Tag Archives: 2020

Mr. Mustaq Masih – passed away in 2020 – we just got to know.

Received from Vijay [Kuttu] Singh who received this news from Manjit Sehmbey:

Article quoted from this link online:
It is with great sadness and heavy hearts the family of Mushtaq Masih lost their patriarch on Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 8:59am. Mushtaq Masih was born in Northern India in 1935. He received his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Physical Education from Batala Bearing Christian College and University of Gwalior. In India he was known as a competitive athlete and excelled at sports like sprinting, field hockey, and boxing. Mushtaq’s talent allowed him to represent India on several national athletic teams. He was best known as a member of India’s 3 fastest men- The Three Flying M’s (Milkha, Makhan, and Mushtaq) and his record-breaking time in the 100-meter dash. As a nationally celebrated athlete, winning dozens of awards across India, Mushtaq continues to hold records for his success in track and field. He went on to serve as a director of sports for the states of Punjab and Haryana.

Mushtaq arrived in Canada and settled in P.E.I. in 1966 with his young family. He was an educator in phys-ed and mathematics, and went on to serve as the director of physical education for P.E.I, and was a known champion for women’s field hockey across the country. Mushtaq was also the founder president of the P.E.I. Amateur Boxing Association and inducted into the Canadian Boxing Hall of Fame in 1973. The same year Mushtaq and his wife were guests at the Opening Centennial Summer Games, where Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip famously and publicly greeted the only East Indian couple in attendance. Mushtaq’s passion for sports led him to become a pioneer for sporting equipment, and a titan in importing and exporting sporting goods across Canada. Mushtaq went on to become a national sponsor and delegate for the Canadian Olympic Team from 1972-1984.

Mushtaq was also widely recognized as a pillar of the East Indian community, sponsoring and helping to immigrate more than 20 East Indian families to the Maritimes. In the mid-eighties Mushtaq relocated to the Niagara region and continued his entrepreneurial journey, owning and operating Niagara’s first East Indian restaurant; stemming from his desire to continue to serve his East Indian Community and integrate its culture into the Canadian mosaic for all to enjoy. Throughout his life he had a passion for travel and accomplished his goal of traveling the world aboard PANAM in 40 days, touching his feet in every ocean. Mushtaq often gave back his time and donated to charitable organizations both in Canada and India.

Mushtaq lived a passionate life of gratitude, joy, service and love. He passed peacefully with his wife and eldest granddaughter by his side. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife Zohara Masih and children Rita Chahal (Chander), Renu D’Cunha (Pascal), Varinder Masih (Sunita), and Vijay Masih (Preetshika). Mushtaq will also be fondly remembered by his 9 grandchildren Crystal D’Cunha, Ravi Chahal (Jiwan), Asha Bhanot (Sonny), Rachel D’Cunha, Joshua D’Cunha, Anjali Chahal, Zeena Masih, Sheena Masih, and Amora Singmasi; and 5 great-grandchildren Zorique Olayori, Tejas Chahal, Naveen Bhanot, Maeva Chahal, and Neela Bhanot.

