Col. ‘Podge‘ Dhaliwal visits BCS after 60 years – seen with Col. ‘Wendy’ Dewan – on the First Flat. 5th November 2020.
Tag Archives: Col R [Wendy] Dewan
OCA Nepal Official Inception
Dear Old Cottonians
I am writing to you all today with pleasure and pride as our long-pursued aim has now turned into achievement. OCA Nepal is finally official!
On 27 May 2016, Mr. Sukhinder Singh, President, OCA, accompanied by his wife and Col. R. Dewan, visited us here in Kathmandu and witnessed the official inception OCA Nepal.
Lead by Mr. Prabal SJB Rana, batch of 1954, the first President of OCA Nepal, 24 other Nepalese OCs and their wives attended this event. Although small in number, with 47 registered Nepalese OCs, we all Nepalese OCs are very happy to have established OCA Nepal and we look forward to taking our association to greater heights.
I have attached a few pictures of the event along with this email.
We would also like to encourage Nepalese OCs around the world to join us. They may inquire by emailing:
Thank you.
Ayush Rajbhandari
[click for larger view of the photos]
Here are the names of the ones present in the group photograph from Left to Right and from Bottom to Top:
Bottom Row (Seated):
1. Silika Shakya-Rajbhandari / 2. Saloni Rajbhandari-Pradhan / 3. Mrs. Sukhinder Singh / 4. Puja Chitlangia-Kabra / 5. Shivani Jajodia / 6. Yumena Shrestha-Pradhan / 7. Palija Shrestha-Rajbhandari.
Middle Row:
1. Rohit Man Pradhan / 2. Ayush Rajbhandari / 3. Amish Man Pradhan / 4. Bishal Rana / 5. Nanda SBJ Rana / 6. Prem Gurung / 7. Sukhinder Singh / 8. Pundrik Kabra / 9. Prabal SJB Rana / 10. Deewaker Piya / 11. R. Diwan / 12. Robin Rana / 13. Sabin Rana / 14. Siddhartha Jajodia / 15. Ashish Rajbhandari / 16. Anmol P. Singh / 17. Sailesh Shrestha / 18. Subodh Das Shrestha.
Top Row:
1. Nuraj Batajoo / 2. Pulkit Kabra / 3. Shreyans Shethia / 4. Sobit Aggarwal.
School History and some memories….
Dear Old Cottonians
Old Cottonian Richard [Dick] D’Abreu from Australia wrote in recently and has also sent in a few pictures, appended below.
It was good to read the History of BCS, written up in so much detail. I was able to recall the part written up from 1936 to 1946, the accuracy of which was so precise. In 1937 Allan Fennell was the School Captain. To me at aged 9, I would mistake him for one of the staff, I was in awe of all the school prefects. Fred Brown was a senior student in my time. He was an excellent hockey player and an all round cricketer, and although I was a few years years his junior, I came to know him quite well. He left school in 1939, with his fellow hockey friend Malcolm Petters. Fred then returned as a member of the school staff while I was in Fifth Form. He was first a master at the Prep school for a while, but then, Cannon Sinker transferred him to the senior school. He became my House Master of Curzon when I was a House Prefect. In his single days he became engaged to our Bursa’s daughter Pat Murphy. His living quarters was one end of the Curzon C dormitory. One of his duties was to have the House boys over to his quarters on a Saturday evening. He would often trust me the key to his quarters on Saturday so as I could lock up after the boys left at 9.00pm, while he was out taking his fiancee Pat to the pictures in town. I left school before he married. For a few years while I was in the RAAF in Australia I kept contact with him, but regrettably lost touch when I was with the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces in Japan. Many years later while retired in Perth Western Australia, I met up with Malcolm Petters. He used to ring up his old friend Freddy Brown quite often. I used to go over to Malcolm’s home and chat with Fred also for a while. It was sad when Alzheimer’s got the better of Fred and he could not remember me.
I also recall all the school operas that we sang in under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Priestley …In the opera Trial by Jury, as mentioned in the BCS History the boys took the part of girls in the opera. I was pleased I sang as a Tenor so did not qualify to be a girl. The singing of Handel’s Messiah in Simla in 1943 was a highlight. The photo of the choir is included.
