Tag Archives: 1968 Batch

OCs WEEK 2018 & Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Batch of 1968

OCs WEEK 2018 & Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Batch  of 1968

Tuesday, 25th September 2018

8:00 PM
Dinner organized by the Batch of 1968 at Hotel Eastbourne [Special invitees: The Headmaster, Head of Junior School, Senior Master, Bursar, Admin Office, Second Master, Housemasters and the Spouses of all above].

Wednesday, 26th September 2018

9:30 AM
Special Chapel Service in the Holy Trinity Chapel for the Batch of 1968, Main School Boys, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School & Admin Staff.

10:15 AM
High Tea in the main school Dining Hall for the Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School Staff, Upper Sixth Form.

11:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM
Past vs Present : Soccer, Basketball and Racquet games [lawn tennis, badminton, table-tennis and squash].

11:00 AM ~ 12:15 PM
Campus tour for Batch of 1968, escorted by the Prefectorial body.

1:45 PM
Lunch [Main School Dining Hall] Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Main School Staff, Junior School Staff, Upper Sixth Form.

4:30 PM
Arrival of the Car Rally : organized by OCA Northern Chapter.

5:00 PM
Prize Distribution.

5:15 PM
High Tea in the School Dining Hall.

Thursday, 27th September 2018

9:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM
Annual Cricket Match [T20] between OC Cricket XI vs School Cricket XI Team [Compulsory for Academic and Administrative. Staff to witness the match and attend lunch].

2:00 PM
Buffet Lunch at the Main School Dining Hall – for OCs Cricket Team, School Team, Upper Sixth Form, Staff: Academic & Administrative.

3:30 PM ~ 4:00 PM
Ceremony to Commemorate the Old Cottonians during the Indo war; especially after the Partition, 1947.  Venue: Near the War Memorial.

7:30 PM
Headmasters Dinner for the Batch of 1968, Old Cottonians, Staff [Academic and Administrative] & Upper Sixth Form. Dress code: [Gentlemen] Formals-Blazer & Tie, [Ladies] Saree.

Friday, 28th September 2018

8:00 PM
OCA Dinner at Hotel Marina.

Saturday, 29th September 2018

9:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM
Art & Craft/SUPW Exhibition

12:00 Noon ~ PM
The Annual School Fete