BCS Batch 1971 / Golden Jubilee [updated]

The BCS Batch of 1971 recently got together in Goa to celebrate their Golden Jubilee. Here is a photo chanced-upon from social media. That is all we know about this celebration! Appreciate if someone from the Batch of 1971 could please send in a list of names as they appear in this photo. Thank you!

BCS Batch 1971 at Goa – Golden Jubilee 2021

15th Oct 2021
Thanks to Tridib Sengupta for sending in the listing!!!

BCS 1971 Golden Jubilee celebrations Goa – October 2021 – those who were able to participate:

Standing Left to Right
Niranjan Mohan Singh ~ Bhagwant Singh ~ Sharadpat Singhania ~ Prithvi Nat~ Vinod Kumar ~ Preet Uberoi (would be 1971 batch but left school in 1968) ~ Sanjiv Shamlal ~ Abhai Mankotia ~ Vikram Sodhi ~ R.S. Juneja (Tony) ~ Tridib Sengupta ~ Chetan Singh ~ Vijay Sandhu ~ S.S.Saron (Tonto) ~ Amarjit Sidhu ~ J.M.S. Brar (Boru).

Seated Back Row Left to Right
G.S. Gill (Guri) ~ Anil Soni ~ Madhu Soni ~ Sunita Nat with Nat junior ~ Gurbir Sidhu ~ Kiran Saron ~ Punita Shamlal ~ Sumathy Sodhi ~ Lorita Sengupta ~ Sonu Chetan Singh ~ Karen Bawa (spouse of Late H.S (Sweety) Bawa) ~ Jyoti Gill ~ Bubbles Sandhu.

Seated Front Row Left to Right
Suman Singh (spouse of Late Ravinder (Bansi) Singh) ~ Meenu Juneja ~ Raju Singh ~ Anu Kapoor ~ Shiv Kapoor (1972) batch.

Class of 1969 Reunion

The class of ’69s reunion story actually started two years earlier in 2017 when, sitting in my office one morning and looking at our class of ’69 VIth form group photograph, it struck me that out of a class of 29, 10 of our classmates had already gone to the happier hunting grounds….

Back row: Dinesh Sud – Vivek Srivastava – Anil Gupta – Vijay Singh – Ravi Thomas – Thanasak Tipparcorn – Amar Rana – Gurrinder Khanna – Praveen Sachdeva – Ravi Pawa – Adnani – Sadhana. Middle row: Kanwaljit Singh – Ravi Pandit – Sunil Sood – Robin Nakai – Anil Bhasin – Ravi Charanji – Rajat Mukherji – RS Mehta – Himmat Kahalon. Sitting: Anil Sood – Taranjit Lehra – Paramjit Nat – Manjit Sembhey – RK von Goldstein – Sunil Singha – Blondie – Ajay Sawaheny – Sekhon.

…Classmates with whom we’d spent our childhood growing up, studying (at times), playing, raiding plum and apple trees and then together maturing into our teens and then aging.  In the ensuing years, tied up with work and earning a living I realized that I personally had lost touch with most of the guys.  And so began the exercise of combing through the net which, one step at a time, like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, helped the class to re-establish contact.  Which led to me suggesting that we should all meet before our numbers diminished further.  And what better place to meet than our very own ‘Patina school’. 

Dinesh Sud, with Robin Nakai as has been and continues to be his wont sticking his finger in, worked his charm with the Heady who was most forthcoming.  That led to 15 of us making our way up to Simla and the school in early September of that year.  The 15 were joined by P.S.Nat’s Dad and younger brother, and Satish Singha representing Sunil.