Old man Karam had the tuck shop on the first playing field. His son we called Silly Billy ran the tea shop next door. Rs 2.00 was the maximum pocket money we were allowed each week, in those days it would buy quite a few things. At the end of each term we would have 10 days holiday, for this my parents would allow me Rs 50.00. We would think we were rich.
Mr. Fisher was a senior master that taught us Physics. I think he was also a House Master. When we used to quite often play up in his lab, he would call us out by name and say “Take your books and leave the are only wasting your parents money…all you people realize is the stick… ” He was also in charge of the little photo lab and darkroom where we could go and do our own developing and printing of films. I had a Box Brownie camera of which I took the photo of Simla in 1937.
I would like to also make mention of the end of year House Chews each House would indulge in. Our parents would contribute to a fund which would go towards buying tasty curries and Indian sweets for everyone to enjoy. This feast would take place in the main dormitories of each House. Sometimes I wish I could wind back the clock 70 odd years to those memorable school days.
My best wishes…Dick D’Abreu.
Message from OCA India – 4th Dec 2009
Gentlemen apologies for the delay in response from our end. I was travelling and Mr Anand was out of station.
Most importantly I would like to bring to your notice that the various Old Cottonian chapters have been able to collect just under 3 lakh rupees (some money is still being tracked as in they have not reached the accounts yet but we know they have been donated – OCs are again requested to send their contributions to the Himachal chapter / OC account as this will ensure full accounting and proper disbursal). The final number, in terms of OC donations will be announced at the AGM which is currently slotted for February. The HP chapter has taken the onus of ensuring appropriate disbursal of the funds collected for Mr.Vasisth
A question has been raised as to why the AGM has not been conducted in November. The OC Association Memorandum states that the AGM should be conducted every year in February. We have followed that norm over the last 5 years.
Your elected members apologise again for the delay in replying to your emails. We are also grateful for your support in terms of contributions from all of you. To quantify those contributions by you, the OCA has been able to raise the money available, at the end of each year, to the Association (put simply – money raised less disbursals). To give you an indicator it was 23 lakh (post disbursals) in 2004-05. Each year after that saw an increase and we were able to get 41 lakh (post disbursals) in 2007-08, that is 70% higher than 2004-05. This money has been invested.
2008-09 is under audit and this year’s year-end number is expected to be the highest ever as the Sesquicentennial saw record donations from OCs across the world! Thank you once again for those donations and your support.
Lastly, we hope you enjoyed the sesquicentennial celebrations.
Col R Dewan (Rivaz 1947 – 54, Staff 1990 – 2003)
OC’s Week BCS Shimla
OC Week, 2009
OC week will be held in Simla from 2 – 6 October 2009, as part of the Sesquicentennial Celebration.
Col. R. Dewan
Letter from President OCA [India] to all OCs
Class of 1954 Golden Jubilee 2004
23-26 SEP 2004, BCS, SIMLA
50 eventful years have mellowed the Class of 54- a class of 29 boys for the Senior Cambridge. The fairytale reunion coincided with Speech Day from 23-26 Sept 04 in School. Most of the class had left at the age of 16 & returned at the age of 66. This nostalgic trip down memory lane has to be experienced to believe. The camaraderie , exchange of bear hugs , meandering down memory lane, reminiscing the mischief , canning , studying under quilts for the final winter exams, attending the mark reading in the Irwin Hall and the HM announcing “29……, 28….., 27….., these boys have failed ….” & Then the Silence ! Irwin Hall hissed with relief !! Sanawar matches, “bogs”, naked showers etc, chipoo’s tuck shop with “Aloo- tak” & the numerous trips to town to see movies/Aucky & Chelsie girls!! When we had mumps & there was no town leave, it was always a mystery as to how Aucky also acquired mumps.
