Dear OCs
I trust that this email finds everyone well and in good health.
It has been nearly a decade since Kuljinder Bahia was appointed as Chairman of the OCA (UK) Chapter and as all of us know he has executed his role in a very positive and forward thinking manner. Kuljinder has varied business interests, which require a lot more of his time and personal involvement than what was needed in the past. He has also impressed many times that for the proper functioning and care of the UK Chapter, he resigns and that a new Chairman is appointed. It is time for this change now.
Having consulted many OC’s in the UK including the secretary Puneet Singh, it has been passed that Dr Vijay Bhalaik takes over the reins from Kuljinder.
Whilst I personally wish to thank Kuljinder for what he has already done for our School and OC’s, he has offered his assurance to continue to offer as much support and guidance to the OCA (UK) Chapter as possible.
I also wish to congratulate Dr Vijay Bhalaik on his appointment as the Chairman of the OCA (UK) Chapter.
Given his achievements in school and also professionally, we are in very safe and capable hands to take the UK Chapter forward for many years to come.
Wishing all of you my best,
Gursant Sandhu
OCA ( UK )
Dear Kuljinder,
It was my greatest pleasure being in constant connect with you during my 14 years in the UK, as Chairman of the OCA UK chapter and in continuation, even after having left the UK. You have been most generous in your display of the warmest affection to Old Cottonians and our Bishop Cotton School. I take this opportunity to wish you even more successes in your life and businesses; we are proud of you! I hope to meet you both in the UK and India during my and your visits. Congratulations on your myriad successes and being such a fine gentleman.
At this juncture I congratulate Dr Vijay Bhalaik as new the Chairman of the OCA (UK). Vijay you have always made it a point to be present at the reunions making that special effort to travel to London. I am sure the oldest OC chapter in the world will continue from strength to strength under your Command.
God Bless All Cottonians and God Bless Bishop Cotton School, the founding rock of our lives.
Warmest Regards,
Vivek Bhasin
Lefroy House