1969 get-together in 2017 at Simla. This is how the 1969 batch looks like after a marathon 48 years .. (and tears …)!! Standing: Arun Bhalaik, Satish Singha, Dinesh M. Sud, Paramjit S. Nat, Himmat S.Khalon, Ravi Thomas, Rajat Mukerji, Jasbir S. Sadhana, Gurinder S. Khanna, Bikram S. Sirsa, Harsimran S. Sarron, Ajay Sawhney, Parveen Sachdeva, Anil Mahajan, Manjit Singh Sehmbey, Ravinder S. Mehta, Robin S. Nakai Sitting: DM Sister (Neena Sood), DM Wife (Meenakshi Sud), Ishita Kahlon, Mrs. Mukerji, Kitty Khanna, Mr. Nat, Sangeeta Sawhney, Sareena Sachdeva, Mrs. Sehmbey, Kamini Mehta.

2017 turned out to be almost like a dry run for our actual golden year reunion in September this year when 14 of us 65+ year olds, along with our respective spouses met up in Chandigarh from where we drove up to Manali for two days of partying courtesy Dinesh Sud.  DM went the extra mile pulling out all stops and hosting us at his resort – The AnantMaya.  Then on to Simla and Bishop Cotton School where the Headmaster, the school Staff, the Boys and Support Staff went out of the way to give us three days of sheer pleasure. 

There was a special Chapel Service which had most of us with a lump in the throat and holding back our tears, followed by a ‘cricket’ (in a manner of speaking) match between the staff and a bunch of lumbering and out of condition OCs making feeble attempts to run and bend down to retrieve the ball (a tennis ball I may add).  The cherry on the pie the next day was the tennis match between a ’69s pair and two school boys which, most surprisingly, was won by Jasbir Sadhana and Himmat Kahlon.  A lunch spread in the dining hall, the like of which I’d never seen in my 11 years at school, followed by 2 dinners over two evenings, one hosted by Mr Robinson in the HMs lodge and the other by the class of ’69 at Cecil, ensured that not only were we well fed, but were also nicely pickled.


I would be remiss if I did not add my personal two bits which left me mentally thanking my parents for seeing me through 11 years in BCS to end up as a ‘Cottonian’ in the true sense of the word.  That feeling for me was defined and reiterated by the very poignant chapel service, when sitting in the rear pew in the chapel, I watched the choir walking out singing the recessional hymn.  I for one am not ashamed to say that I had tears streaming down my face looking at young 10-16 year olds, wearing cassocks, holding up their hymn books with their heads held up proudly.  What hit me between the eyes was that about 20% of those kids also had on blue turbans.  To me, THAT one moment is what defines the ‘Cottonian’.  A young boy entering the portals of Bishop Cotton, maturing into becoming a good human being all the while developing a bond ‘as close as ivy grows’ and finally stepping out into the world totally unaffected by any ‘narrow domestic walls’ and far removed from bigotry of any sort.

Could one say it any better that what George Lynch Cotton left us with – “Overcome Evil With Good

⁃ Gurrinder [Indi] Khanna [on behalf of the Batch of 1969]

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This community website links and brings together, globally, all Old Cottonians of Bishop Cotton School Simla. It is not specific to any one country or chapter of the OCA.

OC Capt. Vivek Bhasin’s [Lefroy 1970] visit to BCS

Sent by email to Head Master

Tuesday 02nd April 2019

Head Master
Roy Robinson Esq;
Bishop Cotton School

Dear Roy,

Good Evening Sir.

I wish to express my utmost gratitude to you for giving me permission to visit School today 02nd April 2019 to address the Assembly and read today’s lesson from Paul’s Chapter 12.

Further you allowing me to hold a Q&A session with the Upper Sixth. I do hope I managed to give back something, something minutely to the young lads from my global travels and experiences. I trust the spark I lit will be a small positive contribution to their journey today and further when they leave the sacred sanctuary of BCS, entering the “Big Jungle” of a frightening world out there.

It was indeed an emotional reading in the Chapel ; you have been most kind to have always welcomed me to School; also my wife Ann-Sofie, my son Dhani.

You opened the gates to my daughter Radhika and her fiancé Daniel in March 2010; they being BLESSED in our School Chapel prior to their wedding nuptials at Neemrana Fort on 4th April 2010.

