Monthly Archives: March 2017

Letter from Peter Stringer

While I was Secretary of OCA (UK) for over 25 years, I regret now, for not being Internet connected. Slowly catching up with OCA web news I find to have lost opportunities to gather & exchange interesting contacts.

Now old news comments & views from Mike Weatherfeild who was a class mate, in Prep School – we called a ‘nib’ because he was so clever. Is he still around?
I also find – Sept2013- Geraldine Grimshaw whose father Douglas Horner (School Prefect ’44) mentions Douglas often recalls Whitty White & ‘Lumbo’ Peter Evans & the Willy Brothers. A direct ‘late’ response with regard to Lumbo Evans who often asked did I have any news or whereabouts of the aforementioned.

This may be of interest to some readers.

On invitation I often attended the very cordial Auckland House School London Reunions. Introduced to lady visiting from Australia, who at once informed me Peter Evans was her brother. Peter had moved to Holland after losing his wife, lived with his partner & Sheila would be visiting him before returning to AUZ. Peter wasted no time & was in touch with me.
He & Elisabeth came over & stayed with us & we exchanged many visits when he attended our London annual Reunions.

Sadly now Peter passed away 11 March 2012. Gay Niblett, Catherine & John Phillips, Arthur Jones & his daughter Julie, Maggie & I attend his funeral at Muiderberg.

I also have many interesting photographs – BCS connected if you might like to share

I shall be most obliged if you would be kind to post on the web.

Peter Stringer (Lefroy 1943-47)

OC Dinner [ONTARIO] Saturday 8th April ’17

All OC’s and their significant other are invited for dinner at

Bombay Palace
200 Advance Blvd
Brampton Ontario 
L6T 4V4
8th April 2017 at 6:30 PM
Buffett Dinner   $21.99 plus tax and tips
Cash bar
Dress code  blazer and OC tie
I look forward to seeing you there.
Jerry Godinho
1-437-996-7268 whatsapp

Lefroy House 1954 and a table tennis game in progress circa 1954

Dear All,
I am forwarding, as attachments to this mail, two photographs forwarded to me by Baldev Hundal. His comments are indicated at the bottom of this mail. Boring table tennis!!
I had requested Baldev to identify the faces in the Lefroy House photograph. His efforts have enabled me to piece a little more in putting the correct name to some of the faces. Some guys are easily recognisable but, others after more than 50 years, remain a blur. These pictures always evoke wonderful memories and the saddest part is to note the name of a dear friend who is no longer alive. It breaks my heart but gives me pleasure to remember that he also walked this earth with me!!


All names from left to right.
Sitting front row: Jagdip Singh (“Tinoo” Roll no 420!), Robin Aurora, Sushil Pershad, Unkn, Unkn, Unkn, Unkn,Vijay Khurana, Yogesh Uberoi, Anil Pershad, Unkn, Arun Jolly & Vijay Jolly
Sitting chairs; R L Sud, V K Bhasin (marathon runner), Unkn,Unkn,Unkn, Davinder Singh, E A Cuzen, V K Agarwal, Unkn,Unkn,Unkn,Unkn,Unkn, (one of them is Katju!)
Third row standing (all sardars!) S S Pasrich, Unkn, Karmjit Dhanoa (Milo), S S Sekhon, Sukhjit Singh(?) (Podgy),Unkn,Unkn,Inderjit Singh (Roll no 56), K S Sandhu, Unkn, Santokh Singh, Unkn,Unkn,Unkn,Balvinder Singh, Unkn, S S Mann, Mukhinder Singh
Fourth row standing: Unkn,Unkn, VK Lamba, M K Sabharwal, Ravi Sawhney, Unkn,Unkn,Unkn, Ravijit Singh, A K Lamba, Mohinderjit Singh (Mini), Unkn, Jasdip Singh, Unkn, Arunjit Rai, Raj Lamba, Unkn,
Fifth row standing: S S Sidhu, Unkn, Baldev Hundal, Rakesh Sawhney, Unkn,Unkn, Inderjit Singh (Badal), Daljit Singh (Chikoo), Unkn, Gurdeep Singh (Horsey), Unkn,Unkn, Durga Prasad, Unkn,, Hartej Singh Sekhon.
My listing is pretty accurate but I open to correction. Naturally. I cannot seem to spot Sukhinder Singh!!


