More than anger – such is life mate.. huh??
Our Year of 2020
… as we entered 2020
rumours were initial
yet we celebrated keeping everything aside
not knowing that we would be robbed
blown away…
.. you might say such is life ..
it’s the second time coming
and we were caught in the whirlpool..
reaching towards a drifting log
that slipped through our hands
we are still being carried away to
God knows where..
If we were carried on to the ocean..
at least your Captain would have
hauled you up with his anchor..
but no..
we are spinning in circles..
in a pool of tears..
some laugh
some grieve
many will brush this time aside
..let no one set us asunder..
for when I walk in silence
amongst the fallen cones..alone
when I should have been walking with a very close one..
I have been betrayed…
Yeah .. who gives a flying fcuk
what I think and dream and scheme…
..deeds steeped from history long inked…
let’s look at the big picture they say…
But listen you cousins of Chengez Khan
the next time there will be no goats head soup…
with my rage all spent
my mind will paint
another Guernica…
and Picasso will smile
at me..
and whisper..
sometimes you just have to let go..
of unfinished business..
but recharge your ammo
to strike again…
As long as finger point, green garages, the climb, first bridge and boundary stone wait ..
You will arrive..
Vivek ( Bonnie ) Bhasin