You even sent four of your well trained racing pigeons which were released by Radhika on 5th April, the day after her wedding. Three flew back to Bishop Cotton School; one decided to convert to a free spirit and spread good tidings in another free space.

Today I came as a representative of my Class of 1970; we would be celebrating our Golden Jubilee in 2020 and with your kind permission would like to coordinate this in School as per your suggestions and directive.

I was delighted to see continuous improvements in the School, being done with great fervour.

I departed from School today with more humility in my heart, to do good in the world.. always as an Ambassador of Bishop Cotton School.

I would also like to Thank Senior Master Mr Boyd and Mr Praveen Dharma for giving me so much of their time today.

With Warmest Regards and Every Best Wish Sir.


Capt. Vivek Bhasin
Lefroy 1961-1970
E: Vivek@SharperEdgeIndia.com
E: +91 98995 61236

—Mr Robinson’s reply–
From: Roy Robinson 
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 at 20:26
Re: Old Cottonian Vivek Bhasin / Visiting BCS 02 April 2019
To: Vivek Bhasin 
Mr Anil Mehra 
Mr Davinder Jaaj 
Mr Deep C.Anand Chairman 
Surinder Singh Saron 

Dear Vivek,

It is always a pleasure having you and all well-meaning Cottonians back in school to interact with those currently studying here. 

Warm regards,

OCs WEEK 2018 & Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Batch of 1968

OCs WEEK 2018 & Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Batch  of 1968

Tuesday, 25th September 2018

8:00 PM
Dinner organized by the Batch of 1968 at Hotel Eastbourne [Special invitees: The Headmaster, Head of Junior School, Senior Master, Bursar, Admin Office, Second Master, Housemasters and the Spouses of all above].

Wednesday, 26th September 2018

9:30 AM
Special Chapel Service in the Holy Trinity Chapel for the Batch of 1968, Main School Boys, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School & Admin Staff.

10:15 AM
High Tea in the main school Dining Hall for the Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School Staff, Upper Sixth Form.

11:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM
Past vs Present : Soccer, Basketball and Racquet games [lawn tennis, badminton, table-tennis and squash].

11:00 AM ~ 12:15 PM
Campus tour for Batch of 1968, escorted by the Prefectorial body.

1:45 PM
Lunch [Main School Dining Hall] Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School Staff, Upper Sixth Form.

4:30 PM
Arrival of the Car Rally : organized by OCA Northern Chapter.

5:00 PM
Prize Distribution.

5:15 PM
High Tea in the School Dining Hall.

Thursday, 27th September 2018

9:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM
Annual Cricket Match [T20] between OC Cricket XI vs School Cricket XI Team [Compulsory for Academic and Administrative. Staff to witness the match and attend lunch].

2:00 PM
Buffet Lunch at the Main School Dining Hall – for OCs Cricket Team, School Team, Upper Sixth Form, Staff: Academic & Administrative.

3:30 PM ~ 4:00 PM
Ceremony to Commemorate the Old Cottonians during the Indo war; especially after the Partition, 1947.  Venue: Near the War Memorial.

7:30 PM
Headmasters Dinner for the Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Staff [Academic and Administrative] & Upper Sixth Form. Dress code: [Gentlemen] Formals-Blazer & Tie, [Ladies] Saree.

Friday, 28th September 2018

8:00 PM
OCA Dinner at Hotel Marina.

Saturday, 29th September 2018

9:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM
Art & Craft/SUPW Exhibition

12:00 Noon ~ PM
The Annual School Fete


BCS 1962 Batch – Golden Jubilee – BCS Visit


Dear All,
Mohit Goyal sent this spontaneous comment accompanied by a set of photographs

“What a great reunion, ending with the School song sung after dinner with great gusto by the class of ’62 in close huddle with the entire upper 6th form on the 1st flat! We took that party late into the night in the hotel and needed (at least I did!) most of the next day to recover. But it was all well worth it and many thanks to everyone for making this such a memorable trip. In particular thanks to Neel, D. Singh, Mamik who went out of their way to help with the planning & logistics. Also to the wives who, I think – and hope – have an appreciation of a close bond that has lasted 55+ years.
Here are some photos.
And another lot [EDITOR: added on 20 Nov]
Great memories and best wishes to all!

