BCS Founder’s 165th Day 28, July 2024
..be it the Crimond named after the Crimond Church in the Aberdeenshire town of Crimond.. this hymn has withstood the test of time, the changing world keeps changing rapidly .. but yes…this hymn has withstood the test of time … always moving us with deep nostalgia; our voices in togetherness…in our Chapel with..
the Good Shepherd protecting us flock …I repeat now three years since ..
Up in the greens of Simla
on a magnificent spur
is an institution steeped in history..
As young boys we arrived
with some trepidation
some anxiousness and many not knowing then…
time is finally up
through the stone corridors
the dorms, the classroom, the Irwin Hall, Linlithgow, Remove, Main School, the Biology and Chem lab, the flats, the courts, the bakery, the war memorial, the art block, Chipu’s, the Lodge and The Chapel….
walking-running-singing-howling-mugging-acting -sitting-grubbing-laughing -smiling-melancholic ..
..now at so many points on the planet ..
we yearn to be there..
even for a brief moment.
Today I close my eyes
and arrive through the global positioning systems in my mind..
…like a drone hovering above capturing the entire print of this beautiful place…
I can see ..
we all arrive
in mind body and spirit..
all in congregation
each drone different
each drone uniquely the same..
like mists rising after
today’s sweet summer rain
we inhale the bouquet of the earth , the pine laden wind…
looking down from the skies
we see the young Cottonians
looking up at the sky
pointing at us
smiling from the benches
they shout at us in glee..
our propellers create a whirlwind..
they hold on to their school caps
as their metal badge beats on their chest…
insisting we all land ..
..but today .. not today..
we hovered above
in the sky..
to pay obeisance
to our great institution..
on our one hundred and sixty fifth ..Founder’s Day
we know …
Bishop Cotton School,
Our School …
will be there for us..
F O R E V E RVivek (Bonnie) Bhasin
Tag Archives: Founders Day
BCS 162nd Founder’s Day 28th July 2021
Up in the greens of Simla
on a magnificent spur
is an institution steeped in history..
As young boys we arrived
with some trepidation
some anxiousness and many not knowing then…
time is finally up
through the stone corridors
the dorms, the classroom, the Irwin Hall, Linlithgow, Remove, Main School, the Biology and Chem lab, the flats, the courts, the bakery, the war memorial, the art block, Chipu’s, the Lodge and The Chapel….
walking running singing howling acting sitting grubbing laughing smiling melancholic ..now at so many points on the planet ..
we yearn to be there
even for a brief moment.
Today I close my eyes
and arrive through the global positioning systems in my mind..
like a drone hovering above capturing the entire print of this beautiful place…
I can see ..
we all arrive
in mind body and spirit..
all in congregation
each drone different
each drone uniquely the same..
like mists rising after
today’s sweet summer rain
we inhale the bouquet of the earth , the pine laden wind…
looking down from the skies
we see the young Cottonians
looking up at the sky
pointing at us
smiling from the benches
they shout at us in glee..
our propellers create a whirlwind..
they hold on to their school caps
as their metal badge beat on their chest…
insisting we all land ..
but today ..
not today
we came above
in the sky
to pay obeisance
to our great institution..
on our one hundred and sixty second Founder’s Day
we know …
Bishop Cotton School,
Our School … will be there for us..
F O R E V E R 🙏
Vivek ( Bonnie) Bhasin
28 July 2021
on the 162nd year of my Alma mater.
BCS 163rd Founder’s Day / Live Facebook Event
We would like to invite you to join our 163rd Founder’s Day Live Facebook Event, either online at our BCS Facebook page, or in person at our BCS Heritage Campus, Shimla. The event is being held on 28 July at 2pm in the Irwin Hall, Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, HP..
We are welcoming our Old Cottonian historian Raaja Bhasin as guest speaker who will be speaking on the unique history of Bishop Cotton School.
Regards, Rebecca Weale
Communications mobile: 8894454565
BCS founded in 1859. 2021 makes it the 162nd Founder’s Day not 163rd!
BCS 161st Founder’s Day 2020
One hundred and sixty one years today and my beautiful Alma mater remains steadfast on that spur of Simla looking towards the gap of Tara Devi, whilst the Heavens above look down and Bless our great institution…
The history of Bishop Cotton School is entwined with the history of India and Britain. Our school founded by Reverend Bishop George Edward Lynch Cotton is the ground where I grew up from a five year old…. to what I am today.
