Announcing OCA India VP 2021-23

Dear OCs

This is to announce the unanimous selection of Mr. Jaspal Sawhney as the incoming Vice President of OCA India for two years 2021-2023 effective from 1st April 2021.

This decision was taken this afternoon [30th March 2021] by the Selection Committee of OCA India .

Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Sawhney & wishing him all the very best.

D. SIngh Jaaj & All Office Bearers of OCA India.

PS: My term as President OCA INdia concluses on 31st March 2021 and it has been a pleasure to serve our great Association & our School while on its Board of Governors.
– D. SIngh.


3 thoughts on “Announcing OCA India VP 2021-23

  1. Gay Niblett

    May I add my heartiest congratulations to Mr Jaspal Sawhney on his election to his post as Vice President OCA India and to wish a happy and successful tenure for the coming years.
    Gay Niblett
    Hon. Life President
    OCA (UK)

  2. Captain Vivek Bhasin

    All Good Wishes Good Luck God Bless
    SS & Jaspal Sir and for continued success of our Old Cottonian Association India & Worldwide 🙏❤️
    Vivek ( Bonnie) Bhasin
    Lefroy 1961-1970

    1. Dhiraj Berry

      Mr.D. Singh Jaaj
      President OCA India
      Your tenure as President OCA India gave new energy to the Association. Your efforts to make the OCA India inclusive and open to suggestions is truly commendable. You have personally connected with many OCs, encouraged OCA meets in new cities and responded so positively to new ideas. With your encouragement and full participation we were able to organise OCA Meets for the first time in three cities Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Amritsar. It was most humbling and inspiring to see you and your team’s full participation in the Punjab Flood Relief project by not just contributing monetarily but also by personally visiting the markets in Ludhiana to purchase garments for the victims. You made this a collective project for the OCs enabling many OCs to participate as a result of which much relief could be provided to the victims. These achievements further enhanced the purpose of our great association.
      Thank you sir for your esteemed leadership.

      Dhiraj Berry
      Lefroy 1982

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