Mohit’s comments grasp the essence of an event that was certainly an experience of a life time. Preparations began in earnest almost a year earlier. The fact of just getting together was a pleasure that was repeated with “warm up” dinners hosted by:

Peeku & Manjit Kochhar
Neelam & Ruby Kohli
Bunty Toti Agarwal
Jyoti & R S Sodhi.

These evenings generated sufficient enthusiasm with each dinner actually being an event. Bunty and Toti distributed mementos and Neelam & Ruby adding to the gift box. They even did the entrance of their house to represent the School,and boy, was that an evening !!

I have recalled and mentioned these exceptional dinners but need to give credit to Ranjana Dutta, Umesh‘s wife, for the house scarves that she knitted for each one of us. Thank you.

The numbers of guys committing themselves for the reunion in Simla held strong for a long time until the drop outs at the last minute some for  good reasons but the others were exceptional for the excuses they offered, imaginative by any standard!! The numbers were still significant.

Most of us took the train from Delhi to Chandigarh while RS Sodhi and Manjit Kochhar drove all the way up to Simla. The experience was different with those going by train getting the benefit of being met at Chandigarh station by Suksham, Davinder Singh Jaaj‘s lovely wife. She presented each of us chocolates and a warm hug at the station.

From Chandigarh, we were packed into the cars of Davinder Singh and H S Mamik. The latter, savvy as always with tremendous foresight to boot, brought in any extra car. Both these guys did an excellent job of organising the logistics and hospitality. So this team from Chandigarh consisted of :

Suksham & D Singh
Ritu & Neel Mehra
Mala & Mohit Goyal
Ranjana & Umesh Dutta
H S Mamik and
Ravi Inder Singh

We assembled at the Eastbourne Hotel on September 28, 2012.

That first evening, at our request, the Headmaster, Mr Roy Robinson, arranged for the boys of lower and upper 6th Form to meet with us at 6.30 p.m. He was there on the first flat to receive us and escorted us to the meeting over which he presided. Each of us introduced ourselves to the boys, briefly informing them about our time in school, mentioning our particular achievements and then giving them an account of what we had done after leaving school. Thereafter, Mohit, Umesh and D Singh interacted with the boys wanting to know about their aspirations, their ideas of their areas of interest and their possible career plans. Surprisingly, these boys knew so much more about the opportunities available than we did at their age !!

The boys were also encouraged to ask questions, which they did. It was a good interaction and it went on for more than an hour.
Later that evening we hosted a dinner for Dorothy, the Headmaster’s wife, Mr Roy Robinson and the Housemasters at our hotel. It was a splendid day and we all felt that it had been good, informed and educative.

Next morning, much against the wishes of most, we were requested to attend a special service in the Chapel at 8.30 a.m. You must remember that the effects of the previous night’s drinking had not quite worn off and most of us were, initially, reluctant to attend. However, we were all there in our blazers, ties and presented ourselves as pretty specimens of well turned out Cottonians. Most of us are natty dressers. Justice R S Sodhi read out that famous passage from the Romans leading to our motto. Mohit, who is an excellent extempore speaker, spoke about career choices that the boys could consider. Both delivered their messages with confident ease. Mohit’s talk was wide ranging and informative. The School will want him again when career choices becomes a whole new subject.

September 29, 2012 turned out to be a long and eventful day. We were taken around to view some of the excellent work at the arts and craft exhibition. The standards are just as good as they were but there was more creativity on display with the use of newer techniques. This was followed by lunch, with each of sitting down at our respective house tables. It felt awkwardly familiar!!

