OCA Delhi Chapter Dear Fellow OC’s OCA Delhi chapter was formed on 20th...
14 thoughts on “Congrats: Ashwani Singh Virk – VP OCA [Delhi] Chapter”
Commodore IL Syal
Heartiest congrats Ashwini.
Cmde. Syal
pankaj sachdeva
Congrats Ashwani and very well deserved position after putting in all the dedication in the last so many years selflessly.
Rajat Mukarji
Congratulations Ashwani. I am sure you will bring new vigour to the OCA.
Gay Niblett
Dear Ashwani Singh Virk,
My hearty congratulations to you on your appointment as VP of OCA NCR Chapter.
All success and a successful and happy term of Office.
Very best regards,
Gay Niblett
Hon. Life President OCA(UK)
Ashwani singh virk
Thank you very much sir..! Your wishes mean a lot. Though a great responsibility comes with the role but we Cottonians can face challenges with ease. Best regards and be Safe Sir..!
Anil Advani
Congrats Ashwani!
The inclusion of dedicated OCs will benefit the OCA tremendously.
All the best!
Deepak Mehta
Congratulations 👏👏 Ashwani
Himmat Singh.
Hi Ashwini, Congrats. You deserve this .
Jerry Godinho
Dearest Ashwini, I know if no OC who has put more time in the oca and loves the brotherhood. Congrats on this role and I know you will take it to the next level. Jerry Godinho Lefroy 81-83
Nalin Sood
Congrats Ashwini. You put Ina lot of heart effort and soul.
Ashwani Kumar Chatly
Congrats Ashwani.And all the very best for your success.
Heartiest congrats Ashwini.
Cmde. Syal
Congrats Ashwani and very well deserved position after putting in all the dedication in the last so many years selflessly.
Congratulations Ashwani. I am sure you will bring new vigour to the OCA.
Dear Ashwani Singh Virk,
My hearty congratulations to you on your appointment as VP of OCA NCR Chapter.
All success and a successful and happy term of Office.
Very best regards,
Gay Niblett
Hon. Life President OCA(UK)
Thank you very much sir..! Your wishes mean a lot. Though a great responsibility comes with the role but we Cottonians can face challenges with ease. Best regards and be Safe Sir..!
Congrats Ashwani!
The inclusion of dedicated OCs will benefit the OCA tremendously.
All the best!
Congratulations 👏👏 Ashwani
Hi Ashwini, Congrats. You deserve this .
Dearest Ashwini, I know if no OC who has put more time in the oca and loves the brotherhood. Congrats on this role and I know you will take it to the next level. Jerry Godinho Lefroy 81-83
Congrats Ashwini. You put Ina lot of heart effort and soul.
Congrats Ashwani.And all the very best for your success.
Welcome and hearty congratulations
A great choice. Heartiest felicitations Ashwani.
Congratulations Ashwani 👍