Tag Archives: D.C. Anand

Mr. DC Anand : Kirtan & Antim Ardas

Kirtan and Antim Ardas will be held on Sunday, the 27th of October 2024 at 16:00 hours.

At the group’s Corporate Headquarters,
1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi.

Kiran D. Anand – Tejbir Singh & Malvika Singh – Jaisal Singh & Anjali Singh – Sujan Singh & Amrit Kaur Singh – and the entire ANAND family.

🟦 Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dUFEhmnUgScCfTxs6

Mr. DEEP C. ANAND [Old Cottonian & President Emeritus OCA] : passed-on.

Our condolences to the Anand Family on the passing-on of Mr. DC Anand.

The following sad message received via Ms Kennedy – OC’s Coordinator at BCS on October 25th 2024:

It is with the greatest sadness we announce the passing of Old Cottonian and BCS Governor Mr Deep C Anand today (he died peacefully in his sleep).

Our deepest condolences to his wife Kiran and his entire family, and the many people who loved him around the globe. 

A two minute silence was held in his honour this morning at the Sports Day parade, and we will be holding a chapel service at 5pm.  It’s a big loss for all of us, may God grant him eternal peace.  Rest In Peace Sir.”

Deep Anand was The Driver of so many productive initiatives for the OCA, apart from the business empire he built. 

He gave the OCA a life and a momentum that never flagged under his stewardship. It flourished. 

He has our abiding gratitude and our thanks 

While may he rest in peace, Heaven will be another place with his forceful presence!! 

God bless him.

Vijay Khurana 


DC Anand appointed Knight in the National Order of Merit

We have great pleasure and honour of announcing that Mr. Deep C. Anand (R 47-51) has been appointed Knight in the National Order of Merit (Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Merite) by the President of the French Republic.


Col. R Dewan
Hon. Secretary
OCA (India)

July 18th 2011 update from Vivek Bhasin – Chairman OCA  UK :

Deep C.Anand Esq.,
Anand Automotive
1, Sri Aurobindo Marg
New Delhi-110 016

Honorary Life President
Old Cottonians Association ( India)
Bishop Cotton School

Dear Sir,

I was extremely pleased to receive your letter along with the attachment from the French Ambassador  to India H.E. Jerome Bonnafont; which is quoted below

Dear Mr Anand Sir,

I have great pleasure and honour of announcing to you that the you have been appointed

Knight in the National Order of Merit ( ”Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Merite”) by the President of the French Republic ( H.E.Nicholas Sarkozy)

You have played a very important role in promoting the links between the Indian and French business communities and in enhancing the relations between France and India. In particular, you have had an eminent role in developing a world leading company in the area of water supply. I am very pleased that this honour has been bestowed upon you and I congratulate you very warmly for it.

With My Best Regards,
Jerome Bonnafont
Ambassade de France, Inde
New Delhi, 27th June 2011

On behalf of the OCA (United Kingdom) that comprises of members not only from the UK, but also from Switzerland, Germany, India, Australia, Nepal, Canada, USA, Pakistan, Netherlands, Sweden and many more countries, I express my great joy on such a prestigious honour having been bestowed upon you.

For the entire Cottonian Fraternity I will say you are elevated to the Highest Hall of Fame.

(I trust this will also mean the gift  to you of one of France’s most prestigious vineyards in the Bordeaux district, a luxury yacht docked at San Tropez and a special unlimited pass to the Crazy Horse Saloon and the Moulin Rouge in Gay Paris!)

My Kindest Regards,

Capt. Vivek C.Bhasin
Chairman OCA (United Kingdom)

OCA India – MOA review committee

Members of the OCA MOA Review Committee:

Mr. Vikram Sodhi
Mr. Jasbir Sawhney
Mr. V K Agarwal
Mr. Jaspal Singh Sawhney (Delhi Chapter)
Mr. Shiv Kapoor (Mumbai Chapter)
Mr. Ajay Thiara (Northern Chapter)
Mr. Narinder Chauhan  (Himachal Chapter)

Dear Members,

To help coordinate the efforts of  the OCA MOA Review Committee and to kick-start  the process of reviewing the Memorandum of Association of OCA, I am appointing Ajay Thiara (Northern Chapter) as Secretary of this Committee.  
Ajay will take on the responsibility  of convening meetings as per dates and venues mutually acceptable to all of you, keep a record of the Minutes of the Meetings and anything else that needs to be done to ensure that the task at hand is completed by August 2010.

 I would appreciate your cooperation.

Best regards,

Deep C. Anand
President  – OCA India

OCA India – 2010 AGM and Annual Lunch

1, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi – 110 016.
Tel: 2656 4245
Web site: www.oldcottonians.org
E Mail: oca_delhi@yahoo.com

Date: January 25, 2010

Read first: LETTER FROM DC ANAND – President OCA INDIA.

? AGM on Tuesday 9th Feb 2010 at 5.00 pm  
? LUNCH on Sunday 14th Feb 2010 at 12..30pm

The HM, the School, OCA Chapters and all OCs are to be congratulated for an outstanding Sesquicentennial Celebration from 1 – 6 October 2009. Over 1,300 OCs attended. 