After lunch, we were invited as the group to be the Chief Guests for the annual athletic meet, the sports day. Two smartly turned out NCC cadets escorted the Headmaster, his and our group to the podium to inaugurate the event. Justice R S Sodhi led our team by releasing a pigeon as a symbolic gesture. Each of us was then requested to repeat in releasing a beautiful white bird. It felt different to be the guest of honour. Very nice.

The entire afternoon we watched the athletics activity culminating in the tug-o-war. Sitting in pavilion gave us a lovely view of the activity with tea and snacks being delivered from time to time. We were feted and we were treated exceptionally well. At the prize giving function we were requested, one by one, to come forward and award the prize to the winner of an event. The honour for the best athlete of the event, the Victor Lodorum prize was given away by Toti Agarwal who was the best athlete and had won the same prize 50 years ago.! Very fitting. Most of the records that stood in our time now stand demolished. The boys who finish school are just a wee bit older at 17 or 18. Besides our finishing school at an earlier age, we observed the diet and the food was of a higher standard. This is no reflection on Mrs Murphy, who was the head of the School kitchen when I joined in 1953. Her Irish stew and bread and butter pudding are still the best that I have ever had!! Justice Sodhi declared the meet closed.

That day’s dinner was hosted by Dorothy and Roy Robinson in the lawns outside the Headmaster’s Lodge with staff and senior boys being present. By now the familiarity had begun to float in to our interactions with the staff and the boys. They were not inhibited. They spoke to our wives and seeing youth in those conditions, rearing to go and feeling infallible is infectious. You do not advise them, you gently guide and direct them in any small way that you can. Some of the impressions they carry, as we do know, last for a life time. N K Mehra put it best in his very disarming manner, ” I think this was fantastic. We always apprehensive about the wives participating and here it was going great guns

N K Mehra goes on to add, “After the dinner the boys from 6th form gathered on the 1st flat made a circle, in which we all joined and sang the school song. it was an indescribable event, full of emotions. I think I may have shed a tear.
The night  didn’t end there. After we went back to hotel Manjit Kochhar pulled out a bottle of Chivas regal, the party continued in Mamik’s room till 1.30 a.m. although Toti continued till 4 a.m.

It was a memorable event, even magical! They all felt that should have spent another day in School and Simla. The writer feels that this was just right. A high is a HIGH, do not blow it !!

—— Letter to the Headmaster ——

Dear Mr Robinson,

We left School at the beginning of December 1962 after the House “chews” with feelings of sadness. Most of us choked on our emotions unable to respond to the farewell speeches that were delivered in our honour at that time. Tearful good byes completed the evening since we knew that most of us, unless we failed, would never return to BCS. Some never did. We turned our backs with relief only when the Senior Cambridge results arrived in March the following year.  So, we left with feelings of deep regret and then with apprehension into a newer world that took away a great deal of the comforts and security that BCS represented. BCS had been home to so many of us for 10 complete years

To almost all of us the idea of coming back 50 years later would have been unthinkable in 1962. It did even seem absurd at that time. So when we returned to Simla to celebrate our reunion, the walk from the hotel to the Main School gate, past the Linlithgow dormitory, the Chapel, the tennis court and on to the view of the Main building, a flood of feelings overwhelmed us. In those few minutes, a thousand memories returned – names, faces, places and events that represented some of the best years of our lives.

We were also apprehensive of the reception that would be accorded to us but on that score you left no doubt. Dorothy, your wife, and you were impeccable hosts as was the rest of the staff. The graciousness, the splendid organisation, the attention to detail and the way in which we were welcomed was amazing. It was nice to feel that we still belonged to the place that had once been our own!! You have our grateful thanks.

