Tag Archives: 1961

Farewell Bindi [H.S.] Atwal / BCS 1961 batch

Another great Old Cottonian lost

HS Atwal 1961 BCS Batch, House Captain Lefroy

Video and photo downloaded from Badal Singh’s facebook post:

Flowers sent by the Class of 1961 for his Ardas & Kirtan

Colts Cricket Team 1961 / and the exchange of emails about


At the request of some with fading memories, I am forwarding the names of the team members of the Colts Cricket team 1961. I am unable to name the Thai boy standing. Please assist.

Standing (L to R) Partap Grewal, Rishi Rana, Brandy Gill, Unknown, S S Chauhan, R Bhatnagar
Sitting (L to R) R L V Nath, Vijay Amin (Desai), Gurinder Parkash (Capt), Ravi Inder Singh, Ruby Kohli.

There were unconfirmed reports when this team was constituted that Ruby Kohli threatened the coach with his knuckle dusters which ensured his inclusion as a fielding specialist. Sounds appropriate. I am not able to confirm this report but any comments will be welcome !!

This and other photograph are from Partap’s collection and I will be glad to circulate them to remind you that you were a sporting group about 60 years ago !!



Vijay Khurana

Was it Krishna Pong of Ibbetson house?

Neel Mehra


That sounds accurate because we know he was from Ibbetson. I am waiting for a second confirmation before making the label change. Any other inputs ?

My thanks



Dear All,

I refer to my mail below.

Two things happened. First BM Singh informed me that the label to the picture was incorrect because he was in the Colts Cricket team in 1961. I lost a bet in the process and a bottle of Scotch is owing to him. It had no fewer than six guys from Curzon in the team that year!!
Second, the missing name for the Thai boy who was in Ibbetson was Krishna Pong. He never returned to School the following year and the game of cricket never took root in Thailand!. So the team line up for the year 1960 Colts team was:

1960 Colts team
Standing (L to R) Partap Grewal, Rishi Rana, Brandy Gill, Krishna Pong , S S Chauhan, R Bhatnagar
Sitting (L to R) R L V Nath, Vijay Amin (Desai), Gurinder Parkash (Capt), Ravi Inder Singh, Ruby Kohli.

The Colts team for 1961 is sent as an attachment to this mail. I am also forwarding a picture of the First XI Cricket team for 1961 where Gurinder Parkash feature prominently. He could not have been in both teams in the same year. So that resolves the issue as well!!

Colts team for 1961
Standing (L to R) Sunny Brar, Ajit S Padda, BM Singh,  Govinder Singh, R Bhatia & PPS Sidhu,
Sitting (L to R) JPS Kniggar,  S S Chauhan, Brandy Gill (Capt), R Bhatnagar, Anupam Sachdev.

A request since such pictures generate so much interest. First, if you have any photographs, please scan them and send them over. Alternatively, send me your pictures and I will be happy to scan them and return the originals to you.  I have a large collection with Anil Advani holding a lot of material on the web as well. This exercise is worth the effort though it should happen at the initiative of the OCA for every passing year. That would make it a phenomenal collection for history as well.

Secondly as the years ago by such archival material leaves a huge gap in identifying  guys in the picture. It becomes harder with each passing year. That is truly sad because there was honour in representing your School and every person and name needs to be remembered for his contribution. It is sad to leave blank names for guys who were once in our midst and we now label them as “unknown” This is likely to happen as some of us also move along and get phased out by the laws of Nature. Any assistance in developing and building this collection at the earliest will eliminate such missing names to the extent possible. Your assistance will be hugely appreciated by all of us.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.



PS Kuttu Singh. You might consider publishing this in The Patina Times that you edit

The MITRE / Nov 1961

Many thanks to ANUPAM SACHDEV for sending in this 1961 copy via Vijay Khurana:

Click here to read The MITRE / November 1961 issue


For the history buffs…Found an old copy as I was cleaning out my parents place….Pompeii [Anupam Sachdev]

Such pieces revive wonderful memories. This is one issue of The Mitre that is historically important for many – the announcement of Mr & Mrs Brown departure from BCS. I know that both GP Sahi and Susan Whipps, Mr Brown’s daughter will be interested. Will forward it to them.

A lot of names now come to life and a lot of memories come alive. Names hit you after all these years and they become real again. Then some other names hit you in a different way. You know these guys have gone away and will never return. I remember those voices and those faces. I miss them.

You yearn for those times and you know that those sounds, smells or surroundings will never come back ever again in the way they then existed.

Keep this issue of The Mitre or we can archive it suitably with the keepsakes that probably exist with The School.

On reflection, Dusty’s farewell was pretty dry and inspid. It lacked warmth, I thought!!



Congratulations to Rishi Rana for standing 1st in Shell (from KG to Form VI)
Jai Joshi MD
Thanks Joshi 2 for  remembering and noticing this. To be quite frank this has been a millstone round my neck. However my greatest achievement is that I have four grandchildren today.
Regards and all the best for the future
Wonderful and extremely nostalgic period from the Mitre of 1961 Sir! Especially for me ..That was the year I joined our Bishop Cotton School … Travelling by Calcutta School Party .. Aged 5… Lefroy… Roll No: 123…
The start of a life that continues to roll…never forgetting , always remembered. Along with members of the OCA ( UK) chapter I attended the funeral of Freddy Brown in SE England… All the Hymns and Psalms were chosen from our School Chapel Hymnal & Psalm Book.
With Every Best Wish
Vivek Bhasin

Thank for the 1961 mitre.wonderful memories of BCS. In our class it was always H.S Bedi,Paraminder and Umesh in the first three.Others were far behind.I used to come in the 5-6 position. I am enjoying with my grand.kids.God bless you all.

N.K.Sethi (I)485 1953-1962


Hi Vijay,
Thank you for this. I have saved it and will take a printout and give it to Umesh. I am sure he will enjoy reading it. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Love and Light,

Ranjana spouse Umesh Dutta