Sukhinder Singh is seated in the front row. Fifth from the left. I just spotted him. Unmistakable smile! Cheers Vijay]
Would those whose memories have not faded, please assist in filling in the gaps as well. My thanks.
Hartej Singh Sekhon’s father was the I G of Police until 1966-67 when I had the need to visit his father in Chandigarh for a favour. That was the last time I saw Hartej as I entered his well appointed large house with a sprawling lawn. He joined the air force and passed away in a flying accident. Went away very early. Sad.
The amusing story about him relates to his doing exceptionally well in a Hindi half yearly examination way beyond potential and capacity. With his propensity for resourcefulness Hartej had obtained the question paper from the peon in the school office. When Mr Tiwari, the Hindi teacher walked into the class with the answer sheets a few weeks later he handed Hartej his paper with the question, “What does your father do? “
Hartej responded, “He is in the police, Sir”
“Well, in that case the first crook he will ever catch will be you!!” exclaimed Mr Tiwari.
Hartej turned a crimson red. Laughter in the class !!
I think I have narrated this story before but it all becomes so much more vivid when you see a photograph of the principal player in an amusing incident.
Baldev, my thanks again.
Finally a request. Can some one please help me with the details about the lives of Billy Gill and Milo. We do need to honour and remember their achievements. My thanks.
From: Baldev Singh
To: Vijay Khurana
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: Lefroy House 1954 and a table tennis game in progress circa 1954.
I think you have got Devinder Singh’s name wrong. All the Patiala brothers had their name ending with “a”. There was Yatindra Singh (Yati), Rivaz, Harindra Singh, (Harry), Ibetsson, Umindra Singh, and of course Devindra Singh. I used to bump into Umindra Singh, in Patiala. 

—– Original Message —–

From: Baldev Singh
To: Vijay Khurana
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: Some photos
First row sitting
1. Jagdip Singh (Tinoo) 5th: Sukhwinder Singh, (I think)
2 row sitting: from let to right Sood, 6th Devindra Singh, Curzon, Toti Agarwal, Bhasin,
3: Row: 3: Milo, 4 Sekhon, 11th Phoroo, (sorry, but thats what he was called by the seniors() 14th another Sekhon, 15th  Balwinder Singh, 16th. Simranjit Singh Man,17th: Mohinder Singh.
5th Row: 4th Mohan Sabarwal, 5th: Ravi Sawhney, (how could I ever forget Ravi Sawhney), 9: Mohinder Singh, (Badal’s brother), 10 Lamba,
6th Row: 3. Baldev Hundal, 4: Rakesh Sawhney, (another unforgetable), 6: Nanda, 7:th: Badal, 8: Chikoo, 15th with Turban, Hartej S. Sekhon.
But then its likely I have mixed the seatings, but the names are pretty accurate.


From: Vijay Khurana

To: Baldev Singh 
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Some photos


Dear Baldev,
My thanks. Greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to address me by my first name. I am more comfortable with people I know of 50 years standing.
Can you name the people, or at least some of them from the Lefroy picture? Would appreciate that to the extent possible.


On 19 March 2017 at 12:33, Baldev Singh  wrote:

Dear Mr. Khurana,
I found these photographs which might be of interest to some OCs.
The group photograph is from 1954 of Lefroy House, and the photo of the table tennis match which we were obliged to watch much to my boredom, is of an interhouse match between Ibettson and Rivaz, I think.
Best wishes,
B. HundalLefroy House 1954 and a table tennis game in progress circa 1954

Mark Wood-Robinson / passed on

Dear Old Cottonians
We’ve had a spate of losses recently, and just got the news of yet another Old Cottonian passing away this 14th. Here is a message from David Wood-Robinson about his brother Mark.
Our condolences to the family.
My brother Mark Wood-Robinson who was at BCS from 1940 to 1945 has just died (March 14) at the age of 86. He was Lighting Consultant for South West Electricity Board for about 30 years and designed the lighting, both interior and floodlighting, for a great many well known buildings, including several cathedrals, in the SW of England. He was an active Christian in a Bristol church and a runner for charity.
David Wood-Robinson [BCS same dates].

OCA India annual lunch 2017 / a few pictures

OCA INDIA ANNUAL LUNCH held on the 12th of February 2017 at New Delhi was attended by a large number of OCs. A few pictures are attached!