At an interesting talk at Chatham House London by Mark Tully ( ex.BBC) on life in India, I was sitting amongst the rows of invitees and put my hand up when the Q&A* session started.
I must have asked something terribly relevant.. as Mr Tully started with “that’s a great question…!”
At the end of the event, someone tapped me very gently on my left shoulder. I turned to that side and saw a gentle hand with beautifully manicured nails, delicate long fingers that lead to a gorgeous arm and on to a very aristocratic Lady with coiffured silver-grey hair, a gorgeous face, a string of Mallorca pink pearls and a divine smile ….a whiff of Chanel No 5 and Pure Radiance!
“Excuse me“ she whispered coming closer …”are you the India High Commissioner?”….
I turned around towards her and stood up….we both smiling looking deep into each other’s eyes..
“ No Ma’am” I whispered back ..
“ I am not the High Commissioner, but I am an Ambassador …”
… she raised her well groomed eyebrow questioningly with an even bigger smile..
“ indeed I am an Ambassador Ma’am, an Ambassador of Bishop Cotton School**Simla”
And that for us was said enough.
Wishing The Director,the Staff and All We Ambassadors** of Bishop Cotton School, felicitations on our 161st Founder’s Day.
God Bless our great institution; may it continue from strength to strength.
*Q&A session : When my class of 1970 sits on the stage in the Irwin Hall with the senior boys throwing questions at us like freebies ….. we will answer… “about the roads we took, the paths we chose, our lives experiences and whether we have reached our destination..
** Every week day at Chapel Service, just after the hymn was sung, the last prayer recited, we used to wait expectantly for Heady Goldie ( Head Master R. K. von Goldstein) to walk up to the alter to end the service with a very brief talk …..he always did… immaculately, striding forward in his three piece suit, oxfords and Head Master’s gown, he never failed us as we listened to his three minutes that consisted of a spectrum of thoughts, stories and events. The Brass hand grip on the Chapel door and more. What he ingrained in me was one of his impeccable sayings that resound in me every single day….. “ never ever forget young gentlemen… when you walk out of the gates of this great institution, always remember…You Are Ambassadors of Bishop Cotton School…”.
Vivek ( Bonnie ) Bhasin
.. hurting deep and hard that my Class of 1970 will not make it to School this year to celebrate our Golden Anniversary. Deep and hard and heart breaking…
Down memory lane: Mr. Tuli / Mr & Mrs. Shankar / Mr & Mrs. Roshan Lal
BCS Founder’s Day
Year Unknown [between 1964~1976?]
Dr. Y. S. Parmar [first CM of Himachal Pradesh] meeting BCS Staff.
Seen in the photo [left to right]:
Dr. Parmar – Mr. Anil Chaudhary – Mrs. Chaudhary – Mr. Roshan Lal Vashisht – Mrs. Roshan Lal – Mr. Gauri Shankar [shaking hands with Dr. Parmar] – Mrs. Shankar – Mr. L.C. Tuli.
Photo sent by Rajiv Shankar -1962-1974 Curzon – [Mr. Gauri Shankar’s son]
150 yrs Founders Ball – 2nd Aug New Delhi.
This has now been finalised for the 150 yrs Founders Ball.
DATE: 2nd AUG 2009.
Mr. Subash Chachra [OC] has got us these discounted rates.
Please write your cheques made out to OLD COTTONIANS ASSOCIATION (INDIA) and mail to
Please make it convenient to send in your payments by 15th July 2009 to make easier for making the necessary arrangements at the hotel.
Let us Cottonians make this event a success , with the maximum attendance.
Vijay Singh
kvijaysingh@hotmail.com and cc jaspal@eagle-grp.com
OCA India – Dinner and dance for Founders Day
The co-ordinating committee for the BCS Sesquicentennial has decided to hold a dinner and dance function in Delhi to coincide with the BCS Founders Day in July. However, the tentative date could be 1st Aug 2009 as 28th July will not be possible being a working day.
We would like the response of all OCs as to their interest in this function, so that we can plan accordingly.
This will be a per head paid function.
Please do respond to let us know who all are keen to attend.
Responses should be sent in to kvijaysingh@hotmail.com with a CC to jaspal@eagle-grp.com