Monthly Archives: September 2013

A fantastic true shot of the First Flat, circa 1913, discovered by John Whitmarsh Knight among his family memorabilia. Vivek Bhasin [L 1961-70] says “John Whitmarsh-Knightnephew of Tubby Whitmarsh-Knight taught English and internationalism at BCS for three years and ratcheted up the ranking of the School; the boys excelled in English and topped the charts! The boys under his tutelage remain in constant touch with him.

The 1st Flat, Bishop Cotton School Simla. c1913. Picture provided by John Whitmarsh Knight.

The 1st Flat, Bishop Cotton School Simla. c1913. Picture provided by John Whitmarsh Knight.

Click for a larger view.


Sandeep Mansukhani climbs KUN [7077 mtrs]. Congratulations!

Old Cottonian SANDEEP MANSUKHANI scales Mt. KUN [7077 mtrs], the news just came in with a few pictures shown below. Details of the expedition are expected from Sandeep in the next few days. CONGRATULATIONS to Sandeep on yet another great achievement! His last climb was STOK KANGRI at 6153 mtrs on 20th August 2013.

You can read Sandeep’s diary notes from the expedition here.

Those on Facebook can access his page here

Ambassadors of Bishop Cotton School (Old Cottonians)

The Meaning of ‘Ambassador of Bishop Cotton School’

A person who represents himself as a distinguished representative of Bishop Cotton School is aware that his grounding and formative years in that great institution are the basis of how he conducts himself in society, be it Public or Private. He has earned the right to be called a blue bloodied ‘Old Cottonian’ because of great knowledge and experience imparted to him through history, through traditions and through  spirits and souls of those unique individuals who lived, learnt, taught and played over the hundred and many years of this great school. It is the grooming, the soft and hard skills and basic life aspects that have churned within every Cottonian  when he arrives on the world’s stage.  He is an example of dignity, honour and respect and when returning to our Alma mater comes back with great humbleness and humility to impart and give back from within himself a part of his life and express life’s meaning to those youngsters who are now in the cradle of Bishop Cotton School. A Cottonian is a unique person who stands apart from the rest.This does not always mean he reaches the top of the mountain before the others, but even if he follows he does so with knowledge secure. He has picked up the goodness from this world and strives to improve himself even further. A thorough gentleman and a scholar. An Ambassador of Bishop Cotton School.

Vivek C.Bhasin

Protocol for Old Cottonians

The following email was received by the President / OCA India from Mr. Roy C. Robinson Headmaster of Bishop Cotton School for circulation to all OCAs and OCs:

From: headmaster <>

Date: Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:41 PM
Subject: Protocol for Old Cottonians
To: B. M. Singh; Sukhinder Singh; Narinder Chauhan

The President, Old Cottonians Association All India
The President, Old Cottonians Association Northern Chapter
The President, Old Cottonians Association Himachal Chapter

Dear Presidents of the Various Old Cottonians Associations

I write to you with a reasonable submission, whereby you are requested to make it known to all Members of the Old Cottonians Associations that common courtesy and decency as well as etiquette and protocol demands that any OC wishing to visit the School, ought to intimate and get prior consent before doing so. This unfortunately is not being practiced and I have had the sad and ugly experience of OC’s landing up and demanding entry into the School campus, sometimes at fairly unreasonable hours with the extreme expectation that The Headmaster would roll out the red carpet for them as and when they so desire it, which unfortunately is not possible. They sometimes throw their weight around and indulge in name dropping etc. to get entry. 

I would request you as Presidents of the various chapters to make this known to all concerned so as to avoid future embarrassment on all sides.

Yours sincerely,

R.C. Robinson
The Headmaster
Bishop Cotton School, Shimla 

EDITOR: Please see the update from OCA India on 1st October 2013


Revisions and Updates : OCA India AGM 2013

DATE : 30th September, 2013

Raunaq Room – PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry,
4/2 – Institutional Area,
August Kranti Marg,
New Delhi 110062

The UPDATED* Agenda and the Program is detailed below :

  1. Address by President Emeritus
  2. President’s address
  3. To approve the minutes of last AGM
  4. To approve and adopt the accounts of 2012-2013
  5. Secretary’s report
  6. * To apprise the members of the amended MOA and  to seek ratification if required by the Registrar of Societies.
  7. As this would be the transition year, to invite applications for the post of Vice President whose selection shall be made according to the clauses of the amended MOA. To also elect two members to the Executive Committee.
  8. Any other points with permission of the Chair

(Program will be followed by Tea)

Download/View the MOA

Notice of AGM 2013 OCA INDIA


DATE : 30th September, 2013
TIME : 2 P.M. 3 PM

Raunaq Room – PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry,
4/2 – Institutional Area,
August Kranti Marg,
New Delhi 110062

The Agenda and the Program is detailed below :

  1. Address by President Emeritus
  2. President’s address
  3. To approve the minutes of last AGM
  4. To approve and adopt the accounts of 2012-2013
  5. Secretary’s report
  6. Ratification of amendment in bye laws of MOA [See REVISION]
  7. Election of Members of Committee including Vice-president, Joint Secretary [See REVISION]
  8. Any other points with permission of the Chair

(Program will be followed by Tea)


OCA Canada reunion : Saturday September 28 2013

OCA CANADA reunion  : 6.30pm Saturday September 28 2013 at Tandoori Flame Brampton

You are invited to the above reunion at


Date September 28, 2013
Place Tandoori Flame Brampton
Cost $23 which includes the HST and tip
Dress OC tie and jacket or jacket and tie

I look forward to seeing you all.
The following are coming so far :

  • John Mclaughlin I48 John as usual will be driving about 6 hours from Michigan to have a meal with us
  • Prashant Sehgal/wife/baby
  • Deepinder Bains/wife
  • Gurpreet Singh Bhogal
  • Tanvir Sodhi
  • Sameer Sodhi
  • Jaikanran Ghuman
  • Rajeshwar Mangat
  • Prem Verma
  • Gerald Godinho/spouse/daughter

I look forward to seeing you and Prem and Gurpreet please cfm if your spouses will be attending.

I will call the restaurant on Sept 21st to cfm how many of us will be attending.
Enjoy the remainder of the summer.

Jerry Godinho L 83
PS Yesterday I called Stanley Kumar at YPS Patiala and Mr Jerry Yuhanna at Alexander School in Amritsar. In two minutes they recognized my voice and knew my first and last name. It has been 30 years since I left school. They have seen 30 batches graduate from two different schools, yet the memory of a boarding school teacher amazes me.