Monthly Archives: March 2021

Announcing OCA India VP 2021-23

Dear OCs

This is to announce the unanimous selection of Mr. Jaspal Sawhney as the incoming Vice President of OCA India for two years 2021-2023 effective from 1st April 2021.

This decision was taken this afternoon [30th March 2021] by the Selection Committee of OCA India .

Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Sawhney & wishing him all the very best.

D. SIngh Jaaj & All Office Bearers of OCA India.

PS: My term as President OCA INdia concluses on 31st March 2021 and it has been a pleasure to serve our great Association & our School while on its Board of Governors.
– D. SIngh.


Message from Mr. Simon Weale / Director BCS

Dear Old Cottonians,

I thought I would update you with news of life at school.

The best thing is that we have pupils back in school.  Having ‘locked down’ last March, we were allowed to welcome back senior students from mid-February. There are now just over three hundred boys on the campus from Class VI to Class XII.

You can imagine this presents many challenges at the moment.

Indian Board exams have been put back by a couple of months so there has been an opportunity for the outgoing Class XII to enjoy some time together.  The outgoing Class X arrive back this weekend. Necessity has meant that we are accommodating boys in Class ‘bubbles’.  Boys of the same age eat, sleep, study and play together.

We are ensuring that there is regular testing of staff and a number of colleagues have already been vaccinated.  I am getting my first jab on the 1st April.

The ‘’outgoing’ and ‘new’ Class XII are together in Curzon. The ‘new’ Class X are moving to Lefroy and the outgoing Class X will be in Rivaz. Classes VI to IX are in separate dormitories in the Junior School.  It will be some time before the ‘House system’ can return to normal and different classes can share dorms.

The boys had to present a negative pcr test when they returned to school.  They have to wear masks around the school site and avoid mixing with other classes.  Their interaction with adults has to be strictly controlled. However, it is evident that they are mostly very happy to be back at school.  The spring weather in Shimla has been beautiful and the boys have enjoyed lots of sport and activity.  We have been trying to update photos regularly on our ‘Facebook’ page.

The current rise in Covid cases in India means that we will continue to face challenges.  The Himachal Government whilst restricting the opening of many educational institutes, are currently allowing Boarding schools to keep their students at school.  We are working with both them and the medical authorities to ensure we can keep things running smoothly.  I think there is an overwhelming case for the benefits outweighing the disadvantages of residential students being back in school in the pandemic.  It was noticeable how much weight many of our pupils had put on during their year away from school and it is pleasing how quickly they are embracing a healthier lifestyle.

We have welcomed many OCs back to the campus over the last year, but it is difficult at the moment to meet these requests as we must try our best to reduce unnecessary entry into the campus. Please bear with us in the next few months as we love to welcome alumni back to school.


Simon Weale – Director

Colts Cricket Team 1961 / and the exchange of emails about


At the request of some with fading memories, I am forwarding the names of the team members of the Colts Cricket team 1961. I am unable to name the Thai boy standing. Please assist.

Standing (L to R) Partap Grewal, Rishi Rana, Brandy Gill, Unknown, S S Chauhan, R Bhatnagar
Sitting (L to R) R L V Nath, Vijay Amin (Desai), Gurinder Parkash (Capt), Ravi Inder Singh, Ruby Kohli.

There were unconfirmed reports when this team was constituted that Ruby Kohli threatened the coach with his knuckle dusters which ensured his inclusion as a fielding specialist. Sounds appropriate. I am not able to confirm this report but any comments will be welcome !!

This and other photograph are from Partap’s collection and I will be glad to circulate them to remind you that you were a sporting group about 60 years ago !!



Vijay Khurana

Was it Krishna Pong of Ibbetson house?

Neel Mehra


That sounds accurate because we know he was from Ibbetson. I am waiting for a second confirmation before making the label change. Any other inputs ?

My thanks



Dear All,

I refer to my mail below.

