The MITRE / Nov 1961

Many thanks to ANUPAM SACHDEV for sending in this 1961 copy via Vijay Khurana:

Click here to read The MITRE / November 1961 issue


For the history buffs…Found an old copy as I was cleaning out my parents place….Pompeii [Anupam Sachdev]

Such pieces revive wonderful memories. This is one issue of The Mitre that is historically important for many – the announcement of Mr & Mrs Brown departure from BCS. I know that both GP Sahi and Susan Whipps, Mr Brown’s daughter will be interested. Will forward it to them.

A lot of names now come to life and a lot of memories come alive. Names hit you after all these years and they become real again. Then some other names hit you in a different way. You know these guys have gone away and will never return. I remember those voices and those faces. I miss them.

You yearn for those times and you know that those sounds, smells or surroundings will never come back ever again in the way they then existed.

Keep this issue of The Mitre or we can archive it suitably with the keepsakes that probably exist with The School.

On reflection, Dusty’s farewell was pretty dry and inspid. It lacked warmth, I thought!!



Congratulations to Rishi Rana for standing 1st in Shell (from KG to Form VI)
Jai Joshi MD
Thanks Joshi 2 for  remembering and noticing this. To be quite frank this has been a millstone round my neck. However my greatest achievement is that I have four grandchildren today.
Regards and all the best for the future
Wonderful and extremely nostalgic period from the Mitre of 1961 Sir! Especially for me ..That was the year I joined our Bishop Cotton School … Travelling by Calcutta School Party .. Aged 5… Lefroy… Roll No: 123…
The start of a life that continues to roll…never forgetting , always remembered. Along with members of the OCA ( UK) chapter I attended the funeral of Freddy Brown in SE England… All the Hymns and Psalms were chosen from our School Chapel Hymnal & Psalm Book.
With Every Best Wish
Vivek Bhasin

Thank for the 1961 mitre.wonderful memories of BCS. In our class it was always H.S Bedi,Paraminder and Umesh in the first three.Others were far behind.I used to come in the 5-6 position. I am enjoying with my bless you all.

N.K.Sethi (I)485 1953-1962


Hi Vijay,
Thank you for this. I have saved it and will take a printout and give it to Umesh. I am sure he will enjoy reading it. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Love and Light,

Ranjana spouse Umesh Dutta