Hirindra Singh (Leslie) passed away

This is to inform u the sad passing of a OC.A great sportsman of his time from was from Rivaz House (capt) I am sure Wendy Dewan will remember him and so many others. He was one of the great Patiala boys who studied in BCS. Please read the attached mail which was forwarded to me. Thank you.
Milo K.S. Dhanoa
Lefroy 1950-59

From: “Mumick Family” Jai

I just heard the sad news that Hirindra (Leslie) has passed away from an old friend of his, Joice Ashley Winn in Phoenix. According to her Hirindra passed away peacefully in his sleep early morning on June 11supth/sup at the Hospice in  Antioch, California, near San Francisco. He was apparently 78.

Joice mentioned that she knew Hirindra since he was 41 years old. She had been authorized by Hirindra to take care of matters on his behalf.  She has collected his ashes for anyone wishing to take a portion to India for immersion in the Ganges.