Two things happened. First BM Singh informed me that the label to the picture was incorrect because he was in the Colts Cricket team in 1961. I lost a bet in the process and a bottle of Scotch is owing to him. It had no fewer than six guys from Curzon in the team that year!!
Second, the missing name for the Thai boy who was in Ibbetson was Krishna Pong. He never returned to School the following year and the game of cricket never took root in Thailand!. So the team line up for the year 1960 Colts team was:

1960 Colts team
Standing (L to R) Partap Grewal, Rishi Rana, Brandy Gill, Krishna Pong , S S Chauhan, R Bhatnagar
Sitting (L to R) R L V Nath, Vijay Amin (Desai), Gurinder Parkash (Capt), Ravi Inder Singh, Ruby Kohli.

The Colts team for 1961 is sent as an attachment to this mail. I am also forwarding a picture of the First XI Cricket team for 1961 where Gurinder Parkash feature prominently. He could not have been in both teams in the same year. So that resolves the issue as well!!

Colts team for 1961
Standing (L to R) Sunny Brar, Ajit S Padda, BM Singh,  Govinder Singh, R Bhatia & PPS Sidhu,
Sitting (L to R) JPS Kniggar,  S S Chauhan, Brandy Gill (Capt), R Bhatnagar, Anupam Sachdev.

A request since such pictures generate so much interest. First, if you have any photographs, please scan them and send them over. Alternatively, send me your pictures and I will be happy to scan them and return the originals to you.  I have a large collection with Anil Advani holding a lot of material on the web as well. This exercise is worth the effort though it should happen at the initiative of the OCA for every passing year. That would make it a phenomenal collection for history as well.

Secondly as the years ago by such archival material leaves a huge gap in identifying  guys in the picture. It becomes harder with each passing year. That is truly sad because there was honour in representing your School and every person and name needs to be remembered for his contribution. It is sad to leave blank names for guys who were once in our midst and we now label them as “unknown” This is likely to happen as some of us also move along and get phased out by the laws of Nature. Any assistance in developing and building this collection at the earliest will eliminate such missing names to the extent possible. Your assistance will be hugely appreciated by all of us.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.



PS Kuttu Singh. You might consider publishing this in The Patina Times that you edit

ZOOM chat – Sunday March 21st, 2021

Dear All,

These Zoom sessions are getting better and better.

First these meetings have generated a few new faces each time. In the first session, we were pleasantly surprised to have Partap Grewal appear. This was the last time we saw him alive and it was touching when Pompey asked him to emerge from the darkness that hid his face. It was to be our last ‘sighting” of a dear and old friend. In the next session we had Jaspal Singh Sidhu appear. Jaspal or rather “Juicy” as was better known was in Ibbetson (Roll number 392?) left BCS at the end of 1957 or 1958. Yesterday witnessed the presence of Rocky Chopra and Gurinder Parkash (Josie)

The regulars have been Pompei, the host and moderator, Deepak Lamba, K S Dugal, BM Singh, Ken Singh, Arun Jolly and his beautiful wife, Mei Mei. All these gentlemen appear well organised in suitably admired surroundings with either coffee mugs or whiskey glasses in hand. We have had others join in for a few sessions, Arun Kochhar, Guljit Kochhar, Jaspal Sawhney, Bittu Sahgal, Gurjeet Singh Jawandha. Among this latter group Gurjeet Jawandha is turning out to be a regular presence with his controversial opinions. “Why do you always counter my arguments?” he once famously stated when at the losing end of a political argument when he had run out of debating points.

Covid, not its consequences, has been a major subject but the important and deliberated question was whether you abstain (not necessary if in moderation)  from alcohol either before or after the jab. Blood thinners (heavily contraindicated) should be used prior to jab to prevent the occurrence of blood clots (Gurjeet Jawandha). Blood thinner should be discontinued before the jab but could be resumed after a few days Ask Dr Fauci or Rocky Chopra!!

Pompei narrated last evening of a hilarious incident when Rocky, on a visit to Washington DC, went with Pompei out drinking one evening at an up market bar in a car hired by Pompei. On their emerging, after several shots, the vehicle was missing having been towed away to a neighbouring block to allow for construction activity. No, this was not a parking offence but having retrieved the vehicle they decided to hit another bar for one more shot. An evening to remember for all the consternation and inconvenience but ending on one more happy peg!!