That feeling of sadness of 50 years ago was replaced so fully by a sense of pride that even our wives knew that they were on a journey that spoke of a strong bond. The School displayed all the values and the systems we were taught would hold us in good stead in the world outside. You gave us honour, respect and warmth, emotions that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. This was a rare moment in any life. You just made it different and memorable in a very special kind of way.

Our thanks, once again.

Our best wishes

N K Mehra
On behalf of the Class of 1962 and their wives


Golden and Silver Anniversaries : ’62 and ’87 batches

Dear OCs

This year we are celebrating the Golden and Silver Anniversaries of the ’62 and ’87 batches. While we are getting the ’62 batch in top gear – they have had a number of meetings towards this – but no one from the ’87 batch has contacted the OCA office.

Those interested please get in touch!

BM Singh

A dinner was organized at Toti Agarwal’s house on May 4, 2012 for the 1962 batch. They are having several round of dinners and this is the second one. There are more to follow. Important to note that Bunty, Toti’s wife, created the house flags and emblems. Terrific atmosphere. Click here to view the photos.

BM Singh hosts a dinner for BCS 1961 Batch

Dear All

BM Singh, President OCA (India) and his wife Ravi Singh hosted a dinner for the batch of 1961 who will go up to Simla to celebrate their 50 years of leaving School this week. The dinner was hosted at the Deck Suite at the India Habitat Centre

The numbers for this batch have dwindled rapidly but their gusto and enthusiasm remains undiminished. In typical OC style,

Sukhinder Singh, Billy Gill,  Adarshpal Singh, accompanied by Ajay Thiara drove in yesterday [17th Sept] morning from Chandigarh for this dinner. The dinner which began early at 7.30 pm concluded almost near the mid-night and these gentlemen then drove right back last night. They were sleeping when Ashok Mulchandani rang to seek some assistance and advice!! What do you expect ? !!

The following other guys from the 1961 batch were present:
Veenu & Jaiwant Gill
Nano & Ricky Sawhney
Anita & Sudhir Khanna
Sudhir Kashyap
Ashok Mulchandani

The others present were:
Harry Bedi
Jyoti & R S Sodhi
Ritu & Neel Mehra
Anupam Thapa
Vatsala & Vijay Khurana

The pictures that Sudhir Khanna took, and sent as a separate mail with a Picassa link, simply indicate what a lovely evening it was. What I am doing is sending some of these pictures with the names of the persons labelled (left to right pattern) so that you can identify the persons in the respective pictures. Unfortunately, the quality of my attachments is not outstanding but Sudhir’s mail will give you a much better idea. Go full screen and a slide show to get the complete effect of what a group with an average of 60 can do and enjoy an evening!

We take this opportunity to wish the 1961 batch a happy and lovely reunion.

[Hover your mouse-pointer on a pic to see the title, click a picture for a larger view]


Class of 1956 Golden Jubilee 2006


The following 22 OCs from the class of 1956 ( we were 28 in school ) contributed Rs.10,000/- each towards the Golden Jubilee Award for the all-round Best Cottonian of the Year, besides booking themselves in for stay at Eastbourne Hotel :

Curzon:  Ashok Batra, Anil Sikand , Ashok Sopory
Ibbetson:  *Amarjit Singh, Chhattar Singh, Gurpratap Singh, I.S.Walia, N.D.Mehra, *P.Nanda, R.K.Malhotra, Satinder Singh, S.S.Ahluwalia, *Subir Basu, *V.Nayar
Lefroy:   *Ajit Singh, Inderjit Singh, *Y.B.Bhatt
Rivaz:  A.S.Dulat, S.Sondhi, Surinderpal Singh, Vijay Singh, V.K.Stokes


The ones shown with an asterisk were unable to attend, though most regretfully, on account, differently, of back injury, death of near relation, and unavoidable international commitment.


