The President,
Old Cottonians Association:
All India Chapter
Northern Chapter
Himachal Chapter
Dear Sirs,
While it is all very well for us to get together in pleasant circumstances, the same does not hold true, more often than not, in situations where one is confronted with the hard realities of life.
I write to you specifically in connection with one of our staff member’s Mr. Dinesh Kumar’s son being diagnosed with the onset of cancer for which he has been rushed to Mumbai and would be operated upon on the 13th of May 2014. The operation has been estimated to set him back by approximately Rs. 9 Lakhs. While we in school as his colleagues are doing whatever we can to help him out in his moment of need and more so because the young boy is an Old Cottonian who passed out of school in the year 2010, I make an appeal to you and the rest of the Cottonian fraternity to kindly help out in whichever possible way you can to garner in sufficient funds for this young boy’s treatment. Should any of you individually or as an organization want to donate to this cause, kindly send in the amount directly to Mr. Dinesh Kumar’s personal account, UCO Bank Account No. 19710100003089, IFSC Code UCBA0001971.
I would like to place on record my sincere thanks and gratitude for the help which I am sure will be rendered.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
R.C. Robinson
The Headmaster
Dear Old Cottonians,
I am forwarding this appeal made by the Headmaster, BCS, with a request that OCs liberally contribute. The OCA would also immediately be extending some financial help to the family.
Best regards,
BM Singh
It’s just fine to ask for assistance (albeit for a good cause) but this headmaster (in his boundless arrogance) will still require that you wear your ID badges when you visit!
J Joshi, MD
Rivaz (1954-1963)