Gurinder Parkash (Josie) sighted Pompei after 50 years and then asked, “Are you the guy with the white bushy eyebrows?” Unfortunately Josie was not visibly since he just had not figured out, like several 70 year olds, which icon he needed to press to ensure his picture appeared to us all. Fortunately his voice was around but not his face, while he had the visual advantage of being able to spot all of us. Smart guy because I later discovered he was in his vest and pyjamas!!

Finally I informed those present last evening that Rishi Rana had been bitten by a dog and had to invest in the usual injections to prevent infection. I believe that the dog died the next day!! Can someone verify this, please. Thanks

So, we see these Zoom sessions increasing in numbers and getting more lively. Wait for the announcement date for the next one but the timing will be a bit earlier at 8:00 PM IST.



[Vijay Khurana]

Extension of date to receive the Application & Vision Statement for Vice President of OCA (India) 2021-2023

Dear OC,

Hope you and your family are doing well.

I’am writing to inform you that on account of the unprecedented times which we find ourselves passing through,the date to receive the application and vision statement to select the Vice President of OCA(India) for the term 2021-2023 has been extended till 29th March, 2021.All those OC’s desirous of being considered for the position of Vice President OCA(India) may kindly send their application accompanied with a vision statement by the 29th of March, 2021. The application and vision statement should be sent in a sealed envelope clearly mentioning expression of interest- VP of OCA India, to  the following address.

The Secretary,OCA (India)
House No.565
Sector, 10-D
Chandigarh -160011

The envelopes would be opened only in the presence of the Selection Committee.

As per Clause 5-C of the MOA of OCA(India) minimum criteria to be fulfilled to become Vice President of the Executive committee of OCA(India) is as follows:

a)    A person shall fulfill conditions laid down below to qualify for the post of the Vice President of the executive committee. Selection committee shall also ensure the compliance of this clause before deciding upon the name of vice president:

Compulsory Conditions:

i)  Person applying for the post of Vice President shall be a member of the Society and shall do so in writing

ii) The application  must be accompanied by a vision statement.

iii) He should have served at any one of the regional chapters for at least one year as President/Secretary or served as member of executive committee of the society or its regional chapters, or should be an OC of eminence.

iv) Must have studied in the School (Bishop Cotton) for at least 2 years as a boarder.

Looking forward to receiving your application.


Ajay Thiara
Secretary, OCA(India)

Vivek [Bonnie] Bhasin visits BCS

We were very happy to welcome back Old Cottonian, Captain Vivek (Bonnie) Bhasin who visited BCS to pass on some of his style and Sharper Edge tips to the X & XII classes and staff. He put on a very entertaining show in the Irwin Hall which we’re sure will help Cottonians in the big wide world. Thanks Bonnie.

R.S. Mamik [Bholu] – RIP

We just heard that R.S. Mamik passed on last week.

Condolences to his family and loved ones.

Here are a few messages that were passed on to us [as apparently] posted on some whatsapp groups:

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you all of the demise of R S Mamik whom we lost today our heart felt condolences to the family and HS Mamik God grant peace to the departed soul🙏🙏🙏

We pray for his eternal peace and May God give strength to the bereaved family to bear this loss.

Condolences to the Bereved Family. KC Anand

My deepest condolences to the bereaved family. Rest in peace dear OC…🙏
 Really sad to hear. My condolences to the bereaved family. Sharing his pic from Facebook.

One of the finest guys to know. Gentle, clean hearted and the perfect gentleman.
He eyes were never in good shape and his lenses were a minus 9. Consequently he was at a dead loss in the boxing ring even though he was muscular and otherwise physically formidable. It was treated with humour by most of us but he never complained. He laughed with us at his predicament. He was the preferred opponent in his weight for this obvious reason.
Not many take such handicaps with resilience and humour at that age. He was obviously very different – and special
God hold him in his arms. May Bholu rest in peace. Om Shanti.

Great tribute…to Bholu’s memory. Sad for the family, friends and fraternity to lose him.
Bholu was jolly good fellow with all the qualities of a perfect gentleman. At school we used his glasses as “magnifying” for burning paper. I thought his lenses were +9. We will miss him dearly. May the almighty give his family the strength and courage to bear the loss. In Sorrow .
Dimpy Mehra