Monthly Archives: January 2013

The OCA India Annual Lunch 2013

LUNCH – OCA (INDIA) NEW DELHI on Sunday 3rd February 2013 at 12.00 noon

The OCA Annual Lunch will be held at 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110 016 on Sunday 3rd February 2013 at 12.00 noon.

i) Donation for Lunch:
(a) OCs Rs.1500/-
(b) College Students Rs. 500/-
(c ) OC s’ wives and girl friends are guests No charges

Donations are sought from OCs above 70 years.
All OCs are requested to donate liberally over and above the lunch charges.

ii) Dress: Blazer with Tie/ Lounge Suit/ Combination Suit

Happy Days are here again!

Col. R. Dewan
Hony. Secretary
OCA (India)

Note: As all OCs are not habitually accessing the Net, it is requested that, those who do, should give it wide publicity.

I, (Name) …………….…………………………………….House I/C/R/L (Please tick)
Years in School from ………..…….to……………Batch year …………………….……. Address……………………..……………………………………………………………..
E-mail ID……………………………..……………………..…………………………….
Tel: (Off)……………………………………….(Res)……………..……………………..
Mob: ………..………………………….

Will be attending the OCA, Lunch on Sunday 3rd Feb 2013 at 12.00 pm Yes / No ………….

RSVP: Gopa Seal
Tel: 4209 2302

1, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi – 110 016.
Tel: 011 – 4209 2302
Web site:
E Mail:

Date: January 18, 2013

Identify / Occasion – anyone?

We received this email and accompanying photo from Paul Grove. If anyone can help identify the people in this photo and when/what – that would be greatly appreciated!

Hello there – sending you a photo from my family archive! My great uncle Geoffrey Anthony and Grandfather Edward Anthony attended Bishop Cotton in the 1930’s. We found this photo with the word ‘Simla’ on the back but that’s all we know. If anyone can shed any light on the identities / occasion, it would be very helpful!

Best wishes,

