Tag Archives: BCS

BCS 163rd Founder’s Day / Live Facebook Event

We would like to invite you to join our 163rd Founder’s Day Live Facebook Event, either online at our BCS Facebook page, or in person at our BCS Heritage Campus, Shimla.  The event is being held on 28 July at 2pm in the Irwin Hall, Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, HP..

We are welcoming our Old Cottonian historian Raaja Bhasin as guest speaker who will be speaking on the unique history of Bishop Cotton School. 

Regards, Rebecca Weale

Communications mobile: 8894454565

BCS founded in 1859. 2021 makes it the 162nd Founder’s Day not 163rd!

BCS, looking sharp!

BCS, geared to produce the next gen of Leaders.

From the Chandigarh Tribune publication of 2nd April earlier this year:

School Song played on the Organ

Dear All,

I am forwarding, as an attachment, the School song recently played on the organ in the Chapel. It is nice and it is different.


Vijay [Khurana]

Thanks Vijay.

Great to hear the school organ again. I’d have loved to hear the same with the microphone(s) placed towards the back of the chapel. We’d get the effect of the high ceiling and size of the chapel along with the memories of being there.

VK Pawa

Message from Mr. Simon Weale / Director BCS

Dear Old Cottonians,

I thought I would update you with news of life at school.

The best thing is that we have pupils back in school.  Having ‘locked down’ last March, we were allowed to welcome back senior students from mid-February. There are now just over three hundred boys on the campus from Class VI to Class XII.

You can imagine this presents many challenges at the moment.

Indian Board exams have been put back by a couple of months so there has been an opportunity for the outgoing Class XII to enjoy some time together.  The outgoing Class X arrive back this weekend. Necessity has meant that we are accommodating boys in Class ‘bubbles’.  Boys of the same age eat, sleep, study and play together.

We are ensuring that there is regular testing of staff and a number of colleagues have already been vaccinated.  I am getting my first jab on the 1st April.

The ‘’outgoing’ and ‘new’ Class XII are together in Curzon. The ‘new’ Class X are moving to Lefroy and the outgoing Class X will be in Rivaz. Classes VI to IX are in separate dormitories in the Junior School.  It will be some time before the ‘House system’ can return to normal and different classes can share dorms.

The boys had to present a negative pcr test when they returned to school.  They have to wear masks around the school site and avoid mixing with other classes.  Their interaction with adults has to be strictly controlled. However, it is evident that they are mostly very happy to be back at school.  The spring weather in Shimla has been beautiful and the boys have enjoyed lots of sport and activity.  We have been trying to update photos regularly on our ‘Facebook’ page.

The current rise in Covid cases in India means that we will continue to face challenges.  The Himachal Government whilst restricting the opening of many educational institutes, are currently allowing Boarding schools to keep their students at school.  We are working with both them and the medical authorities to ensure we can keep things running smoothly.  I think there is an overwhelming case for the benefits outweighing the disadvantages of residential students being back in school in the pandemic.  It was noticeable how much weight many of our pupils had put on during their year away from school and it is pleasing how quickly they are embracing a healthier lifestyle.

We have welcomed many OCs back to the campus over the last year, but it is difficult at the moment to meet these requests as we must try our best to reduce unnecessary entry into the campus. Please bear with us in the next few months as we love to welcome alumni back to school.


Simon Weale – Director

Vivek [Bonnie] Bhasin visits BCS


We were very happy to welcome back Old Cottonian, Captain Vivek (Bonnie) Bhasin who visited BCS to pass on some of his style and Sharper Edge tips to the X & XII classes and staff. He put on a very entertaining show in the Irwin Hall which we’re sure will help Cottonians in the big wide world. Thanks Bonnie.

BCS in Snow / 29thDec 2020

An Old Cottonian just forwarded to me pictures of BCS covered in snow. Have
not seen such pictures in a long while

Wishing you guys a Happy New Year and the very best in 2021


Vijay [Khurana]

Click for larger view

PRESS RELEASE / Bishop Cotton School Shimla, children celebrate Independence Day virtually


17 August 2020

Independence Day celebrated virtually at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla (BCS) celebrated the 74th Independence Day last Saturday (15 August 2020) but this year, for the first time in history, it was celebrated virtually with the school community contributing remotely online from home (see BCS video links below to the YouTube video celebrations).

After a few days of mist and rain, the sun came out for the ceremony as residential staff gathered at the Shimla site for the flag raising and National Anthem ceremony.  The Indian flag could be seen for miles flying high on the BCS flagpole (of 106 feet high) in the blue sky across the Shimla area.

BCS is one of the oldest residential schools in Asia and has played a big part in shaping the development of public schools and education in India as well as producing a host of well-known and successful alumni.

The online ceremony (links below) included heartfelt messages from the BCS students about why they love their country and the meaning for them of Independence Day.

The students were very clear in expressing their ideas that we must mark the day and respect those freedom fighters who gave their lives for their country.

The Cottonian family wishes all Cottonians a very happy Independence Day. Here are the highlights of the celebrations at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, with video contributions from the boys expressing their love for India and the values it stands for.

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, Independence Day 2020 – Video highlights duration: 5’27”

1) Independence Day 2020 celebrations from Bishop Cotton School, Shimla 


2) BCS Facebook link – Independence Day 2020:


The school has operated a full academic curriculum with online classes since March.  Parents have reported that the children have been missing playing sport and being with their friends and are yearning to get back on campus in Shimla.

Director Simon Weale together with the Headmaster Mathew John and BCS Staff gathered for the Flag raising ceremony.

Website: bishopcottonshimla.com

Further information from BISHOP COTTON SCHOOL, Shimla – 171002 (H.P.) India.

Phone : 0177 – 2620880