the fact that if one lives in Cornwall the rest of the family, who were raised here, want to come back in the summer apparently to see aged parents but also to visit al the beautiful beaches and go sailing again. It is always lovely to see them and of course to spoil the grandchildren without the worries of having to raise them.
I was surprised to see so many people and see how cordial everyone was, and as at the School, the absence of racial and religious friction, very refreshing these days! I am sorry it took so long for me to get to know of the existence of OCA and I shall definitely continue to support the company of such friendly schoolmates. Once again thank you for such an interesting and enjoyable occasion.
Jim now tell your brothers and see if you can persuade them to join in next years celebrations?
John Phillips (C39-45) Who I keep in regular contact and requested for his news…….. Catherine and I had an exciting cruise to the Black Sea in September in a party of eight friends including Sheila Reed. Highly exciting as the conditions were very rough and at one point the ship lost all power and had no steering! Finally still all turned out well and we managed to enjoy it all especially the calmer waters around the Greek Islands during the second week. We arrived back home with three weeks to go before we celebrated John’s 80th birthday near the end of October. This was a wonderful occasion. It took place at a very old local hotel and we were helped by the presence of some OCs and colleagues from NFU days, the family and old and new friends. It was a day we do not think we shall top despite hints dropped that they look forward to 85 and 90!! Elizabeth and Peter Evans (I 38-44) from Holland stayed with us for the occasion and then we returned with them to Muiderberg to celebrate Lumboo’s 82nd. Slowly we are getting back to normal – rather nice after our busy times.
Jal Boga (C45-53) Sent me a newsy letter from Canada, his daughter Meher’s home before leaving to spend the winter in Karachi. In August he spent a fortnight on a coach tour of the West Coast of Canada. Absolutely super and witnessed such awesome scenic beauty, some few spots reminding him of Simla. Then followed a Golden wedding Anniversary from Meher – a 7 day cruise of Alaska. 2000 guests on board a floating delight that he highly recommends. Enjoyment from dawn till midnight and over a dozen eating houses, offering a mouth-watering variety of food out of this world.
In September he attended the OCs Buffet dinner Gerry Godinho arranged. Meeting up with Johnny McLaughlin (I 41-48) who had motored up with Junaid Azim (L 01-05)from Michigan. John and he discussed plans for the Reunion next year June in London, followed by a meeting up in Simla. He is anxious to attain an Indian visa and mentioned he received a call from K C Anand (R 50’s)who informed not to worry he would arrange it. While in Canada he has joined an Adult Centre visiting ¾ times a week to play table tennis and Bridge. Both he and dear Ava keep fit with regular exercise and occupies he time laying Mahjong, Bridge and the occasional ladies social gatherings. He mentions Ava is the kitchen boss and he is the washer-up.
He hopes that not long into the future to be with us not only to enjoy our company but to recall the very happy memories he cherishes of our great institution. Meeting with guys like Ron Plunkett (C 43-50) & Les Homer (L43-49) and a whole bunch of God fearing souls that helped him go forward in the world. How can he ever forget the good old days? Sends his regards to all.
Gerry Godinho (L81-83) in Canada apologises for not corresponding earlier due to just dealing with the worst financial crisis of his generation. (tell me more!!!).
The OC association is alive and thriving here. A couple of years ago, we were barely 5 or 6 guys getting together now it is always anywhere from 10 to 15 of us. Our very first official meeting was at the Mandarin in Brampton in March. More than 12 OCs with their spouses had great Chines food and some daru.
In September, I put the challenge to all the students at university that they should come. So we had students from Mcmaster, Windsor, Ryerson, George Brown and Humber ……. Saturday 27th September 2008 – attended
LEFROY HOUSE Prashant Sehgal/Sunati (80-87) Toronto, Gerry Godinho/ Debbie (81-83) Whitby, Junaid Azim (01-05) Michigan
Sammer Sodhi (99-06) Hamilton, Tanvir Sodhi (98-04) Windsor
IBBETSON HOUSE Johnny McLaughlin (41-48) Michigan, Shiv Narang (91-04) Toronto, Harpal Singh (88-00) Hamilton.
