Tag Archives: Cyril Joseph Barretto

OCA Mumbai lunch

Dear Fellow OC’s,

As informed earlier, OCA MUMBAI CHAPTER is organising MUMBAI OC LUNCH on SUNDAY, 4th FEBRUARY.
Venue :-
The Goose & Gridiron,
Murzban Road, Near Sterling, FORT, South Mumbai.
Programme :-
Lunch & Drinks
Contribution – 
Rs. 2500 for single
Rs. 4500 for a couple
Please pay through online banking to Old Cottonians Association bank account (details below) :-
Bank Account number is 50100055857431
Name of account  OLD COTTONIANS ASSO INDIA MUMBAI CHAPT  (Please note the exact name including the truncation to Asso &  Chapt)
IFSC Code of the branch where account is held       HDFC0000666
Savings account.

You can also pay the contribution in cash at the venue on arrival.

Please convey your attendance to –
Suneel Bandhu – 9833789090
Pravin Agarwal – 9892762229

Our humble thanks to the OC’s who have been helping us to organise this Lunch. Many thanks to everyone in OCA India at Delhi for their co-operation and support.

Sincere request from OCA Mumbai Chapter to all OC’s to make the OC Mumbai Lunch a warm occasion for OC’s to come together!

Warm Regards,

Pravin Agarwal (Rivaz, 1980)


10th Feb update:

A couple of photos sent by Suneel Bandhu

Jimmy Hakim, Mrs and Mr Cyril Joseph Baretto