Update – people we knew. Message from Mr Goss

Dear All,

I received the following message from Mr Ronald Goss

I regret to inform you. that Mr. Das Gupta‘s daughter phoned me several months ago to inform me that he had died.  I was sorry to get the news, although it came as no surprise – he sounded very feeble the last time he spoke to me.  He was my neighbour in Remove my first two years in BCS, and we met a couple of times in Toronto.  He was a gentle man and a gifted artist   We spoke on the phone at least once a year, as was the case with Desmond and Colleen deYoung.  Mrs. Maud Williams informed me that they had both passed away but gave no details

I am forwarding two photographs from RS Sodhi’s collection sent as attachments to this mail which be of interest to those who remember them.


Vijay Khurana