The school looked splendid , dressed as it were. The School put out a red-carpet treatment and the Class of 54 responded gratefully. The events commenced with a Three Act English Play “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennassae William – perhaps the best play in the last 10 years, followed by drinks at the HM’s Lodge. The Class of 54 hosted a dinner thereafter. The Chapel Service next day was outstanding. A special prayer was said for Surinder Singh from the Class 54 who after making all reservation was admitted to a hospital. The school Padre blessed and prayed for 9 of our classmates who are no longer with us. A plaque was erected between the Vestry and Altar in the School Chapel, given at the end of the article. At the High Table Lunch, momentos were presented to the class of 54. The most outstanding event was the NCC parade , Mass P.T. display followed by a Torch light display. Thereafter, the HM hosted a dinner at the Lodge for the visitors. At the dinner, all the Old Boys, specially the class of 54 kept saying “……better than our times….”.
The next day was Speech Day followed by dinner at Clarkes hosted by Toti Aggarwal. On Sunday , the “oldies” were not upto Golf at Naldera , but attended the lunch hosted by Col Dewan at Baldian, Simla-7, along with other OCs of Simla.
We are now planning to meet again 2009-2010 at the age of 70-71 for the Sesquicentennial of the School and the Centenary of the OCA.
Thank you Headmaster & thank you Bishop Cotton!
Those who attended from the class of 54
Paul Tonk, Dr. Sumanjit Singh(Germany), Dr Daljit Singh(England), Col R Dewan, Harkishen Singh, V.K Aggarwal, Brijesh Narain, R Gupta, A.S Gill(Malaysia), Kamaljit Singh, K.B Khanna, Maj. Vijay Singh Mankotia, B.D. Irani(Switzerland).
Those who could not attend due to various reasons after making all reservations
Maj. Balwant Singh, Surinder Singh, Brig H.K Dhawan , Ranjit Puri.
Greetings were sent by
Pratap Sharma( Bombay ), Inderjit Chadda( New Zealand ) , Prabala SJB Rana( Nepal ambassador to UK ).
Other OCs who attended
I S Bath(R 48-55), Andreas Kirschner II(R 46-50)(Germany), Napinder Chahal(C 43-51), Ripudaman(L 48-52), G.S Dhingra(L 1943), K.C Anand(R 48-56), Bharat Inder Singh(C 51-59), Anup Singh(I 54-60), Mr. & Mrs. Advani(S 50-76), Anil & Geeta Sikand( C 47-57) , Peshi S Nat(I 61-71).
Not to Forget
D Singh(Cecil) who turned up for Lunch two weeks after the event at Baldian at Col R Dewan’s Residence, stating that he was not sure which class he was from, having joined 2 classes ahead of us and finished 2 behind !!
Our Contribution
The Class decided to raise funds for the School Museum .
I am also requesting other members of our class to send in whatever they like. Your cheques / bank Draft should be crossed to OCA( India ), payable at Shimla. We are hoping Ranjit Puri may send a matching amount ! So please “Shugh up”! and donate in some measure what we have taken from the school.
“What You Give; You Take Away. What You Save, You Leave Behind !”
We would like to thank Kirschner II , Anup and Kidoo Bath , though not from our class, for participating and donating. We hope the others will also. Thanks also go out to Paul , Kidoo, Mukherjee(I 54-65) for donating a lovely golfing momento and to Anil Dev(my son-in-law) for donating a sleeve of golf balls and Golf-Line magazine to the golfers.
We were honoured by the presence of Mr. and Mrs. A Advani. Thank you!
It was wonderful to be together again, old friends met at their alma mater ; recalled their childhood days, sang the School Song, & once again the world is young!
In Honoured Memory of our Classmates:
R.S Ahluwalia (I)
Kay Cursetjee (R 48-49)
Kanwaljit Singh (L)
Sqn Ldr A S Kullar (I), VrC
Narain J Malkani
Sohinder Singh (I)
Vijay Ratan Sud (C)
Suresh Kumar (I )
K. Lt Col Jatinder Talwar.
May their souls rest in peace.
Erected by the Class of 1954 on their Golden Jubilee Reunion 2004
Col. R. Dewan
R,1947-1954, Staff 1990-2001