CURZON HOUSE Deep Bains/Harsharan (62-70) Richmond Hill, Jal Boga/ Ava (45-53) Mississauga, Raj Karan Singh (92-05) Toronto
RIVAZ HOUSE Tom Mehre/Renuka (73-78) Mississauga, Kshitij Sood (93-03) Toronto
Gerry too is looking forward to being with us in the UK for the big celebrations next year.
Deep Sidhu (L48-52) Writes from his home in Harrington Park, New Jersey is not unarmored of School news unless it is breath-taking….. O yeah! Mate You must come here next year and sample the buzz.
He is amazed at Obama oratory taking in the young supplanting the knowledge of capitalism for his strange version to conquer the financial down turn and the predicament the US is in. (Yes Deep he is the modern American version of Robin Hood. The whole world awaits the change of tide).
Deep has cataracts removed from both eyes with lens implants and vision is clear without glasses except for reading. Jogging every morning having run in two 5-kilometer races in September finishing in less than 42 minutes. Hats off for your age and condition!! I did my walking while on holiday.
Henry Berriff (L4I-44) who remains in regular contact by phone at my request has forwarded me some random thought –
Life’s Rungs ……… If you can imagine that each year of our life can be represented by each rung on a ladder; then at 81 I have a very long ladder! My thoughts go back to one of the happiest times of my life – at Bishop Cotton School, Simla.
Forgive me if I have mentioned this before. This came about by a mosquito!
Previously in Jubblepore it was stifling hot during the summer months and every year I went down with malaria – the sting from a mosquito.
On our doctor’s advice I was sent to Simla. My father had had a shop on the Mall – Alan Henry & Co. selling materials; his partner next door Alec Jones’s Tailors made up the garments. 1930 was the world slump. Dad sold his shop and from the cool of the hills came to the heat of the plains Jubblepore. At Christ Church School, Jubblepore I learnt to read and write Hindi.
However, during these many years, the Hindi characters have changed and new ones have been added. Also the language itself has had slight change with many English words thrown in.
My father spoke fluent Punjabi and as a result the Maharaja of Bickiner often came to him for advice.
In the plains to keep cool during the heat of the day all doors were shut with curtains drawn. However one door was left open where hung a thick mat across called a kus-kus tatti. Water trickled down this mat from a pipe connected to the garden hose. Here I may add and those with a younger scientific mind may remember, the simple gurrah (earthenware chatti) – which through evaporation kept drinking water cool – far better for one than ice from a refrigerator! Look after yourselves.
Tony Sinha (R49- 50) Our retired Chairman writes in his Christmas letter from his home in rural Hampshire. Wishing dear friends and loved ones the blessings of Noel and so hopefully enhancing their happiness. Shopping now complete and decorations up will sit back and enjoy with his Maggie. Stir the Christmas pud ingredients, make his wish and the aroma of sweet spices will bring forth the real spirit of a merry Yuletide.
2008 has been a quiet year and is still reminiscing after last years cruise holiday. Life continues at a slow and mellow pace in his village (his little England). Where folk have time to wish you the time of the day and stop to discuss the latest news in the village or elsewhere, or anything else come to that.
As shipboard life agrees with Tony and provides the nostalgia of his years served in the Royal Navy. He reckons salt water must run in his veins for he always loves the sea. He is desperately coaxing Margaret to come on a longer cruise than the last with enough company to look after her. (Yes Tony a lot of people are enjoying their days on these leisure floating palaces.)
Time of Events on day at Marlborough College
11.00am Arrival Tea & Coffee
11.30am Memorial Service
12 noon Reception & Drinks
1.00pm Lunch
4.00pm Afternoon Tea
We will circulate details of more information for you in our Spring annual Newsletter.
Please if you have any query contact me – your secretary at your convenience.
I shall take this opportunity to thank all members for your support wishing you and your loved ones a most enjoyable
OCA India Balance Sheets, AGM and Lunch 8th Feb 09
An invitation to OCs of the 1960s. Read on..
And, do I have the time to read all this, when all I do is read the headlines in the papers! And that too, if they have a picture attached to it!
No pictures here today, Pal !
[Webmaster’s note – We got one! The man himself. From friends in high places]:
Let me first get one fact out of the way; I hardly ever remember the school; I don’t really dwell on those years, and neither do I have nostalgia haunting me on the days and time in Simla. In short, I have moved on; as opposed to some others who are still faithful to their pre-college years – and remain planted in the 60’s. (It is surprising, for example, people don’t form a club or network with their college or university folks, or donate to that institution).
