Hi Folks,
I have now become a published author, though I have taken the route of self-publishing on Amazon Kindle (less hassles than with publishers). My novel can be purchased for a paltry Rs. 200 in India or for USD 2.99 in the US. It is also available in most countries of the world at equivalent local currency.
The book is titled, “Retribution by Proxy,” and can be searched by my name, Surinder S. Ahluwalia or by title. The cover you will see on the web page, is an artist’s version of a group photo that plays a pivotal role in the story. It has an interesting storyline, an idea about which, can be had by reading the synopsis on the web page. There is no fancy language – in fact it has been written in everyday language. It is a story of two school time friends in their early twenties, an engineer and an aspiring private detective, who are confronted and affected by the consequences of a crime that was committed more than 25 years earlier, when the British still ruled India.
Here’s the link:
Do give it a read, and if you find it interesting, please give your rating and comments via Kindle. Needless to say, I am a first time author, and will need a lot of encouragement accompanied by good and positive publicity to attract buyers.
Happy Reading,
Surinder S. Ahluwalia
Monthly Archives: August 2016
OCs Week 2016
OC Week 2016 & Golden Jubilee ( 1966), Silver Jubilee (1991) Celebrations
Wednesday, 28th September 2016
4:30 p.m.
• Arrival of the Car Rally: organised by OCA ( Northern Chapter)
5:00 p.m
• Prize distribution ( Guest of Honour Mr. Vijay Singh Mankotia)
5:15 p.m.
• High Tea in the Headmaster’s Lodge Side lawn / school dining hall; Subject to weather conditions and the number of OC’s present.
Thursday, 29th September 2016
9:30 a.m.
• Special Chapel Service in the Holy Trinity Chapel for the batch of 1966 & 1991, Main School boys and Old Cottonian’s Staff Main Scholl & Junior School.
Dress Code:Formals-Blazer & Tie
10:15 a.m.
• High Tea in the main School Dining Hall
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
• Soccer, Basket Ball & Racquet Games
• ( Lawn Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis & Squash)
1:30 p.m.
• Lunch ( Main School Dining Hall); Batch of 1966 & 1991, Staff, OC-Team, School Teams & Upper Sixth Form.
4:30 p.m
• The Annual Inter-House English One Act Play Competition. Guest of Honour: Batch of 1996 & 1991)
7:30 p.m.
• Headmaster’s Dinner for the batch of 1996, 1991, Old Cottonian’s, Staff-Academic & Administrative.
Dress Code: Formals-Blazer & Tie
Friday, 30th September 2016
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• Annual School Fete
8:00 p.m.
• OCA Dinner :Special Invitees-Headmaster, Head Junior School, Senior Master, Second Master, Bursar, Admin Officer, House Masters-Curzon, Ibbetson, Lefroy, Rivaz.
Dress Code: Formals-Blazer & Tie
Venue would be intimated closer to the date.
Saturday, 01st October 2016
9:30 a.m.
• Annual Cricket Match
1:30 p.m.
• Lunch at the Headmaster’s Lodge Side Lawn for the OC’s of the Batch of 1996, 1991 & Special Invitees); Others in the School Dining Hall.
Kindly contact the following :
1. To participate in the Rally: Col.NKS Brar (Retd.) at mikkibrar@yahoo.co.in or on 9780402999.
2. Hotel Accommodation in Shimla: Arun Sirkeck at arunsirkeck1965@gmail.com or on 9418044545.
3. To take part in the sporting events:Ashwini Wirk at ashvirk@hotmail.com or on 9810194724.
Ajay Thiara
Old Cottonian’s Association