Dear Mr. Robinson

This letter should have been with you a few days earlier : a letter carrying the grateful thanks of the Class of 1956 for your wonderful cooperation and support, all the way, in helping mould our Golden Jubilee Reunion into the magnificent event it has really been. The Special Order of Service ( bearing our name ) in the Holy Trinity Chapel, the lavish High Tea, the detailed round of the School Estate ( inclusive of Rifle Shooting ),the Cricket Match with Special Rules (no LBW, no run outs and five extra overs! ) The Inter – House Music Extravaganza ( well done boys ! ) and the Grand Finale in the shape of the HM’s Dinner, embellished with the lovely Souvenir packet ( those fabulous etchings of nostalgic school buildings ) will live with us all the way through. While thanking you personally Mr.Robinson, we should like to thank, also, all the members of the School Staff, as well as the Class IV friends who played their part in making our Golden Jubilee so colourful and memorable. We should like, also, to recall some of the landmark events of this spectacular Reunion which, too, indeed, could only have been possible with your spontaneous cooperation and support :

The Award, in its parameters, as well as in its distinguished status, will work as a silent, yet forceful, motivator in raising the all-round performance of all Cottonians, and, in so doing, will help enhance the image of BCS in the comity of Public Schools in the country. Apart from seeing one’s name go up on this extraordinary Honours Board, the Silver Salver and the accompanying Cash Award of Rs.5000/- would put some more extra shine on the metal of motivation
The Silver Salver.
The Class of 1956 carry the pride and satisfaction of having raised the Corpus of Rs.2,20,000/- between themselves to finance this outstanding Award, through annual interest accrual, and undertake to swell it further, should inflation so require. The First Winner, the Golden Jubilee Winner, of the Award for 2006, should be in the process of evolution !
The Granite Stone on the way down to REMOVE, while commemorating the Tree Plantation carried out by the Class of 1956,seeks to splash the message to present and future Cottonians, to Green BCS, Green Shimla, Green India. In short, to value the urgent need to prevent denudation of this valuable natural resource and to protect and promote the greening of their environment, wherever they happen to be.

Distribution of BLANKETS to Class IV Staff
This has a message too : In the midst of your jubilation, remember to remember your foot soldiers. They, and their welfare, come first : Always & Everytime.

So, that’s it Mr Robinson. In the forge of your Headmastership, and with your active participation and support, the Class of 1956 have had the privilege to set a road map for succeeding Jubilarians to follow. May they do better, for in their so doing, the biggest gainer will be our beloved Alma Mater, the School of Bishop Cotton.

Last year, we had all dreamt a dream. The dream has come true. Our renewed thanks to yourself, to Mrs. Robinson, to all the members of your Staff, and last, but never the least, to all our young Cottonians.


Most nostalgically,

Gurpratap Singh :

For, and on behalf of the Class of 1956

Class of 1954 Golden Jubilee 2004


23-26 SEP 2004, BCS, SIMLA

50 eventful years have mellowed the Class of 54- a class of 29 boys for the Senior Cambridge. The fairytale reunion coincided with Speech Day from 23-26 Sept 04 in School. Most of  the class had left at the age of 16 & returned at the age of 66. This nostalgic trip down memory lane has to be experienced to believe. The camaraderie , exchange of bear hugs , meandering down memory lane, reminiscing the mischief , canning , studying under quilts for the final winter exams, attending the mark reading in the Irwin Hall and the HM announcing “29……, 28….., 27….., these boys have failed ….” & Then the Silence ! Irwin Hall hissed with relief !! Sanawar matches, “bogs”, naked showers etc, chipoo’s tuck shop with “Aloo- tak” & the numerous trips to town to see movies/Aucky & Chelsie girls!! When we had mumps & there was no town leave, it was always a mystery as to how Aucky also acquired mumps.