So, is this email about those 60’s? It sure is!
The interesting fact is – that the best music – since we were born, was created in that era – the 60’s. In that sense, I am stuck in the 60’s groove – for the music that I heard in the 60’s and 70’s, on radio, TV and clubs in Germany – where I grew up in my later teens and twenties.
Another interesting fact is that we are currently in our early 60’s, congruent with another fact that the early 60’s were also our final years in the school!
So the Sixties, in reality Are special!
So here’s the deal:
Since Rishi and I were planning to visit India in December, I thought, maybe we could reunite with a small group one evening and “Celebrate the 60’s”! Attached [links below] is an invitation from both of us.
This invitation has taken me more hours to compile than I would like to admit. You may not think it is a serious invitation, but it is a darn serious attempt. There are 2 versions; An Invite and an InvitAshun version (A=Adult rated, but contains no bad words, not even the word ‘sex’). But, if you find those connotations offensive, or you do not want somebody in your household to read the A version, you should shun it and delete it!
Whichever version you prefer to print or read, it may also be the longest invitation you will ever receive. I have attempted to give different reasons for you to attend the evening, and persuade y’all into RSVP’ing Vijay as soon as you can.
And, do let him know which version you read first!
Originally I thought of writing some 60 lines or things to do, or reasons for you to come for, but then I must have become obsessed (as in obsssesssed!) and now, I believe there are over a 100 lines! ALL lines and descriptors are unique and because no such words are repeated, this invitation has now emptied my brain!
Unless I get a push back from Rishi or Vijay, the date for the meet is FRI DEC 19.
I know, not all of you receive, or read these emails; and not all those who read, are free or interested – and that’s perfectly OK.
But, a handful of people just might find some interest to come …
Of course, there are Terms! Is anything free these days guys … plus, you don’t want to come to a Bharta party, do you?
To come, you must bring energy, enthusiasm and a strong thirst.
If you don’t drink, that’s fine; even I don’t drink anymore! But then, I don’t drink any less either!! In which case, bring a healthy appetite for appetizers!
Dress sharp; a Jacket is mandatory (no zippered jackets). Plus, you may be asked to speak for a minute or so – we value your opinion in shedding light on us souls.
Tell us if you would send your kids to BCS – why or why not? Secondly, if you had one thing to improve at the school, what would that be?
Your wife (if present) must also speak and let us know:
a) Can mothers impart their children just as fine an education by sending their kids to good day schools?
b) Should mothers sacrifice their love by sending the children away for those precious (only) years that they would live within family? (Did they not lose out by not experiencing their children’s presence, love and youth? What is the purpose of (producing) family if you prescribe to live as non-family?).
Okaay – Enough of Terms! – Let’s get down to more serious stuff!
This is a “BYOB Party”!
If you are wondering what that means, it is:
Bring Your Own Biwi
However, if you cannot do that, you are single, or she does not want to go with you, then you are invited to a “SOB Party”. If you don’t know what that means, it would be: Bring Your “Significant Other, Brother”.
However, in my complete honest opinion (if I can also shed some light), I will admit: the more “Insignificant” the Other, the more motivated I will be to talk to her! (If the companion is not a ‘her’, Filipinos might also be a good choice)!!
Now, for the die-hards who cannot make a decision until the day others forget them, it may be appropriate to add that:
“If You don’t respond,
This offer will abscond!”
Lastly, Mr. Jaspal Sawhney gets top marks for being a ‘total gentleman’, in not only rsvp’ing
promptly, but also being extremely gracious in offering to share costs. Thank you very kindly, Mr. Sawhney, but on that day, please forget your wallet at home!
Ken Singh (or as in the 60’s: Karanjit Singh)
For those who are wondering what RSVP means, it’s:
“Reply karo Sonyo, Varna Pashtaogey”.
If the suggested Dec date gets changed by more than + or – 2 days, then Rishi is the throat you choke.
PPPS (God, will he ever stop?)
Hey Rishi, don’t you worry about losing your breath. In my opinion, there will always be a line of people ready to give you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation!
* Want to reply? You can do that here.