ROBIN NAKAI [Rivaz 1963-69] writes
Memories of a School Boy . When I joined Bishop Cotton School in Shimla , I little realised that I would be meeting and rubbing shoulders , though I was far to short to rub shoulders , with existing legends and those who would go down in to the annals of time , as legendary figures . Games were an integral part of the school curriculum and it was totally compulsory to be on the playing fields in your games kit , every evening and participating in the game of the season – as games were played in pre set and planned fixtures in the year , and divided into compartments , keeping the weather seasons in view , as football was a rainy season fixture . It was first in class that I was to meet Mr. Mushtaq Masih , and there is no recollection in my mind of the subject which he taught and of which class he was then the class teacher off – I think it was Lower 2 or maybe Upper 2 — I do recall , one year , that Krishna Rana ( Tiger ) and I went one day after the final exams , to Mr . Mushtaq Masih’s house , to ask him to give Tiger Rana some grace marks , in maths I think , so that Tiger would not fail the finals , and thus not be allowed to come back to School in March for the next session . Tiger being a fabulous natural born sportsman was a favourite of Mr . Masih , and I recall standing down in Remove Dormitory , out side Sir’s house and hearing Sir laugh and say – Don’t worry Tiger , go enjoy Kathmandu and your holidays , and you will come back next year ‘ Tiger got his grace marks — and came back to school next year —that was the magnanimity of Mr . Musthtaq Masih . My encounters with him were to happen on the hockey field , and it was from this legend – of whose glory we school boys were totally unaware – that I was to learn the art of dribble , trap , scoop , backhand pass whilst at a full run , snap the ball between the defenders legs to the team mate behind , and if one was lucky – to sound the boards , to the roars of cheers from the stadium . Boxing would come and Mr . Mushtaq Masih would be there in his white flannels and with his whistle shinning in the sunlight around his neck – his signature dress code , guiding , coaching the art of block , jab , hook , upper cut , head down defence and the foot work required for being a good boxer . Sir , would be on the second flat every athletic season , teaching the art or gliding over a hurdle with the body bent low and the take of leg skimming the top of the bar , he would be there teaching the art of the take off from the starters gun , the slick magic of the baton exchange which was so critical to the winning of the relay – was an art that was to be perfected . He was there for it all , and I can remember those days , so clearly . Then , one day Mr . Mushtaq Masih announced that he was migrating to the young country – Canada . It was a sad sorrow – the parting – as he was a well liked man , as was his wife Zohara . News would filter about down over the years about his life and we were told that he had started Women’s Hocky in Canada , and had then a big name in the Canada in the games arena , and so on and so forth . Time passed on , as it inevitably does , and we lost track of Sir – till today when Manjit Sehmbey – a sprinter from my batch of 1969 and also my School Captain , sent an article to Kuttu Singh , for the school magazine – The Patina Times . It seems that Mr . Mushtaq Masih ran his last race in 2020 , when he passed peacefully to the great halls of Valhalla . What makes the design of the story so poignant today is that today we have all received the sad news as regards the passing , of the Flying Sikh Milkha Singh . It is sad to know that he was one of the ‘Ms’ of the Three Flying Ms of Punjab – Milkha – Mushtaq – Makhan . One wonders where the Third M ( Makhan ) is today . So today as Milkha and Mushtaq stand at the starters gun in Elysium , there must must be a hush of anticipation as the crowd waits with a bated breath for an epic race to start . Rest in Peace Sir , and know that the mark you left of your coaching us , paid us good heed in our years of growing up in the Bishop Cotton School , Shimla . I participated in all hockey fixtures and also won the medal for the Best Loser in Boxing . My name , in Gold Leaf is on the honours board in Bishop Cotton . The names of all my team mates and of all those other teams who were coached by you , are a testimony to your untiring patience and guidance . It’s is there sir , for you were our coach . I shall , along with all the other players and athletes shall cherish that memory , eternally .

Vijay Khurana writes:

It is with great sadness we just learnt of the passing away of Mr Mushtaq Masih. He passed away last year. Our deepest sympathies and condolences to his wife and their family members.

Mr Masih joined BCS in 1958. I think he was one of those teachers, like Mr Roshan Lal, who came to Simla from Palampur with Rev Dustan when he joined the School as Headmaster.

Until Mr Masih’s induction into the School’s staff, BCS never had a sports coach. Just prior to his entry the School had employed Mr Kumar, ex- Indian Navyas a PT instructor but he did not remain long. Mr Masih was the first sporting coach at BCS. Until his entry there was no coach for athletics with most of the training being conducted by teachers who had an affinity for a particular sport e.g. Mr J D Williams (Soccer), Mr E A Cuzen (Cricket) or the famous Mr V E O Carville (Boxing), formerly with the Burma police. Mr Masih made a difference to the track and field events, especially the short distance sprints. Standards improved and as Inderjit Singh “Badal” (Lefroy 1951-63) testifies on the obituary page for Mr Masih:

“Badal Singh 338
Sincere condolences to the entire family ,
Mr Masih was my Athletics coach at Bishop Cotton School Simla” in 1962/63 And helped me improve my 100 yard dash and to break the school record ….. I will always remember and be grateful to him 🙏”

BCS also began to fare well at the Inter- public school meets at Patiala which for the most part was usually dominated by YPS, Patiala. We attributed that dominance to their significantly older ages than the acceptable average for boys in school.!! However, in later years with somewhat more professional training inputs by Mr Masih the results began to be visible. His impact was greatest with those who ran the short distance but the long and medium distance runner seemed to gain little. Some of them still remember, with a degree of remorse, their potential never being fully exploited. Mr Masih was no task master and his approach, in his inimitable rustic style, was always persuasive. He gave you the direction but the incentive and urge to win had to be yours. His influence was visible and some of his methods probably endured after he left BCS in 1966 or thereabouts.

Mr Masih during our time also coached the soccer and hockey teams as Govinder Singh (Ibbetson 1953-3) recalls:

” Mr Masih was a very helpful and friendly person to all athletes. That’s how I remember him. He spent one entire afternoon teaching me to improve my goalkeeping for the upcoming Sanawar match.
The obituary does not mention BCS.
I’m sure we all wish him well in the hereafter, and his family in Canada”

Mr & Mrs Masih retained their connections with BCS and Simla and would visit whenever they were in India having emigrated to Canada. His connections with BCS endured and I notice his wife and he were guests of honour at an OC lunch in Ontario in 2005. (http://www.oldcottonians.org/canada_31905.htm)

Looking back, Canada attracted a whole load of talented men and women from BCS – Mr Sasim Das Gupta, Mr Mathew Zachariah, Mr & Mrs Goss, Mr & Mrs Mal, Mr Ramesh Tiwari ,&  Mr & Mrs Masih. Rev & Mrs Dustan simply went home. They were Canadian citizens !! They all contributed in a significant way to that country with some of them holding positions of great scholarship and eminence. In the process, all of them without exception, created wonderful and financially rewarding lives.

Mr Masih went a bit further than sports education to become an entrepreneur in the restaurant business. That was a trait he never exhibited but shows how remarkably well talent blossoms given the opportunity. Rest in Peace, Mr Masih and thank you for all that you did for us !!

BCS in Snow / 29thDec 2020

An Old Cottonian just forwarded to me pictures of BCS covered in snow. Have
not seen such pictures in a long while

Wishing you guys a Happy New Year and the very best in 2021


Vijay [Khurana]

Click for larger view

Congratulations Team BCS / Inter-School Golf 2020

Best nett scores Individual Scores


The Inter-school Golf event is being played at the Jaypees Green Golf Resort on Friday 20th Nov 2020.

This event is scheduled to be an annual event of various Boarding schools.
This event was postponed from the original date of 20th.March 2020 due to the Pandemic.

There is an entry fee of approx.Rs.5000/ per player which includes the green fee, cart,caddy (sharing), oncourse snacks  prize distribution drinks & Dinner.
In Future events approx.1.5 to 2 Lacs is required from each school as sponsorship fee.
The sponsors will get sufficient mileage on various forums.
The final team of BCS ( Old Cottonians) is mentioned below.
All the best

1.Chetan Singh Age 66  L 40 HANDICAP 14 chetanpioneersports@gmail.com  (Captain),

