Minutes of Meeting AGM of OCA (INDIA) held on 29th September, 2014
Venue : Maple Room, India Habitat Centre
- The President welcomed all the members present and apprised them of various developments and works being undertaken by the OCA and its members to improve the infrastructure at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, such as total refurbishing of the Staff Room at School, provision of a quality Filtration Plant for the Swimming Pool and installation of Solar water Heating Plant for the main school.
- The minutes of the Last AGM were duly approved and adopted.
- The balance sheet and final accounts of 2013-14 were approved.
- Secretary’s Report was put up by the Jt. Secretary and discussed with members.
Various issues were addressed to all the members, such as –
– A notice from the Registrar of Societies relating to the amended MOA was received by the society and is to be acted upon.
– Income assessment proceedings are being finalised and information furnished.
– Funds of the OCA (INDIA) to be utilized for the needy members.
– A low cost but effective Mobile application for fast & easy interaction between the OCs nationwide is to be initiated soon to establish a greater cause for mutual co-operation and betterment of Old student fraternity. A reputed IT firm ‘Campus Mall Pvt. Ltd.’ has agreed to develop the same for OCA(INDIA) which would be duly considered. They have also agreed to provide classy sportswear/memoriblia through e-commerce to members of OCA(INDIA).
– The traditional Annual Lunch of OCA(INDIA) held in February every year in Delhi has become synonymous with its identity and more popular amongst the OC fraternity and therefore shall continue to be hosted in Delhi at all times to come. - An advice of a Company Secretary was sought to determine the implementation of Amended MOA according to whom the amended MOA would be in force from the day it was submitted with amendments in the Registrar’s office and it was duly accepted by the house.
- For selection of Post of Vice-President only two applications were received – that of Mr. Sukhinder Singh and Mr. Vivek Bhasin. The house moved a motion that only application of Mr. Sukhinder Singh should be considered since the second application of Mr. Vivek Bhasin was received only a day before the AGM and he himself was not present for the AGM. Mr. Sukhinder Singh accordingly was selected as the Vice-President and would function as the President from 01/04/2015.
- Two members were also elected to the executive committee members of OCA(INDIA) namely Mr. Vijay Khurana & Justice (retd) R.S.Sodhi.The present executive committee members would cease to be members from 01/04/2015. and the newly elected members along with the two to be chosen by the President and those nominated by the Chapters would form the Executive committee as per the MOA. It would therefore be in order for all the Chapters to conduct their elections according to the MOA (if not already done) and inform the OCA regarding these.
The logo, crest, name, design etc. of Bishop Cotton School are the copyright of the Bishop Cotton School, Shimla and not OCA. The OCA does not have the title to distribute the rights to any third party. Has the Headmaster, BCS consented to the use of the above material by Campusmall?
Souvenirs and other merchandise are a source of revenue to the School. Is Campusmall going to share their revenue with the OCA or BCS? Anyway OCA can’t give rights to something it doesn’t own in the first place. Headmaster, BCS should be contacted to speak on the matter.
I received, as many other OCs I know, an email purporting to be from “Old Cottonians Association” selling BCS Tee Shirts.
See copy here:
I note from the Minutes of Meeting of the OCA India AGM, that you have made an arrangement with this company as such.
How did OCA share or give out my details without consent?
Secondly, it is incorrect for them to send mails as “Old Cottonians Association”. Kindly correct this gross error.
Congrats dear Rupi, Vijay n Sukhi welcome to the committee – Manjit Dayal
Congratulations! Vijay, R.S. and Sukhi.
Unfortunate that my classmate Vivek’s candidature fell thru the cracks.
Congratulations for electing Vijay Khurana and the good justice R.S Sodhi. I can see a new dawn for OCA India
Jai Joshi, MD
Rivaz 1954-1963