Tag Archives: Constitution

OCA India – MOA review committee

Members of the OCA MOA Review Committee:

Mr. Vikram Sodhi
Mr. Jasbir Sawhney
Mr. V K Agarwal
Mr. Jaspal Singh Sawhney (Delhi Chapter)
Mr. Shiv Kapoor (Mumbai Chapter)
Mr. Ajay Thiara (Northern Chapter)
Mr. Narinder Chauhan  (Himachal Chapter)

Dear Members,

To help coordinate the efforts of  the OCA MOA Review Committee and to kick-start  the process of reviewing the Memorandum of Association of OCA, I am appointing Ajay Thiara (Northern Chapter) as Secretary of this Committee.  
Ajay will take on the responsibility  of convening meetings as per dates and venues mutually acceptable to all of you, keep a record of the Minutes of the Meetings and anything else that needs to be done to ensure that the task at hand is completed by August 2010.

 I would appreciate your cooperation.

Best regards,

Deep C. Anand
President  – OCA India

OCA India Memorandum of Association

As directed by Col. Dewan, here is the existing MOA of OCA India and the OCA draft constitution by SS Rai to the members (Rewiew Committee) nominated to constitute/amend the MOA:

This is for you information, please.



Col R. [Wendy] Dewan