17 August 2020
Independence Day celebrated virtually at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla
Bishop Cotton School, Shimla (BCS) celebrated the 74th Independence Day last Saturday (15 August 2020) but this year, for the first time in history, it was celebrated virtually with the school community contributing remotely online from home (see BCS video links below to the YouTube video celebrations).
After a few days of mist and rain, the sun came out for the ceremony as residential staff gathered at the Shimla site for the flag raising and National Anthem ceremony. The Indian flag could be seen for miles flying high on the BCS flagpole (of 106 feet high) in the blue sky across the Shimla area.
BCS is one of the oldest residential schools in Asia and has played a big part in shaping the development of public schools and education in India as well as producing a host of well-known and successful alumni.
The online ceremony (links below) included heartfelt messages from the BCS students about why they love their country and the meaning for them of Independence Day.
The students were very clear in expressing their ideas that we must mark the day and respect those freedom fighters who gave their lives for their country.
The Cottonian family wishes all Cottonians a very happy Independence Day. Here are the highlights of the celebrations at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, with video contributions from the boys expressing their love for India and the values it stands for.
Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, Independence Day 2020 – Video highlights duration: 5’27”
1) Independence Day 2020 celebrations from Bishop Cotton School, Shimla
2) BCS Facebook link – Independence Day 2020:
The school has operated a full academic curriculum with online classes since March. Parents have reported that the children have been missing playing sport and being with their friends and are yearning to get back on campus in Shimla.
Director Simon Weale together with the Headmaster Mathew John and BCS Staff gathered for the Flag raising ceremony.
Further information from BISHOP COTTON SCHOOL, Shimla – 171002 (H.P.) India.
Phone : 0177 – 2620880