Gerald Godinho [also an Old Cottonian] interviewed Rohan Charanji. Here is an excerpt [see below for link to full interview].
Rohan, welcome to my series on Millennials. Tell my audience something important about you?
“I was born in India, educated at Bishop Cotton and studied in Switzerland and London.
I have worked in China, US, London, Thailand, Wales and currently in the UAE for the last 4 years.
With my Swiss education, I felt a stupid sense of entitlement. I was asked to mop floors, clean plates and I realized without hard work you can never achieve anything.”
– Rohan Charanji.
I have been constantly told not to look back but urgently need to meet the challenges of tomorrow. I now must say – We learn from history. Respect & listen to your elders. Be proud of your past & remember the good times – put to use OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD
Thank you
Peter Stringer
Lefroy 1943-47