Farewell Bindi [H.S.] Atwal / BCS 1961 batch

Another great Old Cottonian lost

HS Atwal 1961 BCS Batch, House Captain Lefroy

Video and photo downloaded from Badal Singh’s facebook post:

Flowers sent by the Class of 1961 for his Ardas & Kirtan

2 thoughts on “Farewell Bindi [H.S.] Atwal / BCS 1961 batch

  1. Pingback: Tribute: Harminder Singh Atwal “Bindi”  (6th October 1943- 27th July, 2022) | Old Cottonians Association

  2. Sam Dhanjal

    I remember Atwal. We were in athletics together. Loved his Shot-put and Discus. Great guy . RIP

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