The AGM will be held at 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi -110 016 on Tuesday 9th February 2010 at 5.00pm

i) Agenda :
(a)  To approve the minutes of the last AGM
(b)  To approve and adopt  the audited accounts of 2008 – 2009
(c)  President’s address
(d)  Secretary’s report
(e)  Sesquicentennial Celebration of BCS 2009
(f) OCA Centenary 2010
ii) Points to be forwarded by  4th February 2010 to the President/Secretary.
iii) Elections for all appointments including Executive Committee (minimum one per decade) will be held. Volunteers may please forward their names by 4th Feb 2010.
iv) Dress: Blazer with Tie/Lounge Suit/Combination Suit

The OCA Annual Lunch will be held at 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi -110 016 on Sunday  14th February 2010 at 12.30pm
i) Donation for Lunch:
(a) Above 70 yrs & all  OC’s  wives – as Guests.
(b)  OCs – Rs. 700-
(c) College Students   – Rs. 350-
(d) 1300 hrs to 1400 hrs “Happy Hour!” All drinks on the House!
ii) Dress: Blazer with Tie/Lounge Suit/Combination Suit

III. The Inter -House Inni  Bawa Golf Tournament will be held in March 2010
Date will be announced by  Chetan Singh, contact no. 98110 20062

IV. All Chapters are requested to assist in OCA Centenary celebration and programming of events. Please forward your suggestion by 4th February 2010.
Happy Days are here again!

(Col. R. Dewan
Secretary OCA India
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR ATTENDING OCA LUNCH AND AGM [please cut and paste this to you email]

I, (Name) ………………………………………………….
House I/C/R/L (Please tick)
Years in School from …………….to………………
Batch year …………………….……. Address……………………………………………………………………………………..
E-mail ID……………………………………………………..…………………………….
Tel: (Off)…………………………………………….(Res)………………………………..
Mob: ………………………………….
Will be attending the AGM on Tuesday 9th Feb 2010 at 5.00pm  Yes / No …………………………

Will be attending the OCA, Lunch on Sunday 14th Feb 2010 at 12.30pm  Yes / No ……………….

RSVP:  Ms. Gopa Seal
Tel: 42092302
Email gopa.seal@anandgroupindia.com

BCS Sesquicentennial – Letter to OCs

21st October 2009

My dear Fellow Cottonians,

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla – Sesquicentennial Celebrations

I write to thank each one of you – all those who came and many of those who could not – for showing that the spirit of BCS remains alive in all of us.

The six days of celebrations starting with the OCA dinner hosted by Chandigarh Chapter on October 1st and ending with the Closing Ceremonies at the School on the 6th were an absolute delight and I am sure will remain a cherished memory in our hearts and in our lives forever.

Indeed, what a gathering it was! With over a thousand OCs from India and across the Globe – from UK, USA, Canada, Pakistan, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand – many of whom had made this memorable journey for the first time after leaving School! We have all come back from the experience with our spirits soaring, our memories refreshed and bonding reinforced. Let us not ever forget what our School means to us and what it has given us. Let us continue to OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD.

I take this opportunity to especially put on record my appreciation and thanks to the Members of the Himachal, Chandigarh and Delhi Chapters of the OCA who gave their valuable time, effort, support and cooperation in ensuring that this grand event was such a resounding success. I also thank the OCA World Body for their unstinted efforts, contribution and, most importantly, their presence during the celebrations. And last but not the least, I thank each and every OC who contributed – whether in the form of personal effort, advice, financial resources or for just being there!

Wishing each one of you happiness, success, good luck and good health,

With my very best wishes,

Yours fraternally,

Deep C. Anand

The Sesquicentennial Coordination-committee


It is recommended that there be a maximum of three batch coordinators each batch (year wise) for maintaining appropriate decorum for the duration of celebration.

The attached names per batch from 47 – onwards are recommended. However if any one else wishes to volunteer his services he will be more than welcome.

The Sesquicentennial Coordination Committee has further welcomed the widows of august old boys to represent as a coordinator of the husband’s class.

It has been agreed that Mr. Harish Janartha (OC) Board of Governors representative,  Mrs. Sushila Prabhudas (OCA representative) and Mr. John Whitmarsh – Knight (School representative) comprise the local governance  of the Sesquicentennial Coordination Committee along with the Headmaster working along with OCA.

The President of the OCA (India) and Executive Committee would be very grateful if Batch Coordinators advise the Coordination Committee by end July 2009 of numbers likely to attend the celebrations. Use the OCA e-mail network: oca_delhi@yahoo.com


President – OCA (India)

Sesquicentennial Celebrations in October 2009 and the Proposed Itinerary

9th March 2009 from D.C. Anand – President OCA India



Date: 2009


Tentative Timings






Fri 2nd October

Train Kalka – Shimla

1200 hrs







HM’s Dinner 1st Flat

1930 hrs










Sat 3rd October

Chapel Service

1000 hrs







High Tea & Games

1100 hrs











LUNCH (DC Anand)

1300 hrs







Son et Lumière 2nd Flat

1800 hrs







Musical Programme








Dinner 1st Flat

2000 hrs







Dormitory Accommodation (150 people)











Sun 4th October









Sports activities

1000 hrs



Massed PT Display & Tattoo




Inter-house matches








Play by BCS

1900 hrs







Dinner 1st Flat

2100 hrs










Mon 5th October

Golf Naldera

0930 hrs


















Tues 6th October

Memorial Service – Demise of GEL CottonChapel Service – 6th Oct 1863

1000 hrs





















