Tag Archives: Lance Jones

Lance Jones [Lefroy] passed on

We received the sad news of the death of Lance Jones on 6 July 2019 at the age 
of 95. Lance  we believe served in the Police Force in India. He was a fanatical Supporter of Arsenal FC and equally keen Supporter of OCA(UK) -attending the
Annual Lunches until last year and only a year or two earlier, on an OCs evening out, a Night Club featuring a delightful ‘belly dancer,’ whose performance he much enjoyed. 
Lance was a charming gentleman who will be much missed. 

Gay Niblett
Hon. Life President OCA(UK)

Annual ‘at-home’ event / Barford Warwickshire

Saturday 29 April 9 OCs with some wives gathered at Barford Warwickshire – this is an annual ‘at-home’ event hosted by Sheila, wife of late Bobby Reed (R 41-46) – continues to his memory.
We believe this simple way to refresh our fraternal acquaintance and rekindle fond memories – this practice helps restore the Spirit of BCS.

The photo taken at the entrance of Watchbury Cottage of 9 OCs.
R to L School Captain 1954 Daljit Singh Jaijee (R 47-54) John Phillips (C 39-45) Gay Niblett (R 40-47) Joginder Chahal (c 44-50) our oldest member 93 Lance Jones (L 35-39)
Stringer ii (Lefroy 43-47) Peter Johans (I 44-48) Raj Lamba (L 49-59) Bambi SK Majumdar (53 – 59).

We enjoyed a dining-room full lunch after drinks & starters (samosas) in the vine covered conservatory where the girls dined – and thank you Sheila & daughter Jancis for your kind warm hospitality.

The afternoon is consigned to another nostalgic memory of innocent schoolboy camaraderie as count down the days for the 24 June OCA (UK) Reunion.

Fond regards
Peter Stringer ii (Lefroy)

Lance Jones celebrates his 90th birthday

4th January 2014 at the open invitation for all Old Cottonians UK to celebrate the 90th birthday party of Lance Jones (L 35-39), wife of late Bobby Reed (R 41-46) Sheila, Maggie & I attended with a large gathering of his relatives and friends in the local pub at Pirton, HERTS. Daughter Lorna and son Jeff proudly hosted the grand occasion.  On behalf of OCA (UK) I presented Lance with a BCS crest delivered to me years ago by Hashim Khan (I 43-47) from Islamabad, Pakistan.  Our tribute to our oldest UK member and may he enjoy many more happy returns – Bless him!

Peter A Stringer (L 43-47)”