Tag Archives: Events

OCA Northern Chapter – Shivalik Hill Drive

OCA (Old Cottonians Association)India (Northern Chapter) in collaboration with TCAS (Team Chandigarh Adventure Sports) is organizing the 4th edition of the Shivalik Hill Drive from Chandigarh to Shimla on the 26th of September 2018 (Wednesday). The event is open to all motor sport enthusiasts.
For further queries please contact:
* 8427377099
* 9888890788
* 9872077755

OCA Mumbai lunch

Dear Fellow OC’s,

As informed earlier, OCA MUMBAI CHAPTER is organising MUMBAI OC LUNCH on SUNDAY, 4th FEBRUARY.
Venue :-
The Goose & Gridiron,
Murzban Road, Near Sterling, FORT, South Mumbai.
Programme :-
Lunch & Drinks
Contribution – 
Rs. 2500 for single
Rs. 4500 for a couple
Please pay through online banking to Old Cottonians Association bank account (details below) :-
Bank Account number is 50100055857431
Name of account  OLD COTTONIANS ASSO INDIA MUMBAI CHAPT  (Please note the exact name including the truncation to Asso &  Chapt)
IFSC Code of the branch where account is held       HDFC0000666
Savings account.

You can also pay the contribution in cash at the venue on arrival.

Please convey your attendance to –
Suneel Bandhu – 9833789090
Pravin Agarwal – 9892762229

Our humble thanks to the OC’s who have been helping us to organise this Lunch. Many thanks to everyone in OCA India at Delhi for their co-operation and support.

Sincere request from OCA Mumbai Chapter to all OC’s to make the OC Mumbai Lunch a warm occasion for OC’s to come together!

Warm Regards,

Pravin Agarwal (Rivaz, 1980)


10th Feb update:

A couple of photos sent by Suneel Bandhu

Jimmy Hakim, Mrs and Mr Cyril Joseph Baretto