1, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi – 110 016.
Tel: 2656 4245
Web site: www.oldcottonians.org
E Mail: oca_delhi@yahoo.com
Date: January 25, 2010
? AGM on Tuesday 9th Feb 2010 at 5.00 pm
? LUNCH on Sunday 14th Feb 2010 at 12..30pm
The HM, the School, OCA Chapters and all OCs are to be congratulated for an outstanding Sesquicentennial Celebration from 1 – 6 October 2009. Over 1,300 OCs attended.
The AGM will be held at 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi -110 016 on Tuesday 9th February 2010 at 5.00pm
i) Agenda :
(a) To approve the minutes of the last AGM
(b) To approve and adopt the audited accounts of 2008 – 2009
(c) President’s address
(d) Secretary’s report
(e) Sesquicentennial Celebration of BCS 2009
(f) OCA Centenary 2010
ii) Points to be forwarded by 4th February 2010 to the President/Secretary.
iii) Elections for all appointments including Executive Committee (minimum one per decade) will be held. Volunteers may please forward their names by 4th Feb 2010.
iv) Dress: Blazer with Tie/Lounge Suit/Combination Suit
The OCA Annual Lunch will be held at 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi -110 016 on Sunday 14th February 2010 at 12.30pm
i) Donation for Lunch:
(a) Above 70 yrs & all OC’s wives – as Guests.
(b) OCs – Rs. 700-
(c) College Students – Rs. 350-
(d) 1300 hrs to 1400 hrs “Happy Hour!” All drinks on the House!
ii) Dress: Blazer with Tie/Lounge Suit/Combination Suit
III. The Inter -House Inni Bawa Golf Tournament will be held in March 2010
Date will be announced by Chetan Singh, contact no. 98110 20062
IV. All Chapters are requested to assist in OCA Centenary celebration and programming of events. Please forward your suggestion by 4th February 2010.
Happy Days are here again!
(Col. R. Dewan)
Secretary OCA India
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR ATTENDING OCA LUNCH AND AGM [please cut and paste this to you email]
I, (Name) ………………………………………………….
House I/C/R/L (Please tick)
Years in School from …………….to………………
Batch year …………………….……. Address……………………………………………………………………………………..
E-mail ID……………………………………………………..…………………………….
Tel: (Off)…………………………………………….(Res)………………………………..
Mob: ………………………………….
Will be attending the AGM on Tuesday 9th Feb 2010 at 5.00pm Yes / No …………………………
Will be attending the OCA, Lunch on Sunday 14th Feb 2010 at 12.30pm Yes / No ……………….
RSVP: Ms. Gopa Seal
Tel: 42092302
Email gopa.seal@anandgroupindia.com