2.Gurnir Singh Gill  Age 65 XL 42 Handicap 18 nirigill@hotmail.com

3.Ronald Das  Age 62 L 40 Handicap 16 ronalddas@gmail.com

4. Col.Malwinder Guron Age.61 XXL 44 Handicap 18 ambyguron@gmail.com

5.Madhav Singh Age 45     XL 42 Handicap 7 madhavindersingh@gmail.com

6.Pranav Roach Age 55  L 40 Handicap 15 pranavroach@yahoo.com

7.Ashim Kapoor Age. 58 L 40 Handicap 18  ashimk@me.com

8.Sanjiv Chadha Age. 61 L 40 Handicap 16 sanjiv.chadha@teamrr.in

9.Prithvi Singh Nat  Age. 65 XXL 44 Handicap 18 prithvinat@yahoo.com

10.Manav Singh  Age.46  L.40 Handicap 16 manav@imperialholding.in

11.Prithviraj Prem  Age 66 XL 42 Handicap 24 bingluprem@gmail.com

12.Kanav Monga  Age.39 L 40 Handicap 19 kanac.monga@virgogroup.com

Kindly pair Player 6 & 7   & 5 & 8


Chetan Singh

Zoom Link to attend the AGM of OCA (India) on 28/09/2020 at 3:30 pm

Dear All,

I’ am writing to inform you that the Zoom link given below would enable you to attend the forthcoming AGM of OCA India scheduled for Monday, 28th September, 2020 at 3:30 p.m.

Ajay Thiara is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: OCA (India) AGM 2020
Time: Sep 28, 2020 03:30 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 860 8729 8582
Passcode: 313612

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,86087298582#,,,,,,0#,,313612# US (Tacoma)
+13017158592,,86087298582#,,,,,,0#,,313612# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 860 8729 8582
Passcode: 313612

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfwTHUQco

Kind Regards,

Ajay Thiara
OCA, India

What are Old* Old Cottonians are up to these days?

They ZOOM!
Here is an excerpt from one of the emails

Over the last few weeks we have been, at the initiative of Anupam Sachdev, holding a few chat sessions over Zoom. The first one had just about the four of us and the second one three weeks later saw the number of participants rise to five, which included Arun Kochhar. Yesterday, there were many more as the accompanying picture testifies. Not included in the screenshot by KS Dugal were Guljit Kochhar, who left early and Param Inder Singh who somehow went missing when this shot was taken. 
The last session was held yesterday, Sunday 16th Aug at 8:00PM (IST), which is the time for drinks in India and coffee time for most in the US. It was that time of the day when Arun Jolly in LA is usually in his night gear having just woken up to his first cup of tea but bright and sparkling. Ken Singh & Param in Colorado were up and cheerful. Those in India faithfully exhibited their brand of alcohol and settled down to a lovely evening. 
We did try to rope in Rishi in Adelaide and when it would have been mid-night but he sent a message of apology that due to age and aging considerations he went to bed at 9:30PM. Had he joined in can you imagine our conversation would have encompassed a huge part of the globe!! Modern technology, we never imagined, is available over such a large geographical sweep. 
Last evening turned out to be truly enjoyable with eminently interesting speakers like BM and Bittu.
Vijay [Khurana]

* “Old Old Cottonian / Aging Cottonian” = Old fart, young at Heart 😂

PRESS RELEASE / Bishop Cotton School Shimla, children celebrate Independence Day virtually


17 August 2020

Independence Day celebrated virtually at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla (BCS) celebrated the 74th Independence Day last Saturday (15 August 2020) but this year, for the first time in history, it was celebrated virtually with the school community contributing remotely online from home (see BCS video links below to the YouTube video celebrations).

After a few days of mist and rain, the sun came out for the ceremony as residential staff gathered at the Shimla site for the flag raising and National Anthem ceremony.  The Indian flag could be seen for miles flying high on the BCS flagpole (of 106 feet high) in the blue sky across the Shimla area.

BCS is one of the oldest residential schools in Asia and has played a big part in shaping the development of public schools and education in India as well as producing a host of well-known and successful alumni.

The online ceremony (links below) included heartfelt messages from the BCS students about why they love their country and the meaning for them of Independence Day.

The students were very clear in expressing their ideas that we must mark the day and respect those freedom fighters who gave their lives for their country.

The Cottonian family wishes all Cottonians a very happy Independence Day. Here are the highlights of the celebrations at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, with video contributions from the boys expressing their love for India and the values it stands for.