The school looked splendid , dressed as it were. The School put out a red-carpet treatment and the Class of 54 responded gratefully. The events commenced with a Three Act English Play “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennassae William – perhaps the best play in the last 10 years, followed by drinks at the HM’s Lodge. The Class of 54 hosted a dinner thereafter. The Chapel Service next day was outstanding. A special prayer was said for Surinder Singh from the Class 54 who after making all reservation was admitted to a hospital. The school Padre blessed and prayed for 9 of our classmates who are no longer with us. A plaque was erected between the Vestry  and Altar in the School Chapel, given at the end of the article. At the High Table Lunch, momentos were presented to the class of 54. The most outstanding event was the NCC parade , Mass P.T. display followed by a Torch light display. Thereafter, the HM hosted a dinner at the Lodge for the visitors. At the dinner, all the Old Boys, specially the class of 54 kept saying  “……better than our times….”.

The next day was Speech Day followed by dinner at Clarkes hosted by Toti Aggarwal. On Sunday , the “oldies” were not upto Golf at Naldera , but attended the lunch hosted by Col Dewan at Baldian, Simla-7, along with other OCs of Simla.

We are now planning to meet again 2009-2010 at the age of 70-71 for the Sesquicentennial  of the School and the Centenary of the OCA.

Thank you Headmaster & thank you Bishop Cotton!

Those who attended from the class of 54

Paul Tonk, Dr. Sumanjit Singh(Germany), Dr Daljit Singh(England), Col R Dewan, Harkishen Singh, V.K Aggarwal, Brijesh Narain, R Gupta, A.S Gill(Malaysia), Kamaljit Singh, K.B Khanna, Maj. Vijay Singh Mankotia, B.D. Irani(Switzerland).

Those who could not attend due to various reasons after making all reservations

Maj. Balwant Singh, Surinder Singh, Brig H.K Dhawan , Ranjit Puri.

Greetings were sent by  

Pratap Sharma( Bombay ), Inderjit Chadda( New Zealand ) , Prabala SJB Rana( Nepal ambassador to UK ).

Other OCs  who attended

I S Bath(R 48-55), Andreas Kirschner II(R 46-50)(Germany), Napinder Chahal(C 43-51), Ripudaman(L 48-52), G.S Dhingra(L 1943), K.C Anand(R 48-56), Bharat Inder Singh(C 51-59), Anup Singh(I 54-60), Mr. & Mrs. Advani(S 50-76), Anil & Geeta Sikand( C 47-57) , Peshi S Nat(I 61-71).

Not to Forget

D Singh(Cecil) who turned up for Lunch two weeks after the event at Baldian at Col R Dewan’s Residence, stating that he was not sure which class he was from, having joined 2 classes ahead of us and finished 2 behind !!

Our Contribution

The Class decided to raise funds for the School Museum .

I am also requesting other members of our class to send in whatever they like. Your cheques / bank Draft should be crossed to OCA( India ), payable at Shimla. We are hoping Ranjit Puri may send a matching amount ! So please “Shugh up”! and donate in some measure what we have taken from the school.

“What You Give; You Take Away.  What You Save, You Leave Behind !”
We would like to thank Kirschner II , Anup and Kidoo Bath , though not from our class, for participating and donating. We hope the others will also. Thanks also go out  to Paul , Kidoo, Mukherjee(I 54-65) for donating a lovely golfing momento and to Anil Dev(my son-in-law) for donating a sleeve of golf balls and Golf-Line magazine to the golfers.

We were honoured by the presence of Mr. and  Mrs. A Advani. Thank you!  

It was wonderful to be together again, old friends met at their alma mater ; recalled their childhood days, sang the School Song, & once again the world is young!

In Honoured Memory of our Classmates:

R.S Ahluwalia (I)
Kay  Cursetjee (R 48-49)
Kanwaljit Singh (L)
Sqn Ldr A S Kullar (I), VrC
Narain J Malkani
Sohinder  Singh (I)
Vijay Ratan Sud (C)
Suresh Kumar (I )
K. Lt Col Jatinder Talwar.

May their souls rest in peace.
Erected by the Class of 1954 on their Golden Jubilee Reunion 2004

Col. R. Dewan
R,1947-1954, Staff 1990-2001