Yet again a Cottonian from our beloved BCS steals global headlines!
Nakul Anand (Lefroy House) – ITC Luxury Hotels – has been named World Hotelier 2019!
What an amazing award for a superb Cottonian! Nakul is a leading icon in the global world of hospitality. He has under his belt, over four decades of exemplary dedication showcasing ITC Hotels, which are world renowned offering the very best properties and resorts in India to local and international guests. The ITC Grand Bharat has been nominated as Asia’s finest. We Cottonians honour Nakul Anand and feel proud that he is etched in history, Cottonian history, accepting this accolade with the greatest of humbleness and humility.
Congratulations Nakul!
God Bless You abundantly.
[Vivek Bhasin – Lefroy 1961-1970]
Mr. Anand is the third Old Cottonian Hotelier [that we know of as of now] to have made a mark of achievement in the field. Congratulations!
Weldone Nakul. God bless
Sorry.. Meant scale greater heights.
Heartiest Congratulations Nakul. May you adhering greater heights Best wishes
What a wonderful achievement, Nukul! Its a matter of great pride that another fellow Cottonian has brought so much prestige to our lovely school, B.C.S. Keep it up and may God bless and look after you so you can continue climbing the ladder!! Very hearty congratulations!!
Warmest congratulations Nakul. A wonderful recognition from the hoteliering community.
As a hotelier I know what huge prestige this recognition holds. Bravo
Congratulations and three cheers Nakul Anand (Chinu), my class mate for 10 years
Well done. Absolutely super.. A product moment for all OCs especially his peer group.
. Nakul’s mother will be a proud person with good reason.
Congratulations Sir.May you achieve greater heights.