22ndDecember 2018
It is hereby informed to all OCs that OCA INDIA invites written Applications from eligible Old Cottonians for the Post of ‘Vice President’ of OCA India for a term of two(2) years commencing from 1st April 2019 and ending on 31st March 2021. Those willing to serve the Association selflessly may apply in Sealed Envelopes marked ‘Application for Post of Vice-President’ and send it on our registered office address to“The Secretary – Old Cottonians Association (India), 1- Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016”, by Post/ Speed Post/ Courier only. Please note that this Post is honorary and no remuneration or Salary, of any kind whatsoever, shall be offered to the selected Candidate for his services during his entire tenure of two(2) years.
Eligibility criteria for Candidature are as below :-1. Applicant shall be a member of the Society and shall have cleared all his outstanding dues of its annual subscription fee of Rs.500/- towards their respective regional chapter he belongs to.2. The said application must be accompanied by/with a ‘Vision Statement’.3. He should have served at any one of the regional Chapters for at least One(1) year as President/Secretary or served as a member of the Executive Committee of the Society or its regional Chapters OR should be an OC of eminence.4. Must have studied in Bishop Cotton School, Shimla for at least two(2) years as a Boarder.
The cut-off date for receipt of applications is 31st January, 2019. Kindly note that no application on email shall be entertained and incomplete application/s shall be rejected.
Ashwani Singh Virk
Secretary OCA (India)
New Delhi