Tag Archives: James Bond

Canada OCs and James Bond 📽

James Bond Event Saturday October 23th Movie and Dinner

Dear OC’s

From Canada With Love, since You Only Live Once, you are invited to Live and Let Die and For Your Eyes Only see James Bond kick The Living Daylights of the bad guys in This World Which is Not Enough.

Wear your suave look and chic clothes and you are invited to the 25th James Bond film No Time to Die.

Fairview Mall, 1800 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto Ont M2J 5A7
Evening Show

Dinner and cocktails at Sanjay Chadha’s hacienda (Address in Toronto Whatsapp group).

Any questions contact Director of Communications Jasraj Singh  at ocacanada@gmail.com or Sumit Arora Director of OC engagement.

Jerry Godinho