I and my brother Mark were among the batch of boys from England who came out to India after the fall of France in WW2 and spent most of the war years at BCS. My other younger brother Colin started at the prep school and later moved up to BCS. I started in the Headmaster’s House and later moved to Aicheson (?) House near the school gate but I do not remember which school house I was in.. I have lots of wonderful memories, most of them naughty, like climbing over the barbed wire fence to raid bhuttas from the fields below the school. We roasted them in the school boiler. We made strings for our kites by crushing bottles in tin cans and gluing the powder onto the kite strings with flour paste so that they would cut the strings of other kites.. We also made catapults from tyre rubber and tried to shoot flying “sqiggies”, never successively! But I was also given a love for classical music by seeing Disney’s “Fantasia” at the cinema near the Mall and got some good Cambridge School Certificate results which later enabled me to become a Naval Architect but I became a Christian at Glasgow university and later spent many years in Japan trying to tell the folk there about God’s love.
MY TIME AT BCS – David Wood-Robinson 1940/4
David Wood-Robinson 1940/4