I have been informed of the sad passing of Clive Hardie (L40-45) on 23rd January 2019. His funeral will be held on Thursday 7th February 13:00 hrs at the Ammasham Chilton Crematorium – Chilton Chapel.
Clive was Senior Prefect of my house Lefroy and finally Captain of School 1945.
I talked with his eldest son Christopher – Clive 92, gently slipped away in his sleep after months of slow decline.
Chris tells me Clive often recalled his years at BCS and spoke of support for OCA(UK) fraternity.Clive leaves dear Shirley and sons Chris & Nicky and their families.
Peter Stringer
Tag Archives: Clive Hardie
A lunch was held at the Barn Ruislip on the 2nd November to celebrate the 84th birthday of PETER EVANS those attending with their wives were:
Peter and Elisabeth Evans ( Ibbetson 1938 to 1944)
John and Catherine Phillips (Curzon 1939 to 1944)
Clive and Shirley Hardie ( Lefroy 1940 to 1945)