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, Independence Day 2020 – Video highlights duration: 5’27”

1) Independence Day 2020 celebrations from Bishop Cotton School, Shimla 


2) BCS Facebook link – Independence Day 2020:


The school has operated a full academic curriculum with online classes since March.  Parents have reported that the children have been missing playing sport and being with their friends and are yearning to get back on campus in Shimla.

Director Simon Weale together with the Headmaster Mathew John and BCS Staff gathered for the Flag raising ceremony.

Website: bishopcottonshimla.com

Further information from BISHOP COTTON SCHOOL, Shimla – 171002 (H.P.) India.

Phone : 0177 – 2620880

BCS 161st Founder’s Day 2020

One hundred and sixty one years  today and my beautiful Alma mater remains steadfast on that spur of Simla looking towards the gap of Tara Devi, whilst the Heavens above look down and Bless our great institution…

The history of Bishop Cotton School is entwined with the history of India and Britain. Our school founded by Reverend Bishop George Edward Lynch Cotton is the ground where I grew up from a five year old…. to what I am today.

At an interesting talk at Chatham House London by Mark Tully ( ex.BBC) on life in India, I was sitting amongst the rows of invitees and put my hand up when the Q&A* session started.

I must have asked something terribly relevant.. as Mr Tully started with “that’s a great question…!”

At the end of the event, someone tapped me very gently on my left shoulder. I turned to that side and saw a gentle hand with beautifully manicured nails, delicate long fingers that lead to a gorgeous arm and on to a very aristocratic Lady with coiffured silver-grey hair, a gorgeous face, a string of Mallorca pink pearls and a divine smile ….a whiff of Chanel No 5 and Pure Radiance!

“Excuse me“ she whispered coming closer …”are you the India High Commissioner?”….

I turned around towards her and stood up….we both smiling looking deep into each other’s eyes..

“ No Ma’am” I whispered back ..

“ I am not the High Commissioner, but I am an Ambassador …”

… she raised her well groomed eyebrow questioningly with an even bigger smile..

“ indeed I am an Ambassador Ma’am, an Ambassador of Bishop Cotton School**Simla” 

And that for us was said enough.

Wishing The Director,the Staff and All We Ambassadors** of Bishop Cotton School, felicitations on our 161st Founder’s Day.

God Bless our great institution; may it continue from strength to strength.

*Q&A session : When my class of 1970 sits on the stage in the Irwin Hall with the senior boys throwing questions at us like freebies ….. we will answer… “about the roads we took, the paths we chose, our lives experiences and whether we have reached our destination..

** Every week day at Chapel Service, just after the hymn was sung, the last prayer recited, we used to wait expectantly for Heady Goldie ( Head Master R. K. von Goldstein) to walk up to the alter to end the service with a very brief talk …..he always did… immaculately, striding forward in his three piece suit, oxfords and Head Master’s gown, he never failed us as we listened to his three minutes that consisted of a spectrum of thoughts, stories and events. The Brass hand grip on the Chapel door and more. What he ingrained in me was one of his impeccable sayings that resound in me every single day….. “ never ever forget young gentlemen… when you walk out of the gates of this great institution, always remember…You Are Ambassadors of Bishop Cotton School…”.

Vivek ( Bonnie ) Bhasin



.. hurting deep and hard that my Class of 1970 will not make it to School this year to celebrate our Golden Anniversary. Deep and hard and heart breaking…

Fresh dates for the OC Week 2020

Dear Old Cottonians:
Trust you and your family are doing well during this very trying time on account of the Covid 19 virus.
I’am taking this opportunity to inform you that the school and OCA-India were finding it difficult to conduct the OC Week 2020 this year due to the challenges created by the Covid19 virus. This as a background, the school has now very graciously offered us with a fresh set of dates for this years OC Week. The dates are 9th till 11th October, both days inclusive. Whilst the dates have been finalised, the programme for the OC Week would follow soon.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Ajay Thiara