We received the sad news of the death of Lance Jones on 6 July 2019 at the age
of 95. Lance we believe served in the Police Force in India. He was a fanatical Supporter of Arsenal FC and equally keen Supporter of OCA(UK) -attending the
Annual Lunches until last year and only a year or two earlier, on an OCs evening out, a Night Club featuring a delightful ‘belly dancer,’ whose performance he much enjoyed.
Lance was a charming gentleman who will be much missed.
Gay Niblett
Hon. Life President OCA(UK)
Rest in peace my super senior.
David and I were so sorry to hear Lance had passed away.
We remember him well at past events.
At peace.
With disturbing, anxiety comes another dark shadow over our OCA(UK) chapter informing Old Cottonians the passing of our most senior member Lance Jones.
The message leaves me sad and feeling wounded. Truly I will miss my Senior good friend and the umpteen meetings we shared.
Losing Lanc finally places a sad and empty great loss in my fraternal circle of friends that I love.
Grief transcends all reminding us of Merl, his soul partner waiting up There for her Lance – Bless them.
Together they touched our lives immensely and brought cordial love and happiness
Tearful thoughts remind Margaret of the laughter and mirth Merl would creat at every meeting & with late Shirley Jones.
Lance always greeted me, his Lefroy house junior with “Mutare Sperno” Latin for- We Scorn To Change.
I can only salute an Elder Cottonian who I believe was an unsung BCS ambassador who lived a full life of a gentleman of 95years
Bless him and celebrate, with respect and thanks and we add our sincere condolences to his family – carry on in his loving memory –
Rest in peace
With love Margaret & Peter
Sorry to hear about the sad news of the passing away of OC Lance Jones. May he rest in eternal peace. Condolences to the bereaved family.